Strange Gods
6/5 '23

So belief in something creates a god (or goddess or...) of that thing. Even a small amount of faith - by billions of people - adds up.
Goddess of Footwear.
God of the Monsters Under the Bed.
Goddess of Walks in the Park.
God of Brunch.
You get the idea.
I'd love to collect a series of short stories by authors more skilled than myself for a compendium where I illustrate each god(dess).
I could imagine short stories on everything from their daily existence to their creation to the indirect effects of their existence on the rest of us.
Diversity in both the sorts of gods as well as the types of stories would be the point. My art would be the only consistent thing throughout the book, because I think there needs to be a visual consistency to avoid being distracting.
Consider this Creative Idea Number 734098450893278 that I won't ever be able to get to. :(
Anyway - the image up top is the latest Twitter thing I'm doing. The place is a cess pool, and keeps glitching for me, but my little corner seems (relatively) unaffected, so I keep going. Seems like it is (overall) circling the drain though.
If any of you would like to play, I made a template that prints out to 8.5 x 11 with light lines so you can use paper and pencils/pens:

I told Edmundson about this. He said, "Oh, yeah, the goddess of parking spaces is totally legit, her name is Squat. Chris Adams and I used to drive around West Philly, looking for parking, and he'd have his head out the window, shouting, "A juicy lamb for SQUAT!"