My 13 year old cat, Spot, has been living with a bone marrow cancer diagnosis for 9 months now. Her buddy, Scout, passed in November. Since then I've been her only source of love and affection. 

I should have known something was up when she stopped coming by for love and affection at bedtime. She stopped eating, and with a long holiday weekend coming up I knew it was probably time, before she had to suffer through three days to see the vet. So, I went looking for where she had denned up.

When I found her the look she gave me removed all doubt that it was time. Fortunately, my vet had me bring Spot to her house. My vet gave Spot a quick exam and agreed that it was time.

And just like her buddy, Scout, Spot left as soon as the euthenasia drugs hit her system.

Losing two pets in two months is hard. I like fixing things. But with Spot, and Scout before her, there was no fixing this. And the only choice I had left was to give them mercy.

1/17 '20 5 Comments
I'm so sorry for your loss. Glad you were able to help this kitty have less suffering.
Many hugs and much sympathy.
Oh jeez. You poor thing. My condolences. *hugs* You are such a kind and caring pet owner.
I'm _really_ sorry man. Losing any pet is super tough. Two so rapidly must be miserable.
I am so sorry. Take care.

I'm sitting at work in a fit of mild anxiety. You see my new fence is being installed today. I'm not anxious (mostly) about the fence. But because the fence installation might take two days, my dogs are at a friend's house. So, the defense of the house, without my presence, has devolved to my cat, Spot.

Make no mistake. The  loyalties of cats never change. They are loyal to themselves, only.

Have you ever heard of a cat dragging their insensate owner from a burning building? Enough said.

I'm (mostly) certain that everything will be fine. And for those keeping track at home, this is remodel project #2, headed for the record books. Next up, we get the heat pump installed.

9/20 '18 1 Comment
You and your dergs are gonna love your new fence! I'm so thrilled that your home improvement wishes are coming to fruition!

Since I have a habit of naming all my cats after Star Trek characters, I give you my pit bull raised cat, Spot. The smallest animal in my house, pushes around all of the rest.

8/31 '18 10 Comments
Eeeee! Spot!

We were just talking about Brent Spiner and how he acted the craaaap out of Data... and how the writers gave him such great things to do. We talked about how perfect naming his kitteh Spot was, too.

In other news, watching Brent Spiner and Michael Dorn riff on Twitter cancels out the awfulness that exists on the platform.
I've taken to calling all of it, anti-social media.
Somehow that Just Makes Sense.
Dear Ray, don't tell my boyfriend, but I love you. :)
Also, thanks for the nostalgia. I geeked out for while.
I know I must have watched this episode, but I don't remember THIS :

In 2370, Spot became pregnant, sired by any one of the Enterprise's twelve male cats and eventually gave birth to five kittens. During the last days of her pregnancy, a synthetic T cell was causing the crew of the Enterprise to de-evolve. Spot was also affected, and was transformed into a lizard just as she was giving birth to her kittens.
That sounds... complicated.
I don't remember it either.
The name was appropriate on several levels. She was *tiny* when I got her. She also has a beauty mark on her left upper lip.