I have 3 CD cases in my car, because apparently I like primitive physical media. Apparently I also like peppy songs about death. Not “death metal” or anything so raucous, just “la la la everyone dies”. So, for your enjoyment and mine, here are Ferret’s music reviews:
Track 1: Thirty-three presumed dead by drowning. ***** Five stars, and the holotype example on this album. It has a very peppy Caribbean beat, and then a shipload of people perish in a hurricane. At least I assume they perish. There’s no explanation for the omniscient third person narration, but that’s the most likely interpretation, I believe.
Track 2: No human deaths, but dead windmills, at least. *
Track 3: Thousands dead at Gallipoli, in this mournful memoir of war. ****
Track 4: No deaths, one possible statutory rape. Zero stars, do not like.
Track 5: Dead father, dead nobleman and henchmen, and peasant heads on pikes by morning. ****
Track 6: Just one dead deputy sheriff, with attending legal consequences. ***
Track 7: One dead knight, with grateful commentary by scavenging birds. ***
Track 8: Most of humanity extinguished when someone pushes the button. Super peppy. *****
Track 9: No immediate deaths, just alcoholism. * One star for amusing ad-lib.
Track 10: No deaths, but some very unfortunate life choices. *
Track 11: No deaths. Beans. Do not want.
Track 12: No deaths, but it’s about sleep, which is somewhat akin. *
Track 13: I have no idea what this song is about, or even what LANGUAGE it is supposed to be. I once put this song on auto-repeat to see how long it would take for a child to figure out that it wasn’t ever going to end. **
Track 14: No deaths, just poor life choices and alcoholism. No thanks.
Track 15: Three dead brothers, and another one heading away to war. Kinda peppy, but missing something. ***
Track 16: Death is only mentioned once, but tyrants who imprison people and then get their comeuppance is something to sing about. I’m quite fond of this one. ****
Track 17: Probably lots of people dead in battle, but the protagonist is only MOSTLY dead. His mortal wounds are healed by a witch when she has her way with him. What’s not to like? *****
Track 18: No reported deaths, but this song is all about the fear of death, and losing one’s loved ones. Be thankful for the time you have. ****
Track 19: Mocking the criminal ancestry of Australians. Meh.
Track 20: Very catchy, even though nobody dies. ***