The first iteration of my public mask. Isn't it funny that just a few months ago, antifa members were being told to take off their masks or face arrest. Now we're all wearing masks. If the bank lobbies were still open bank guard would suddenly be the hardest job in America.

My sister says I look like a Marvel comic book villain. She's not wrong. But damn, I need to beat back those eyebrows a little.

4/7 '20 2 Comments
Most excellent! And great check matching.
Agreed! The line-up work is schweeeeeet!

A long-awaited day has arrived: Seas of Vodari is now available as a PDF on DriveThruRPG!

I hope you'll check it out, I hope it'll become your new favorite thing, I hope you'll tell all of your friends!

It has been a delight to work with Shawn Ellsworth, Colin McLaughlin, Jack Houser, Michelle Klein Houser, Rabbit Seagraves, Tomas Giminez, Mark Cookman, and Dave Jumaquio. Consummate professionals all!

4/2 '20 2 Comments
Well, shit. I have never played an RPG in my life, but I want to play this.
If I can help with this in any way, let me know - but I'm guessing you've got plenty of friends who would be delighted to help. =)

If you need a mask and you can't sew, this might help.

Why not just wear a bandanna? This fits on your face more snugly, and you'll see that it has more layers. 

How am I supposed to get an 18" square of fabric? Dude, if I can cut up a pair of pajama pants, you can cut up an old t-shirt or a pillow case. 

I put away my sewing rig for now, I was tired of having it take up the entire living room. It's streamlined now and I brought it up to my office. I'm still obsessed with watching mask tutorials, though: the idea of making something flat into something three dimensional and useful continually astonishes me. 

4/1 '20 8 Comments
I kinda want to make some crazy paper mache demon mask with a cloth filter insert. Because why not?
Might not even have to make something. Looks like they make the ones above for paintball protection. The whole thing is on velcro which attaches to a harness around the face. I could simply add velcro to both sides of a protective mask, and I'd be done.
I found a similar tutorial on YouTube. I'm taking an air conditioner/HVAC filter apart and using the HEPA filter paper as an insert. i'm happy to send you some if you need it!
Wow, it's like mask-making and origami all in one! That's incredibly cool.

So far due to good luck and enormous privilege, we're healthy and working hard to remain so.

Mask up, friends, wash your hands, and stop touching your face.

3/29 '20 3 Comments
Thank you for the update. I'm very, very happy to hear that. Are you and D and your fellow citizens under mandatory lockdown?

I have never been more grateful for, and uncomfortable about, my privilege. We have enough. We are OK. We are safe, and we are happy, and we are creative together. I recognize how rare this is, and my heart aches for people who are alone, sick, scared, experiencing homelessness, worried about bills, etc. I don't know how to help except help people in my neighborhood, and donate what I can... but it seems so puny.

Much love heading northward to you both.
Not yet. Yesterday the provincial premier announced $750 fines for refusing to provide accurate identification to police when accused/charged with public health violation -- including failing to maintain physical distance. The fridge is getting bare of fresh food and I think we both dread a grocery run (probably solo to conform with current advice) along with the queues and anxiety.

We used to like walking a lot. Now it's fraught, undesirable. Even the staircases and halls in our own building may contain impatient people with no evidence of protective measures. We are playing Schroedinger's infection status.

My mum continues to be confined to bed in Hamilton, week 3 or 4 I think, as the illness has been confirmed for several residents and staff on the floor of her nursing home.
Same here. Just listening to the clock tick.

Today, while driving, I was listening to The Creative Penn podcast. She was talking at one point about how it's better as an entreprenuer to have an online business right now because people can still purchase your books, and that will help you stay afloat in the hard(er financially, at least) to come.

My mind wandered as it pretty much always does. That brought me to the simple idea that art, in all its various forms, are luxuries. They're not absolutely necessary for us to exist. Yes, I know. I, too, feel like it's pretty much life's blood, but logically, it's not.

That, in turn, made me think about the fact that many (most?) folks will have to cut back dramatically on their purchasing of any form of art in the near future. I myself was thinking about how I need to go on a 'financial diet', and get rid of a bunch of recurring payment stuff that I simply don't need.

But here's the thing - if we assume that TomTom isn't going to be forced to take us off the road, AND that I'll continue to be employed there for the forseeable future and of course that I don't get sick, I'm going to be okay. I still have a job. Art doesn't pay my bills. This is probably the first time in my life I'm thankful for that, even if only marginally.

All of which brought me around to "But what about those who aren't in my situation?"

I got really upset at that thought.

There are just so many people who are going to be struggling. And the artists out there who have been scraping by with the income from their art? Forgoing the 'niceties' of things like health coverage because they would rather be creating than healthy? Or maybe a step up from that - those who were able to get by, but certainly couldn't put even a penny away for a rainy day?


I know that there's talk of governmental help. I know that creatives aren't the only folks who will be hurting. But I just felt like... I dunno. I guess I just want to do something to help.

I have no idea what that is / should be.

