MIRBACH is an oceanic world with floating factory-cities that produce goods from the sea life and minerals which they are able to extract.  Some of these products are then exported, with one curious modification.  Each order is delivered with an additional item from Mirbach's renowned collection of "lyrical clothing".  These vestments bear popular sayings and words of affirmation from Mirbachee culture.  Tourism is another contribution to the economy, as the climate is mild and floating along in a surf-side chair can be restful.  Customs agents ensure that no one brings anything dangerous to the planet, and also that no one leaves without wearing the mandatory garment labeled "MIRBACH:  Been There, Done That, Got The Lyrical Clothing".

9/28 '23 2 Comments
I want to go to Mirbach. What’s their immigration policy? Are the factory-cities a good place to work and live, or is it like Niamos: great tourism, lousy justice system?
Niamos must be in some other galaxy far far away. There are no reports of civil disruption or other substantial criminal activity on Mirbach. Factory work is perhaps dull, but there is free time for swimming or floating. Just don't insist on your right to bring along dangerous items.

RAPELJE has been ruled for centuries by a hierophant named Joris who claims to have access to all wisdom and the ability to solve any problem.  Access to these promised solutions by ordinary Rapeljeins is complicated by the fact that Joris is currently enclosed in a cryogenic stasis unit.  He is attended by a knight who guards and maintains the mechanisms involved.  This person is traditionally very neighborly and willing to help those who come to Joris seeking assistance, but always regrets that the hierophant is presently indisposed to personally respond.  Visitors are as much entitled as native Rapeljeins to request an audience, with equal expectations.  Donations are gratefully accepted.

9/27 '23

FERRETTI is an isolated minor planet far from the major space lanes, but the native Ferrettii are said to eagerly welcome any and all visitors.  They apparently believe that their purpose is to "attract anomalous sounds and transmit them to people."  We have this account via a single authenticated interviewer from Takatsuki, whose only reported followup question ("Why?") was answered with an "invincible explanation" that convinced him to return to his Dōmei and search for anomalous sounds.  Transit records show that he has made several subsequent journeys to Ferretti, but has made public no further tales of what happens there.  The rest of the galaxy seems strangely incurious about it.

9/26 '23

KAHNUJ is the only natural satellite of the planet Gydé, and like its primary is controlled by the Praxille Corporation.  It is on Kahnuj that the synthesis of Senolyte from raw Gydéan chemicals actually takes place.  The extensive laboratories and factories involved are all located in a single secure facility that contains the only high-technology equipment on the surface of this world.  The rest of the environment is pleasant but primitive, supporting an agricultural economy powered only by human labor.  There are no large domesticated animals, so heavy loads are carried in enormous baskets supported by multiple bearers on each side.  None of the Kahujji earn enough to purchase Senolyte treatments, but imported low-tech luxury goods are available in exchange for their regular deliveries of food.

9/25 '23 2 Comments
"Yes. Yes. Kahujji are used to receiving such ratings from visiting Herkyites. Will probably be reprimanded by Praxille supervisors. But, at least there is symmetry in the 8."

HERKY is an urbanized planet that is entirely devoted to the number 8.  All of its buildings are octagonal.  All land vehicles have eight wheels.  No one is permitted to kill an arachnid or octopus.  The ideal body shape is something like an hourglass, but even more eightlike if possible.  The most fashionable clothing has ruffles and bindings in all the right places to accentuate one's eightish figure.  Both men and women may resort to plastic surgery if they wish to be seen au naturel, but this is not common.  It has not gone without notice that the word "Herky" has only 5 letters, but according to the Herkyite creed, there are actually three invisible ineffable letters in their planet's name.  If asked to complete a customer satisfaction survey on Herky, be sure to give them an 8.

9/24 '23 3 Comments
“Herky” does not rhyme with “jerky” on Herky, according to both literary and legal precedent.

