Robert Bryan

April 2018 PhillyJUG Door Prize Winner

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I went there today, with my family, on the bus.Worked out fine. Nobody got hurt.
Rockefeller Plaza, Grand Central,  Bryant Park, Central Park, 5th ave. Madison Ave, Empire State, Times Square.
Glad to be home.
12/1 '14 6 Comments
Any favorite places to see or things to avoid?
I recommend a meal at s'mac.

All mac and cheese, all the time.
I would avoid the American Girl Doll place if that's an option available to you.
Riding around in cabs is fun.
Climbing the rocks in Central park was WAY cool.
People-watching is awesome everywhere in the city.
Hunter loved his first cab ride. He was building cabs with the couch pillows for at least two months after that.
Wow, that is a lot in one day. We spent an entire day in Central Park, mostly playground hopping except for the time Archer and Houser spent in the Chess and Checkers house, which is a place where you can borrow board games and play them in a nice, shaded area. If you go back, I recommend it, you'd enjoy playing chess there.

5:30 this morning, house is quiet, woodstove warm.

I was trying to pick a date for the Arden House Book Two launch party, then got distracted and curious about what we'd planned for later today.

Clicked "Today" on Google Calendar for the first time in, I don't know, months. Surprise! Neil Diamond rocks across my screen, loud as the Downton Abbey episode we watched last night.

Scared the cat into next week.

It's early, but the smart money is on this being the highlight of my day.

11/29 '14 6 Comments
This makes me so freaking happy.
P.S. -- Was a result of this Chrome Extension, which I cannot recommend highly enough:
Beedoobeedoo, beedoobeedoo!
I was pleasantly surprised to learn it still works. I assumed Google would have changed their markup too much by now.

I've been writing since 3:45 AM. (I did also get my teeth cleaned, opened a checking account for Arden House Press and drove to Pendle Hill.)

All of the writing has been with Ulysses, and wow.

I don't know enough to recommend things to others, as a general rule.

I can say this, though, I've spent 100% of my writing time actually writing. No mouse, no navigating B.S., no style tinkering, no switching between documents, no saving, nothing.

I can't tell you how awesome that is. One thankful guy.

11/14 '14 7 Comments
I, too, just got my teeth cleaned. I keep rubbing the tip of my tongue along my front teeth. Ooh, smooooooove.
Does it make you write like Joyce? Because don't. :)
Oh, good, I'm glad you find it as useful as I do. It really does just get out of the way to let the words flow. Best editor ever.
It intelligently handles keeping track of all the past versions of everything, with a view for easy comparison, restoring of previous...
Happy Day!
You are near the top of my gratitude list tonight yourself, Tom Boutell.
Without OPW, I may have never heard of Ulysses or given it a try.
Also, for PNG file format.
I too am regularly thankful for the png format. Wish Ulysses was available for PC. Glad that it's working so well for you!

I have a few PNG (thank you, Tom Boutell) files that I want to put on top of a simple PDF template and save as a new PDF. Positioning and size are important to get right. Word won't open the PDF template, I tried GIMP for an hour, read the tutorials, manual, couldn't get layers to move around without smooshing into each other, couldn't get images in any way besides layers.

I tried Preview on the Mac, because I read that could work, but I could not get it to work.

What am I looking for?

A. Image editing software

B. Graphic design software

C. Desktop publishing software

D. Something else

Thank you in advance, Rob

11/11 '14 4 Comments
I'm making a little progress with GIMP.
GIMP is bitmap editing software, so it's going to trash any vector art in the original PDF template and give you a big ol' bitmap image when you're done. Depending on your needs this may not matter.

There's other shit I'm sure, but the Right Way to screw with existing PDFs is Adobe Acrobat. Disclaimer: never done it.
Adobe Acrobat sucks my arse. It's huge, expensive, bloaty, and it takes over your life.

But FoxIT Phantom is Adobe Acrobat's quiet competitor and is
(a) significantly cheaper than Acrobat
(b) infinitely smaller (quite lean actually!)
(c) bloatware-free
(d) easy enough to use
(e) does not beg you every 27 seconds to upgrade
(f) installed on every computer in my home.

I edit PDFs all the time for my job. I add image files to pdfs weekly. My friend, I can put that png file wherever you want it (which sounds dirty). Come on over, or I can come over, or you can send me the files and I can do it for you and send it back.

Afternoons are good. Evenings are bad. Mornings are worse.

Jill FTW!

I'm deep into Book 3, planning where the load-bearing beams will go and pouring footers.

Character profiles, setting details, plot points and major themes are all mapped out in rough form and I'm going through, putting finer details in here and there, calling out connections and setting up resonating imagery.

10/21 '14 5 Comments
Just curious ... what format do you use to keep track of it all?
A little notebook to start, then index cards, then one text file of a specific format, then the manuscript.
Oh, and I would never in a million-hundred years write a post this intimate on FarceBook.
Thanks for the window!

Lindsay Harris !

That is quality!

10/19 '14 5 Comments
Hmmmm. Rob, I tried pasting that same link into a draft post, and I got a nice little blurb and a picture from Radio Free Tacony.

What browser and OS were you using when you pasted it?

Mac OSX 10.9.5 and Chrome 38.0.2125.104
Weird. I just tried that combo on my Mac. Pasted the link and... boom, I got a nifty little embed of it. [Scraches head trying to figure out how your experience differed]
So much fun. Found the bits highly entertaining and I've listened to it several times already. (With more listens likely in the future.)

And so it comes to pass, in this time of dusty yellow autumn, that I begin to let Autumn House, Book Two, slip away, out from beneath my fingers and out into the world.

I am open to a few volunteer Beta-readers, folks who would be willing to read the book over the next two weeks and lend a hand by finding any remaining spelling or grammar errors, unbelievable events, dull parts, plot holes, continuity mistakes or other reflections.

The manuscript is ready to go, so reply here or email me if you're interested.

If you are not, which I completely understand, and thank you for reading this far anyway, you may accept this as an update that Arden House, Book Two is moving closer to you all the time, and is quite near.

10/17 '14 3 Comments
Many thanks to all the Arden House Book Two beta-reader volunteers. Between Facebook, OnePostWonder and email, I had a much greater response than I'd even hoped for!
People are SO generous with their time, it's amazing.
Thank you.
I'll have to pick just a few somehow, and I'll reach out to everyone individually.
ME ME ME PUCK ME I'm grate at dinging sleeping errors.
I had pretty much the same response. I would lerrrrv to be a beta reader! And I speak gooder english!
I think I am going with dashlane.Couldn't install keep ass on my mac and online with local hard backup via dashlane looks good enough.OPW: am I making a huge mistake here?
8/22 '14 6 Comments
OMG, Dashlane is the greatest. Big Fan.

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That's awesome! Thank you!
I'm actually having fun rolling around resetting all my passwords.
So... it's been a while. What are your current thoughts on Dashlane? Do you still like it?
No experience with dashlane but if your heart is set on keep ass you can install "Kypass companion" from the app store. I've used keepass for years on Windows and Android and didn't want to give it up when I bought my Macbook. Works well enough and I use Dropbox to sync the password file between all my devices.
"set up a reliable, safe password management system" has been the oldest task on my todo list since 16 June 2006.
8/16 '14 6 Comments
Keep ass?
We have KeePass at work, and we all call it Keep Ass.

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See, now that I can think of it as KeepAss, it's much more likely to actually get done.
"Run cracker against passwords of internal wiki."