I have a few PNG (thank you, Tom Boutell) files that I want to put on top of a simple PDF template and save as a new PDF. Positioning and size are important to get right. Word won't open the PDF template, I tried GIMP for an hour, read the tutorials, manual, couldn't get layers to move around without smooshing into each other, couldn't get images in any way besides layers.

I tried Preview on the Mac, because I read that could work, but I could not get it to work.

What am I looking for?

A. Image editing software

B. Graphic design software

C. Desktop publishing software

D. Something else

Thank you in advance, Rob

11/11 '14 4 Comments
I'm making a little progress with GIMP.
GIMP is bitmap editing software, so it's going to trash any vector art in the original PDF template and give you a big ol' bitmap image when you're done. Depending on your needs this may not matter.

There's other shit I'm sure, but the Right Way to screw with existing PDFs is Adobe Acrobat. Disclaimer: never done it.
Adobe Acrobat sucks my arse. It's huge, expensive, bloaty, and it takes over your life.

But FoxIT Phantom is Adobe Acrobat's quiet competitor and is
(a) significantly cheaper than Acrobat
(b) infinitely smaller (quite lean actually!)
(c) bloatware-free
(d) easy enough to use
(e) does not beg you every 27 seconds to upgrade
(f) installed on every computer in my home.

I edit PDFs all the time for my job. I add image files to pdfs weekly. My friend, I can put that png file wherever you want it (which sounds dirty). Come on over, or I can come over, or you can send me the files and I can do it for you and send it back.

Afternoons are good. Evenings are bad. Mornings are worse.

Jill FTW!