Matt Lichtenwalner

Mobile mapper for Ushr - roaming the US and Canada constantly. Maybe a bit of art and/or writing here and there to spice things up.

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I know - most of you probably left that particular platform a long time ago. I was still poking my head in pretty regularly, and as it happens, I was on it today. I was checking out the pluthera of goodbye posts from others who were swearing that they would remain until Google kicked them out and barred the doors.

Then I hit refresh on my browser and got the screen above.

Well, it had plenty of problems, but I am genuinely sorry to see it go. I did pull all of my posts and upload them to MeWe, but it's not the same. What's more, some of the content (some images, etc) didn't translate over. So I'm cleaning up old posts that don't make sense anymore.

But with that said, I was a little surprised to see that I was on Google Plus for 8 years, and that ain't nuthin.

For any who are curious:

4/2 '19 4 Comments
It was, by an order of magnitude, my favorite social media platform, especially when it was still joined at the hip to Google Hangouts.
Yeah. There was definitely something about it. I’d no idea I had been on it for so long. I am also finding (as I look back through my posts there) that I posted there in a more diverse fashion than I do on most other sites. Just... interesting.
What does posting in a diverse fashion mean?
Variety of topics and even styles of post. Some of them were short 'this is how I'm feeling'. Some were longer and more in depth on some topic or other. (Though in honesty, those were pretty infrequent.) And some were just "here's the art I'm working on" stuff. Oh - and a LOT of cross posting and sharing stuff friends were working on either for fun or profit or both.

Mostly, these days, I do all of that on Twitter (sans the in depth stuff - just links to it) but I guess I'm just intriqued by the idea that Plus was kinda a "whatever I'm feeling" platform.

Partly, I think that was because it was very easy to break down who could see what on the site. OPW is pretty good about that, but with Plus being Google based, anyone with a GMail could see a post specific to them. That was... convenient.