From time to time I get drafted to cook Thanksgiving dinner for some friends who are destitute when it comes to culinary arts. This year's menu:

Crown roast of brined pork loin
Mashed potatoes
Cranberry walnut sausage dressing
Green bean casserole
Corn pudding
Yeast rolls
Apple cranberry chutney

Dessert will be a cornucopia of pies, provided by the hostess.

Of course I have to make the epic quest to the Buy N' Large a week ahead of Thanksgiving to lay in most of the supplies for the feast. Assuming I survive, the meal should be memorable.

11/18 '19 4 Comments
Delicious and impressive! I've never ever seen a crown roast of pork; it sounds like something you would go on a quest for, like the sword in the stone.
I've done a traditional turkey and trimmings and a prime rib for this family's holidays. Basically, I'm working my way through the top tier cuts of meat.
I'm a fan of prime rib for Thanksgiving. This meal sounds amazing and I'm wishing I could be there! Good luck. :)

"You're so thin."

I hear that, or Beloved's quips on me being a tiny wee thing, frequently. Pointing out the enormous bags of fat that depend on my chest (G cup in British sizing), or the fact I'm about as tall as an average man my age, doesn't deflect from the fact that I am shorter and considerably thinner than most of the people I spend time with, thinner than woman-bodied people of my age as well.

Doctors have commented favourably on me having a fairly low body weight and decent overall fitness level. I don't get told to lose weight when I have a completely unrelated condition. Some overweight people are not so fortunate, even if when weight on a chart is not correlated to poor overall health.

I don't work at being thin. I don't try to starve myself and my exercise routine is specifically designed for strength and endurance, adding bulk in the form of muscle. I hear that I'm lucky, or that I won some kind of genetic lottery.

I don't try to starve myself, but sometimes my biochemistry and past patterns do. When I'm depressed (clinical, not having a sad time so much as a flat affect, anhedonia and impaired executive function), I forget to eat until I figure out the grey-out from low blood sugar and the severe pain in my gut are signs my body needs fuel. I've been discouraged from being seen and heard, and what better way than programming myself to insubstantiality?

I eat what tastes like food, which is mostly fruits, vegetables, nuts, and meats. Sweet and higher-fat foods I will sometimes nearly inhale when I've been exercising intensely, but I don't reach for them. I don't like the way my body feels when I eat starches, so I eat little in the way of breads, cakes, cookies, potatoes, and the like. When I drink juice, it's diluted usually at least 3:1 with water because it's cloyingly sweet.

I've been through financially difficult times. My response to not having much money for food is typically to not eat at all or ro eat less, not to reach for filling (usually starchy) foods. I haven't built up a layer of fat, except in the chesticles when hormones had their way with my body.

I don't drink alcohol. I used to. I don't like the sensations and altered consciousness that intoxicants induce. I tried edibles once in the past year and they're not for me either. Booze has a lot of calories.

One of the ways I calm my mind is being physical. Walking, working out, to a lesser extent singing. It's a rare week that sees me average fewer than 10,000 steps a day in addition to daily stairs (9th floor) and exercise (4-6 times a week). The activity burns fuel and raises my base metabolism so I need more fuel to maintain function.

I don't manage my pain well. I'm working on improving here, but even as I type this I have two hips that are searing their ache into my awareness. When I'm in pain, what appetite I do have is greatly diminished.

The size I am is a part of me that I don't put any effort into. It simply is, like the colour of my eyes. Yes, they're really brown. I'm not virtuous because I'm kind of skinny.

People who are fat to any degree are not lazy or bad. I find my programming telling me they are sometimes, which is its own kind of disturbing. If you notice me acting, speaking, or writing in a way that implies fat people are inferior, please thwack a portion of sense into me by whatever means you prefer. Preferably consensual.

Here endeth the sermon.

11/15 '19 2 Comments
There's no easy way to put this sermon into conversation, though, is there? When my dad gets complimented for fitting into his Army uniform from over 50 years ago, what can one say?
If I were in high spirits, I might respond along the lines of "I'm a bigger man than I was fifty years ago, but the fit of my clothes doesn't show it." Or hauntingly, "I wish I could forget what I went through when I wore this uniform daily."

I think it's harder for a man and an elder to turn a well-meant compliment on being fit and thin into the start of a conversation on weight and health.

I'm working on an article about bullet journaling for podcasters, specifically about handwriting vs. writing on a keyboard. I came across this James Pennebaker guy, and his research into the therapeutic value of writing. I'm linking to Wikipedia instead of a more credible resource because, as I write this, I have something like 40 tabs open on my computer right now, and this bit of info felt most important to share: 
"These results have hatched further studies, numbering over 200. One of these went on to strongly suggest that expressive writing has the potential to actually provide a 'boost' to the immune system, perhaps explaining the reduction in physician visits. This was shown by measuring lymphocyte response to the foreign mitogens phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) and concanavalin A (ConA) just prior to and 6 weeks after writing. The significantly increased lymphocyte response led to speculation that expressive writing enhances immunocompetence. The results of a preliminary study of 40 people diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder suggests that routinely engaging in expressive writing may be effective in reducing symptoms of depression."

