Photo of a squirrel on a telephone pole. The little bugger was chattering away at me while I shut down the system on the truck tonight. They definitely were telling me ALL about it!

I want to get back into the habit of recording random ideas / notes as I go down the road. I've fallen out of the habit, and it makes life far less fun.

Also, less creative.

Latest idea: produce a series of simple sketches that are 'base poses' of the RPG archetypes: Warriors, Rogues, and Spellslingers. (There are about a miiiiiillion subgroups, but the poses (I think) all would generally fall into those categories.)

Day before yesterday? (While I was still on break and talking to my brother) the idea was 'recreate the Sons of Anarchy back patch, but with School of Xavier and Cyclops as the 'wraith' in the center. I'm a nerd.

A collection of some of my favorite character illustrations from my work last year.
11/2 '24