Any thoughts?

3/27 '20 2 Comments
I have similar thoughts, and then I want to read up on the Federal Art Project, and why it worked or didn't.
Bookmarking for later consumption. Thanks for the heads up.

I gave this book, "Is Data Human? The Metaphysics of Star Trek", to my friend Chris shortly before he died from complications of muscular dystrophy.  I don't know whether he had time to read it.

It ponders a lot of the philosophical conundrums inspired by Star Trek tech, such as androids and transporters.  Our friend Tom B. says that he's chill with the idea of being scanned, destroyed, and re-created as an identical copy.  But what if the process goes awry?  This happens to Commander Will Riker, who winds up with a "twin" eventually named Thomas.  Is the "duplicate" going to be just as sanguine about being destroyed to balance the equations?  What if it's unclear which copy is "excess"?

If you played Rock-Paper-Scissors with yourself to solve this problem, would you keep tying endlessly, or are you already different enough to make different choices?  If you're already different, are you really exact duplicates?

3/24 '20 1 Comment
this thread is the definitive exploration of the subject:

I did jury duty a few weeks ago. It was a rape case, and there were five charges in total. We were able to only deliver one verdict, guilty on the charge of traumatic injury to an intimate partner. The case was complicated by having only a single witness, the victim, who also was rather unreliable. She admitted freely that she did not remember many of the events of that day, and what she did remember, she wasn't sure of their order. Both people involved had been smoking meth, which was used as a way to further cast doubt upon her testimony, despite clear instructions during jury selection that we should not let that bias us. Three of the four charges which we were hung were overwhelmingly tilted towards guilty, where one juror held out because she felt that the witness was not reliable at all, again despite instructions regarding the single witness rule. The one charge where we were definitely not close to any consensus was the actual rape charge.

It's difficult not to come away from a trial like that feeling that the system is tilted away from justice for the more vulnerable population, or feeling that, by thinking that she could have gotten a more just verdict if she had been a more reliable witness, it's not that far from saying that the victim didn't do enough, which is certainly not compassionate. There was no question that the defendant was a manipulative creep, in addition to his prior history, including a misdemeanor conviction of domestic violence.

After the trial, the judge asked the jury if we would stay behind to speak with both lawyers in order to talk about the case and ask any questions or give any feedback. Half of us did it, and I'm glad that I did so. During deliberations, the court recorder came in to read testimony back for us, and she commented that it was a dream trial in the sense that both lawyers were not only on their best behavior but actually worked well with each other. I noticed how remarkably civil and helpful they were, a far cry from the scripted undercutting and backbiting you see on television. I asked the public defender how well-funded his department was, and he said that he would only consider working for Santa Clara County, San Francisco, or New York.

3/22 '20 2 Comments
My one and only stint of jury duty was aggravated sexual assault, which I think wasn't rape only by dint of the fact that the aggressor didn't get beyond removing some clothing items from the victim. There were actually two charges, through which I discovered that "a credible threat of death" is a serious offence in Ireland.

The parties knew each other. The defence made much of this, more than I was comfortable with, given the solid statistics on a rapist being someone that the victim knows. Neither of the parties were sympathetic, either - not quite to the extent you've described above, but certainly there was a sense that this was just another disaster in the lives of two people who had plenty of other disasters in their lives. There was some stagey antagonism between the lawyers (barristers? solicitors? there's some nuance here that I don't know offhand about who gets to be in court and who just wears a suit in an office and takes your money in return for some quantity of legal advice), and I got the sense that it was grandstanding for the jury and the minimal public gallery, and that after the case the two would be off down the pub for a cosy chat.

The thing that struck me most was the whole concept of "beyond a reasonable doubt", which is the standard required for the assault charge; the judge explained to us that if there was any other /possible/ interpretation of the evidence, no matter how implausible, we should make a finding of "not guilty". I get the reasoning behind this, but it's an extraordinarily high burden of proof for a situation which frequently has no real chance of reaching that level of confidence, not least because there may only have been a single witness who also happens to be the victim and the accuser. I think, when it came down to it, there was a certain amount of fuzziness in how the jury interpreted this, because I may have been mistaken but it looked like the judge raised her eyebrows a little when the guilty verdict was delivered. I'm comfortable with my own vote on this, in no small part because of the audio from the emergency services call which we had access to. I don't much care what happened beforehand and who might have given what mixed signals to whom, the person on that call was terrified, and no amount of mitigating circumstances or alternative reads of the evidence could alter that.

Not, I would say, an experience I enjoyed. But an experience, nonetheless.
Ugh that is a wrenching situation. Thank you for doing the work.

Sometimes I really don't understand folks.

And generally, my mindset can be summed up as:

ETA: I did a new episode of 1100 to add a little of my own mirth to the topic:

3/22 '20 4 Comments
I'm sure glad we don't have a stomach bug going around. The stores would be stripped bare of nasal spray.
Heh. Too true.
Eeeee! Jillbot!
She doth return to the hallowed halls of 1100. :)