Matt Lichtenwalner
Mobile mapper for Ushr - roaming the US and Canada constantly. Maybe a bit of art and/or writing here and there to spice things up.
- Followed
- Follows you
- ,star wars
- 1100
- 3 little pigs
- addiction
- ai
- alternate reality gaming
- art
- art business
- art ideas
- art thoughts
- art work
- artistic venue ideas
- artists
- artwork
- austin
- baby k
- bad luck
- bard
- bard campaign
- batman
- beer
- birthday
- birthday art
- birthdays
- black and white
- body language
- book
- brainstorming
- business
- business planning
- captain america
- changeling
- character portraits
- characters
- charity
- children's books
- coffee shop
- color
- coloring book
- commission
- concept art
- creative ideas
- creative tech
- creative work
- creatives
- creativity
- creature
- d&d
- deep thoughts like jack handy
- demo
- demons
- depressed
- desperados
- digital art
- digital painting
- diner life
- dogs
- doodle
- dragonbones
- dragons
- draw 100 heads
- drawing
- drawlloween
- dream journal
- dreams
- drider
- drivers
- drivethrurpg
- drone
- dungeons and dragons
- dwarf
- east penn diner
- ebook
- email list
- excelsior
- fanboi
- fantasy
- fast zombie
- fediverse
- feedback
- fourth of july
- friends
- frustration
- fun
- funny
- game art
- game of thrones
- games
- gaming
- generators
- good and evil
- google plus
- grumblebitchmoan
- grumpy
- gumroad
- half orc
- head shapes
- heads
- heroes
- how to
- how to draw fantastic humans
- hulk
- hulu
- humor
- i have a problem
- i love animals
- illustration
- ink drawings
- ink sketch
- inks
- inktober
- inktober2017
- inktober2022
- inspiration
- interesting day
- ionquest games
- jobs
- journal update
- just thinkin
- keys
- let's make a monster
- life
- life goals
- life on the road
- location lexicon
- locks
- logseq
- love
- loyalty
- magic user
- marketing
- marvel
- mastodon
- may the fourth
- maze of minos
- memes
- memory lane
- mewe
- mix tape
- monsters
- music
- mythology
- nanowrimo
- nanowrimo2022
- new year
- news
- noisy zombie
- old friends
- olympia
- opw
- paper minis
- patch
- patch book
- patreon
- pc
- philosophy
- philosophy of me
- playing drone doctor
- podcasts
- politics
- pre coffee
- productivity
- products
- project ideas
- quality over quantity
- quarantine
- quinn
- rabbit hole
- rain day
- random
- random adventure
- random encounters on the road
- randomizer
- relics
- road music
- road warrior
- roaming
- rpg
- rpg art
- rpg development
- runaways
- security
- self portrait
- self publishing
- selling art
- sharpee pen
- side job
- six guns
- sketch
- sketches
- skin tones
- slacking
- smaugust
- smaugust2020
- social media
- stan lee
- story ideas
- streaming
- t-shirt designs
- tablesmith
- tall tales
- tech
- tee-shirt
- teepublic
- things that matter to me
- tiddlywiki
- time management
- tomtom
- toonme
- toys
- traditional media
- ttrpg
- update
- valkyrie
- video
- wa
- walking
- webcomic
- websites stuff
- weird stuff
- werewolf
- wild west
- wolves
- worldbuilding
- write chain
- writing
- writing as work
- writing technique
- wukr
- wulfric
- yoda
- zerotech dobby