And so it comes to pass, in this time of dusty yellow autumn, that I begin to let Autumn House, Book Two, slip away, out from beneath my fingers and out into the world.

I am open to a few volunteer Beta-readers, folks who would be willing to read the book over the next two weeks and lend a hand by finding any remaining spelling or grammar errors, unbelievable events, dull parts, plot holes, continuity mistakes or other reflections.

The manuscript is ready to go, so reply here or email me if you're interested.

If you are not, which I completely understand, and thank you for reading this far anyway, you may accept this as an update that Arden House, Book Two is moving closer to you all the time, and is quite near.

10/17 '14 3 Comments
Many thanks to all the Arden House Book Two beta-reader volunteers. Between Facebook, OnePostWonder and email, I had a much greater response than I'd even hoped for!
People are SO generous with their time, it's amazing.
Thank you.
I'll have to pick just a few somehow, and I'll reach out to everyone individually.
ME ME ME PUCK ME I'm grate at dinging sleeping errors.
I had pretty much the same response. I would lerrrrv to be a beta reader! And I speak gooder english!