PROSPER was optimistically named by the first shipload of colonists, despite disturbingly high readings from their radiation detectors.  They found a way to make it work, and their descendants still control this fission-powered society.  The capital city, Burgeon, hosts a famed market (itself the size of a small city) that sells products from across the galaxy.  Haggling for lower prices is expected, if not exactly welcome, because Prosper is also famed for its shockingly abusive customary language.  Even friendly enquiries into the freshness of a vendor's produce are guaranteed to provoke an onslaught of indignant accusations about the customer's parentage, mating habits, and pusillanimity.  So one should not expect an easy or pleasant transaction unless one is willing to simply toss a heap of money on the counter and accept whatever product the proprietor deems fit to offer.  Some people have been known to smilingly do this, for whatever reason.  They are, of course, horrendously overcharged.

9/23 '23 1 Comment
The planet was founded by former YouTube moderators.

NIEVA is wholly owned by the "Kucho!" Corporation.  The exclamation point is a part of their brand name, which is often exclaimed whenever they achieve a success.  They have not been successful in convincing the galaxy at large that "Kucho!" as an exclamation is suitable for use by the general public, but they do a profitable business in consumer goods.  Nieva was once a savage planet, full of dangerous animals.  These the Nievans long ago exterminated or captured, before being bought out by "Kucho!".  The only animals that survive in the wild are the peaceful herbivores known as Noemí.  The Noemí are about one hand in size, with large eyes and soft purple fur.  They have no fear of humans, and are indeed quite friendly.  Visitors are frequently warned that Noemí can eject an inky liquid that is exceedingly poisonous.  They are only known to do this when actually injured, though, so it is generally safe to touch and even handle them.  The source of "Kucho!"-brand poison is not difficult to guess.

9/22 '23 3 Comments
I want to knit a stuffed Noemi.


DIAMOND is the colloquial name for the consortium of spaceships in orbit around a gas giant in the Württemberg sector.  Each ship is joined to its neighbors by flexible connections between their respective airlocks.  Members come and go fairly frequently, so the lattice-like structure of the Diamond is always changing.  Regulations on intership commerce, taxation, and welfare are controlled by a small council whose members are elected democratically on a rotating basis.  Political campaign advertisements are common, and when adjacent ships share common sentiments, they can create signage that covers several ships in sequence.  An example is: "Seniors Here / Have Done Their Parts / Vote for Tupper / Save Old Farts / Burma-Shave".  The meaning of the last portion of the verse has been lost to history.

9/21 '23

HAREIDLANDET is yet another fractured ruin of a once-prosperous world.  The original Hareids were so wealthy that each family lived in a domed castle with its own artificial sun and stars.  Their ersatz firmaments operated on schedules that were completely divorced from the actual rotation of the planet.  It was therefore a sign of higher status to insist that one's own day-night cycle was the proper one, and visitors must not come calling in the middle of the "night".  When company was permitted, it was considered obligatory to ostentatiously dispose of "outdated" valuable objects into the same outdoor refuse pit that was used for the disposal of sewage.  Whether this custom had anything do to with Old Hareidlandet's downfall is unknown, but the current inhabitants still sell their scavenged relics.

9/20 '23

MADEC is a desert world which is occasionally subject to torrential downpours at any random location.  Madeccans carefully watch the skies and consult their various oracles to divine the direction of the next deluge, with varying levels of success.  When the rains do come, they spur the growth of Madec's largest native plant, the tollendal tree.  Tollendals rapidly absorb as much of the moisture as possible, and are capable of increasing in height by as much as 10 paces a day.  In addition to providing the majority of the planet's food, tollendals serve an important symbolic purpose to Madeccan society.  Whoever can climb the tallest-growing tollendal is acclaimed as monarch of all they survey.  The privileges of that position are to a large extent honorary, but chief among them is the high-climber's desirability as a mating partner.  This is to be enjoyed while it lasts, because once the nearby water has all been consumed, tollendals inevitably collapse and die.  Madeccans preserve the vegetable matter as best they can, and wait for the next rainfall to bring them, perhaps, a new ruler.

9/19 '23 1 Comment
All the ladies call him tree-top lover. All the men just call him sir.