PB/Almond Cookies
1/7 '22
The classic fork-dressed peanut butter cookie recipe is 1C pb + 1/2C sugar + 1 egg. I wanted to improve it, and also make it easier to prep. At least in that one makes less mess. Have you ever tried to measure 1C of pb? But that's dumb when you could just weigh out 250g. So there's that reason gone. Anyway. We like these. They taste like food.
Preheat oven to 325F & grease two cookie trays/half sheet pans.
Prep get
- 400g of lightly salted snacking peanuts.
- 100g of roasted almonds (not salted).
- 250g of white sugar
Put all of that in a food processor and whiz it up until it's gone past powder and is starting to clump up again. At this point I turn it out into a mixing bowl, then add
- 2 eggs
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
Use a scraper or disher to mix thoroughly. It will get extremely sticky.
Use a spoon or a disher to portion balls of dough onto the trays, leaving some room for expansion. Use a fork to smash them flat. You'll probably need to grease the fork or it'll stick.
Bake at 325F for 11-15 minutes or until they smell done / are lightly browned. Remove with a spatula (which will probably also need to be greased). Let them cool on a rack for 10 minutes to firm up.
Edited to add: if you want them to stay soft-ish, put them in a covered container after they cool down. If you like them crisp, let them stay out for a while. At least this works in the winter when the humidity is low.
In a way, these are like peanut butter cookies made with almond flour.