Still adrift between the stars, Akasora discovers a nearby world in the same sector, indeed the very world the sector is named for! Surreptitiously, he scans the surface and learns that...
STØVER appears to be just a cratered wasteland covered with grayish dust. A brave adventurer made one of the most startling discoveries in galactic history, however, when she found out that this dust is edible! It is, in fact, delicious and a good source of all the nutrients needed for human life. The first Queen Helle's fortuitous claim resulted in her family becoming extremely wealthy, but she had a foresighted concern for future generations. She partnered with a genius developer of artificial intelligence who would in due time become Prince Consort Søren. Together they built a conscience into the very structure of their palace's shining domes. Royal succession is dependent upon the approval of this AI, which has thus far not yet rejected any candidate from House Virkner. Nor has any other brave adventurer made his fortune by bravely tasting another dusty planet.
Akasora scoffs at this primitive use of AI as he crafts his dismissive haiku:
Dust on royal tongues,
Thrones bow to machine's embrace,
Akasora smirks.
Willy Minmax's original hope when he landed on Terris was to sell a few holoemitters. Some people might find them useful as a study aid when preparing for Terris' political martial arts tournaments. His familiar style of friendly investigation uncovers something else, though. In conversations about others who share his habits of wandering the stars, he hears about another stranger, named "Akasora", who left just prior to the most recent tournament. Many were interested in learning the man's background, the better to defeat him if it should come to that. But he was vague about his origins, and his planned departure further piqued their interest. Would he agree to an informal sparring match instead? He would not. To allay suspicions about himself, Willy does submit to a bout with a local, and is
soundly thrashed. Where was Akasora headed? "Clockwise" seemed to be the best guess.