5:30 this morning, house is quiet, woodstove warm.

I was trying to pick a date for the Arden House Book Two launch party, then got distracted and curious about what we'd planned for later today.

Clicked "Today" on Google Calendar for the first time in, I don't know, months. Surprise! Neil Diamond rocks across my screen, loud as the Downton Abbey episode we watched last night.

Scared the cat into next week.

It's early, but the smart money is on this being the highlight of my day.

11/29 '14 6 Comments
This makes me so freaking happy.
P.S. -- Was a result of this Chrome Extension, which I cannot recommend highly enough: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/today/keepagkfmkmjhhmjfighfkmpljjgcfme
Beedoobeedoo, beedoobeedoo!
I was pleasantly surprised to learn it still works. I assumed Google would have changed their markup too much by now.