Jill "xtingu" Knapp
Traveling musician. Singer. Road warrior in bursts. Dork. Easy to spot. Gauche eyeshadow fan. Unreasonably happy.
- Followed
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- "beauty" products
- #homeys10
- 53rd and 3rd
- adulting
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- airports
- anemia
- anthropomorphize all the things
- anxiety
- arizona
- article
- austin
- beatlefest
- beatles
- billy joel
- binge watching
- birds
- birthday pie
- blackberry
- blather
- bobbi
- boox max 2 pro
- boox onyx max 2 pro tablet
- brain bees
- broadway
- burning man
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- cashola
- civid-19
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- coffee
- coffee break concerts
- comput0r
- concerts
- cool events
- cool links
- covid-19
- cow-orkers
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- david bowie
- death
- deep(ish) thoughts
- delaware
- disc golf
- do not want
- dorky
- dorky christmas show
- dragoncon
- drama
- dreams
- dreamwidth
- droid
- durk
- eclipse
- existential dread
- eyeballs
- family
- filling the day
- fishy
- freed'm and t'rror
- fxtec
- gadgets
- geek
- get off my lawn
- gigs
- girl bits
- glim dropper
- good morning jenn
- good naches
- hairz
- hamlet
- hanover park
- hanukkah
- happiness
- happy birthday
- health
- healthcare
- hisc
- history
- holidays
- homey awards
- hot breakfast
- house
- house concert
- hulu
- i feel seen
- i fucked up
- i have talented friends
- i'll pay you five bucks to eat that bug
- i'm an idiot
- i'm not proud
- itil
- itmfa
- james
- jd
- jeff
- jeremy
- joe
- just sayin'
- knapp-it
- ladytimes
- lazyweb
- life goes on
- life is good
- life tips
- listo
- lizzie
- lj
- lockdown
- look ma i'm famous
- lord buckethead
- lyrics
- mash
- massage
- mattoblatt
- media
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- minutia
- missed events
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- mom's brains
- more tags than content
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- nednop day
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- nostalgia
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- observations
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- opw
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- paul
- peeps
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- philadel
- philly
- phone
- politics
- pop culture
- popcorn
- portland
- procrastination
- radio
- recording
- rip
- rls
- samsung galaxy note
- science
- shine a light
- sick
- silly
- singing
- skin
- sleep
- small business
- snowcam
- so
- social distancing
- southwest air
- spa
- special times
- sportsball
- springsteen
- star wars
- steven page
- studio
- sunnyvale
- swings
- take my money
- tastysnax
- teef
- teevee
- thank you
- the bed
- the evelyn situation
- the fifth season
- the new voice studio
- the queen
- the rock orchestra
- the who
- theater
- this is why i take xanax
- thoughts from my folks' house
- tmi
- training
- travel
- tribute
- tv
- uncle greg
- vacation
- venting
- verizon
- videos
- voice
- waaambulance
- waycool
- we're doomed
- weather
- website
- weddings
- wilmington
- woo party
- words
- work
- world cafe live
- youtube
- zoom