Drawing on Discord
11/18 '24

Mobile mapper for Ushr - roaming the US and Canada constantly. Maybe a bit of art and/or writing here and there to spice things up.
I want to get back into the habit of recording random ideas / notes as I go down the road. I've fallen out of the habit, and it makes life far less fun.
Also, less creative.
Latest idea: produce a series of simple sketches that are 'base poses' of the RPG archetypes: Warriors, Rogues, and Spellslingers. (There are about a miiiiiillion subgroups, but the poses (I think) all would generally fall into those categories.)
Day before yesterday? (While I was still on break and talking to my brother) the idea was 'recreate the Sons of Anarchy back patch, but with School of Xavier and Cyclops as the 'wraith' in the center. I'm a nerd.
So you're at the public pool. You finally managed to learn to keep your head above water all by yourself.
Then, you get splashed a lot and when you look around, you realize that you're in a pool where olympic athletes come to do their laps. You're surrounded by them.
Then someone comes along and says "Guess what folks, we figured out individual motor boats. No need to know how to swim anymore!"
Makes it kinda hard to keep your head above the water.
* * * * *
In case it's not abundantly clear - I'm kinda burning out. I'm still plugging along, but my heart's not really in it. There's a tremendous sense of "What's the point?"
Anyway - the image(s) up top are what I did today on my day off (rain).
Tried a new technique. Someone pointed out in one of the videos I watched that there's no real reason to stick to the old process of a. pencils, b. inks, c. color flats, and d. rendering because that was designed for the comics of old based on physical limitations created by the printing process. So if you're working digitally...
So I went straight from 'pencils' to 'painting'. Dunno. There's some good texture in there, but I think I should have spent more time on the figure's silhouette. The arms get a bit confusing.
The pose was based a little on the third one below - all of which I did yesterday just to be 'putting pen to paper'.
I can't make a living doing these characters. Or, if that's possible, it's certainly not probable. Not by a long shot.
So what would I like to work on that does seem like it would be more reasonable to make a modicum of moolah on?
Crests. For clubs and groups. I feel like this is an untapped thing. Like, if more folks realized that they could get something like this done, they might. I've even seen more 'official' types doing this based on family lineage and whatnot. I wouldn't try to put on airs like that. I would just assemble cool symbols for things your into. Or if your D&D group has a certain collection of character types and items that might be assembled into a crest in a cool way....
I really would like to work on labels for a distillery. Heck - those crests mentioned above would work for this. Something fantasy or viking theme, obviously would be ideal, but really, as long as they understand my style and aren't looking for an anime artist (because we're all the same, you know), I'm game.
Oh, who am I kidding? I would absolutely draw anime if that's what they really wanted.
Beer labels would work too.
I'd like to do some more tattoo designs (see some previous work here). That's unlikely though because most tattoo artists will do the design for free (or nearly so) and if you've done your homework on the artist in question - you know - because they're going to put their art into your flesh forever - you presumably already like their style.
What else?
Pet portraits or portraits of real people. Especially if it's a mashup of fantasy and reality. "My buddy as a barbarian." That kinda stuff. I'm admittedly not amazing at likenesses, but I can make it work, and honestly, it's an area I could use more work in to get better.
I've started doing tee shirt designs, but I'm really an amature. I've got a buddy who does a lot of graphic design work for cannabis companies and he gave me some great feedback on the existing designs in my merch shop. That said, it also made it very clear how far I have to go before I'm, you know, good.
Guess I'm just going to have to try number 2.
For the record - it's a rain day, so I'm back at my favorite local coffee shop (The Spokesman).
If you're curious, a quick search yields this article about Lichtenhainer beers at the Beer Advocate.
Heh. Spellcheck auto corrected the beer name to my last name.
It's delicious! Honestly, I've never had anything like it before. I suppose I should point out that I'm generally not a 'beer guy' so maybe this sort of flavor is more common than I realize, but...
It seems salty and sour. Kinda like a dill pickle brine. Obviously, I wouldn't drink a dill pickle brine down, but this is in that direction. If nothing else, it's something interesting for a change.
In the Mario Brothers series of games, my understanding is that you play the Mario Brothers and have to rescue Princess Peach. Then, Bowser immediately recaptures her and wash, rinse, and repeat.
This seemed... like it was in need of an update. So I didn't spend long on this, but I wanted to get the idea down before I lost it.