What I can't figure out from this is whether or not the study participants wrote using pen or pencil and paper, writing longhand, if they typed, or either. 

11/11 '19 6 Comments
I'd also like to know if they accounted for wanting to write when feeling better, versus the depression being lifted by writing. Also, do any of these people experience difficulty writing while in a severe depressive episode? A stifling of creativity?
They did. Basically, they had to write whether they felt bad or good. As I seem to recall reading about this, it was one of those "hey, university student, show up at this office and get paid to participate in a study."
"show up at this office for x number of minutes a week and write in this journal about a particular traumatic event that happened in the past."
"oh yeah, and take these tests."
"and make sure you write about your feelings."
You know, this kid.
"Okay." *snickers* .....taint

That was unbelievably accurate. And fun. Yay, Benedict Cumberbatch.
I had to look up why he said “safety” after he farted, and Urban Dictionary did not disappoint in adding a new layer of delight to that sketch.
I feel like I need to test this out on my brothers. 😂
I'm going to start doing that to Vince.

We spend a lot of money for laundry appliances today. Since I won't buy Samsung or LG anything (because their after-sale support is notoriously shit) and really nothing on the inexpensive side seems to be super reliable or particularly gentle on clothes, we bought Miele; made in Germany.

I mean yes, I can feel good about the fact that the dryer only uses 110v so will cost us a lot less in electricity and is ventless which will save us both on electricity and vent cleaning (like a hundred bucks a year, strongly recommended by the condo board because a 30' dryer vent duct is a frigging fire hazard).

Honestly, though, if these machines will 1) get our clothes actually clean, without random blorts of lint, and 2) not quickly ruin the very nice business clothes that d needs, and the very nice statement pieces that I need, then it will be so, so worth it.

It's a Vimes Boots thing. You buy the good tool not only because it saves you money in the long run, but it also does the job better day-to-day.

11/10 '19 16 Comments
I used to have to "fix" my mom's computer for her once a month. Then I convinced her to buy a significantly more expensive Apple desktop. I never had to "fix" her computer again.
My washer and dryer are old enough to vote. I bought them at the scratch and dent because they live in the basement and who am I impressing with a washer and dryer? Recently, the dryer went on the fritz. It would spin but not dry. After nearly two decades of service, no complaints. Five minutes of Googling and ten of ordering from Amazon and the next day the parts to repair the problem were in hand. The hard part was disconnecting the dryer from the hard duct (flexible ducts are a fire trap), tilting the machine forward to work on the back, and the parts were installed. Total working repair time? Twenty minutes.

New washers and dryers do not fill me with confidence.
I had the same problem with my dryer last year. It felt so damn good to just fix it myself with a few parts.

And yep, the reason it died is likely because of a clogged dryer vent way downstream. Replaced that effer with non-flex tubing and I now feel significantly less flammable.

Fireman Jay (my dad) said that he put out sooooo many house fires that were caused by lint in the dryer duct. He also said that it is mindblowing to learn how many people don't clean their lint trap with every load, and worse, how many people don't know that cleared out their dryer duct is a thing.
This ductless dryer will be interesting. It has a water tank to catch the condensate (they say it's essentially "distilled" for use in e.g. irons) and like four levels of lint trap to keep stuff out of the heat pump. Makes a lot more sense than heating up a lot of air just to blow it outside.
Wow, that's a neat design. Curious to hear your reports once y'all have been using it a while!
I use a diverter with a secondary lint trap. In warm weather the hot air blows outside. This week, that hot air warms up my basement and adds some humidity to my house. Having to clean two lint traps is most definitely a first world problem.
For some reason, I remember reading (or hearing someone tell me) "HOLY CRAP DO NOT EVAR vent your dryer into your house evarr evarr evarrrrr," but now I can't really remember why this person was so against the idea.

In these dry, cold, winter nosebleed months, some "free" warm, moist air sounds kinda nice. *shrug*

Sounds like it works quite nicely for you.
Ultimately, you don't want to be breathing lint, especially very fine lint. We did the internal venting in our old house and it was okay, but even with a secondary lint trap the room simply fills with powdered lint made up of who knows what, much of which is stuff we were not intended to breathe.
We ended up buying Speed Queen for the same reason.* Parts are not made of plastic, customer service is a real thing, and the machines never die anyway. You will have to pry them from my cold dead hands they are so awesome.

