Today is the "birthday" of Schrödinger's Cat. Don't forget to wish it a happy birthday. (Or schedule the funeral.)

11/29 '18 3 Comments
I think of Schrodinger's Cat often. This morning I woke up and thought about the text messages that may or may not be on my phone before I checked. For a moment, they didn't really exist, and therefore neither did the inevitable obligation to act on them, because I did not see them (not a perfect analogy, but I was still waking up.)
Obligations existing in a quantum state. Interesting wrinkle on Schrödinger's Cat.

Napoleon once directed his secretary Bourrienne to leave all letters unopened for three weeks. A large a part of the correspondence had thus disposed of itself and no longer required an answer. I tried doing this with bills once and it didn't work out so well.
That's funny - Mark and I were just discussing this particular feline over Thanksgiving. Thanks for the head sup!

Life in the entertianment world must be passing strange. The world is your stage at a certain level. And it's not uncommon to be an expatriate in another country, no matter what country you are from. It must say something very strong about America that at an advanced age, Billy Idol chose to become an American citizen. 

But I guess the look on his face says all it needs to say.

Photo courtesy of the US Citizenship and Immigration Services Twitter feed.

11/15 '18 4 Comments
It's a nice day to start again.
What you did there? I see it.
Made my day.

I was going to write a cynical, one sentence blurb about Florida's election TARFU situation. But, I realized that A) I wouldn't be adding anything positive to the situation. B) I have already resolved to sit back and enjoy the sound and fury signifying nothing. C) There is nothing I can do on the world stage. I've just got to make my little corner of it better and worry about me, my friends and family.

Carry on.

11/14 '18 2 Comments
Oh, this. So much this. So many hands-poised-above-the-keyboard moments as current events set my mind reeling. And then I think, nope.

And a funny thing happens: I redirect my energies to all things local, and I begin to spark some of the most amazing and fruitful conversations with people around me. Conversations about race and representation, about democracy and economics, about how to be a better person enlisted in making a better (local) world. Ideas for inclusion, expressions of gratitude, opportunities for service.

It doesn't make what's happening on the national or global stage any less... frightening or awful. But it both keeps me from existing in an insulated/isolated bubble, and it's soothing and directly helpful.
Very well put, Anne. I like this. A lot.

Just 100 years and several minutes ago, World War 1 ended. Every single person who served in that war has passed away.

"...They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them." - Lawrence Binyon, For the Fallen

11/11 '18 2 Comments
My grandfather was one of the men who served in that war. Thankfully he did grow old, so my father and I could live in this world that has yet to end all wars.
For all of the technical innovations that WW1 introduced, it must have seemed to the contemporaries that future wars were impossible.

Did you ever notice how in Akira, Kenada's motorcycle has a huge Shoei logo on the front hub, but nobody, not even Kenada, wears a helmet?

11/10 '18 2 Comments
I didn't. In my defense, it's been so long since I saw Akira, I'm not sure I knew what Shoei was back then.

In unrelated news: did you make it to the feedback group yesterday? I stopped in Wilmington after work on Thursday and got to chatting with Greg. Would love to join you guys in the future...
I did make it and Greg mentioned you were there. We meet on the second Friday of the month and submissions are due two Tuesdays earlier. What's your email? I'll get you a link to the Dropbox for the group.

I got invited to a costume party that was delayed from the prior Friday. So, post-Halloween, I had to gin up a costume and my ax wasn't back from the cleaners yet.

So, I re-treaded an old costume. The chestburster from Alien. Yes, I have one. He doesn' t eat much and things are fine as long as he stays inside the containment field and power doesn't fail.

I realized that this is the only costume I have that I could wear to cosplay at Comic Con, were I to ever brave the perils of the introvert-destroying event. Someday, maybe, if I go insane.

11/5 '18 4 Comments
"Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gaaaaaaal..."
Now where the heck am I supposed to find a teeny-tiny top hat?
I like the mouse. Nice touch.
The mouse was a table decoration. I thought it added a certain je ne sai quois.

10/29 '18 7 Comments
I showed this to Matt and he laughed *and* clapped! You always have the best costumes.
Nicely done sir. Nicely done.

Also... are you clean shaven?! I didn't know your face came with a no-hair option! (Similar to my mom's... ba-dum CHING!)
Not *quite* clean shaven. I clippered the goatee without a guide on. There's fuzz there, the rest of my face has about 2 days growth, but due to the fact that most of it is gray (damn you time, you unrelenting bitch!) it's not visible in this pic.

The title says it all. The  next phase of the home renovation process is to change the windows. Of course, in order to change the windows you have to be able to, you know, get at the windows. Unfortunately 18 years of accumulation has made that nigh unto impossible. 

I'm a nerd, so I started measuring and adding and I figure I need about 100 square feet of storage space. Not much furniture will make the move to new digs, but one Hell of a lot of books and tools will. Both of which can be stacked.

So, do I rent a storage locker, which will be a sunk cost, or do I look into other options? A CONEX box, one of those stackable shipping containers, would certainly do. It would be overkill in fact. Problem being, they're a bear to move. So you've got to hire someone to deliver them, and move them, and then you've got to have them hauled away. Another sunk cost. Pods have the same problem. And their storage costs are crazy. Which leaves a trailer. Trailer's are a major up front cost, but most of that could be recouped once you move your stuff into the new place for all of your stuff and sell the trailer.

Fortunately I own a vehicle suitable to tow a trailer. Insurance is negligeble, ~$30 for six months. Registation doesn't even crack $100 a year. Wheel chocks, padlocks and security devices so someone doesn't drive off with all of my stuff will run about another $100.

So, on Friday I'm off to the wilds of Pennsylvania to purchase a trailer. Which should be an adventure, because I tow a vehicle once a year, max.

10/17 '18 12 Comments
1. Good luck with the trailer. I'll keep my eye out for you.
2. Alternatively, you could just have a 'getting rid of my shit' party. Just sayin. (I'm a purge-a-holic.)
I was going to say, "YARD SALE!!!" ;)
But... but... but... BOOKS!
I certainly didn't say it would be painless!
You also didn't say it would be like having a limb torn off and then being beaten to death with it.

BTW, the trailer is super nice. But it's the largest trailer that my truck can tow and I expect its bad gas mileage to plummet to 70's luxury car levels when I am towing this thing.
Yeeeeesh. Also? Awesome.
Also worth noting, after an early morning, a full day of driving, and dealing with the DMV, backing a trailer into a tight parking spot is very low on my list. Probably just above getting my foot run over by a dump truck. No trailers were damaged in this part of the misadventure, but there was a lot of teeth-grinding and at least one elevated blood pressure.
I don't know how I managed it, but I didn't see the photo before. Whenever I see that kind of trailer, my brain immediately starts working on how I would retrofit it to make it into an RV. I apparently have a #vanlife addiction.
OPW doesn't allow you to post pics in replies. So I went in and edited the OP. So, it's not you. Unless you want to believe it's you. In which case, drive on.
And yeah, I've thought that camping in a solid enclosure would be better than living in a tent. Far better to be 18 inches above the muck and mire than wallowing in it.
Amen brotha. (Said the guy who has literally slept in the joint between a tree limb and the trunk...)
FYI, my truck, which normally gets 18-19 MPG on the highway, got 11 MPG while towing the Leviathan.