One of the themes in my life of late is to try to get as many folks as I can to see the illustration stuff I'm doing. In an era of "you don't see everything from everyone you follow" social media, this is... more challenging than seems reasonable.
I understand that mailing lists are the way to go for that, but the problem with mailing lists are two fold: 1. You have to get people onto them, which many folks are loathe to do. 2. Once they're on your list, many folks ignore / delete the emails because they're 'extra'.
Which isn't to say I'm not going that route. On the contrary. I probably will. I've started to before, but never really finished (see all my previous commentary on ADHD).
Even if / when I DO manage to create a reasonable email list, that still doesn't get around issue 1. The vast majority of the internet using world won't be on it. And dragonbones.net is accessible to pretty much everyone who has access to the web.
Shut up, man. Get to the point.
Okay, okay. Sorry. Verbose Guy here.
I thought I would start doing a monthly summary post on dragonbones about the sketch work that I did the month prior.
It's a good art-news system, it gives folks a taste of what's in the Patreon page if they might be interested, and it keeps dragonbones fresh(ish).
So here's the first one: The Sketchy Stuff from December 2022.
(Dwarf at the top of the page is just something I was noodling on... yesterday? This is at about the 1/2 hour stage.)
Yes, we get it. You made an ebook.
Sorry - I know you've probably seen me posting about it elsewhere. Thing is, you can have it for free, if you like, and I want as many people to have access to it as possible.
Didn't get anything for your neice for the holidays? Bingo. Grandson's into fantasy / D&D? Sold. They can print the pages out and color them as many times as they like.
I won't tell if you're there coloring alongside them. ;)
Anyway, if you haven't picked up a copy yet, it's available on my site / Gumroad here:
If you do download / gift / check it out, I would love to hear what you liked or disliked about it! (I'm planning to do more like this in the future, so all feedback helps.)
I did a little experimental thread over on my Twitter stream. I wanted to encourage a couple of things - namely audience interaction and I wanted to provide them an actual reason to share the thread.
Simply put: I provided a series of polls for folks to vote on to determine how I constructed a monster.
Here's a link to the thread in case you're curious.
The results to the first poll (bipedal or quadrapedal) was:
The second poll was what kind of terrain the creature spends its time in. The audience chose subterranean so I added digging claws and narrowed the torso to make the creature more wedge shaped.
The third poll was how many heads the creature has. Crowd said 2.
And the fourth and final poll was what kind of tail to give it (or to give it none). The crowd picked a long straight tail with a club end.
After the final poll, I finished the tail and posted it and then felt like I should go ahead and paint it. Since I was already in an experimental mode, I took the sketch, blurred it a bit, and then mixed the sketch lines in with the digital paint layers. The final results are at the top of the post.
Here's the process video if you enjoy that.
I really need to get back to the work for my Patreon page, but this was an excellent little experiment and I plan to do it again in the near future.
This is the character I'm currently working on for Patreon:
Still doing the heads thing. Here we have 36-40 and they be gerblins!
In case you're curious about the pseudo random geometric shapes I started this batch with, you're in luck - here they are:
If you would like to see the rest, they're in a thread over on the Twitterz.
So I won't be in town, but my family is having a get together this Sunday. There's going to be some festivities for the youngins' thanks to my folks. Slip 'n Slide, water balloon toss, etc.
And speaking of tossing water balloons, my folks asked if I would create a target to put down in the yard so they can launch balloons at it from the deck.
My Dad got the idea that it would be good to use Tyvek since it's all white so the image would stand out. Tyvek isn't exactly the best surface to work on, but I couldn't argue with the contrast idea and he has a bunch extra so it was free, and it's durable, so... Sharpies worked to lay in lines:
Then, because this is clearly a "use what you've got handy" kind of project, we used a pair of random latex based house paints (watered down to various levels) that they had on hand and some overly large brushes to paint it. This was a little extra trying BECAUSE TYVEK.
But also, I was having fun doing something stupid and calling it art. So:
Certainly not the greatest work I've ever done, but it was fun, and hopefully the kids will get a kick out of chucking stuff at it. :)
Also, it kinda looks like a goblin head. I think I've got goblins on the brain lately.
Just a quick one to let y'all know I started the Draw 100 Heads challenge today (with a fantasy theme, of course) over on my Twitter account.
If you'd like to check it out, I started a thread, so you should be able to come back to this link as time passes and find all of them...