*Though apparently we bought the last model year before the machines started to be made of trash parts, or so I hear.
When my dad retired and then got bored, he bought a laundromat, as you do. He said the Speed Queen machines were absolutely indestructible... and his laundromat was in rural northwest NJ, and people were using the machines for heavy-ass things like horse blankets. He said he'd never buy anything other than a front-loading Speed Queen ever again, whether for the laundromat or for home.

He's long-sold the laundromat... though ironically, he lives about 6 minutes from it now... but when he owned it, they lived in our old house, about an hour away.

The front-loading Speed Queen he owns at home cleans better than anything I've ever used. Apparently front-loading is the way to go, because gravity and no need for a center agitator. Even at 48, there are things I will save to wash at my parents' house. :-)
I never knew this. That's awesome.
The whole "Gravity cleans your clothes with a front loader" thing kinda blew my mind when he said it. It seems so obvious now. :)
The machine we have now is a top loader and it doesn't even have an agitator. One wonders, "how the hell does it clean the clothes?" The answer is: it doesn't. And it still manages to damage them. It's a miracle of the wrong kind.
I shouldn't laugh at that, but your phrasing made me chuckle.

But yeah, how could a top loader sans agitator, er, agitate?

The folks who owned my little house before me were awesome and moved the washer/dryer from the spidery basement to the main floor (we have a ranch layout). The washer and dryer live in the former hall linen closet, which is super-handy, but the space is not very deep. When I looked into replacing these units, finding a front-loader machine that was shallow enough to fit in that former closet was nigh impossible... which is why I haven't replaced 'em, just fixed 'em.

Ideally, I could also get bougie and find a stackable front loader washer/dryer so I could reclaim half my linen closet, because storage is kinda non-existent without it. But alas, the stackables we found were too deep for the space.

First world problems.

(Random factoid: Last year I learned that dryers aren't really a thing in England; people just hang their wash for the most part. This seems unintuitive to me, since England seems damp... but what do I know.)
I don't think these machines are any shallower than usual -- 25.5" deep, it says -- but they're only 24" wide, which is a help in the micro-closet they'll be assigned to. And they stack. So I'm hopeful the user experience will be good, though we'll have to re-arrange storage in that room to accommodate the front-opening washer door. Maybe some shelves or something.
We spent a lot of money on a 25% downpayment two weeks ago, then got notified by the sales person that we'd save an additional 10% of the purchase price if we came in to redo the order under their November promotion. We set a delivery date and paid the full shot in the store.

This weekend's laundry hijinks, including sopping wet clean clothes from a load that became unbalanced during the wash cycle and no spin-only cycle, are a pointed reminder that we need better than we've currently got.

Funding for the appliances is coming from the same cushion of savings that had originally been earmarked for retirement income and will be depleted over the next ten years to pay for adequate quality of pre-retirement life. At least half my RRSP will go to pay down a mortgage we don't want to have when we're in our 70s. The remainder will fund life improvements like this laundry pair.

I have a defined benefit pension plan from my former employer, and the civil service has a similar pension. If CPP still exists when I leave the work force, that will add a few hundred dollars a month as well. We are fortunate.

Four of the bins are now in the fridge; I've deemed them ready to eat. I put a bunch in the big jar and they're sooo goood. They taste like FOOD. So good.

So I guess if anyone wanted to come visit with the excuse of pickles, they're ready. On the other hand, snow is forecast for tomorrow.  #fliptable

11/7 '19 3 Comments
Nice one.
I am dying over here with the inability to get some of these. Enjoy the hell out of them, please!

There's nothing more dangerous than putting on your blessed greased +2 gray dragon scale mail in the morning and thinking that you're invulnerable.

11/6 '19 2 Comments
Bag End. I can't believe I'm still in Bag End.

I lost a level 24 wiz-elf-mal-cha to a cross-aligned artifact blast last week.

30 years on, the game still catches me being sloppy every. Time.

Upon seeing me in my costume, everyone said the same thing. "I found him!"

11/5 '19 9 Comments
I love this!!
Love it! Also, this was one of VERY few costumes I had to take a pic of at the Baltimore Comic Con. In fact, I had to chase the guy down to get the pic (he was on his way out). Figured you might appreciate it:
That's fantastic.
Right? It took me a second, and he was moving past me in the crowded space of the con. By the time my brain put 2 and 2 together, I had to hustle back through the crowd to stop him and ask if I could take the picture.

There Waldo!

... I'll see myself out.
Ha! Love it!

I almost didn't recognize you without your face fur!

Also *really* digging those glasses on you.
How do I know I'm getting old? I knew something 'seemed different' and had no idea it was the lack of facial hair. Where's my walker and my pills?