Archer told Hunter he was crushing his head (a la Kids in the Hall).

Hunter immediately puffed out his cheeks and inflated his head.

Because of course that's what you do if your brother remotely crushes your head ... why didn't any of us adults think of that?

2/27 '15 7 Comments
Because we didn't see it from inside the crush.
It kills me when Hunter responds appropriately like that without missing a beat. He definitely has his father's comic timing. Archer and I might get there, but not that fast.
I told my mom this story ("I'm crushing your head" is one of her favorite things) and she laughed really hard.
Because love. That. Kid.
Errr... those kids. *bad uncle*
You are a great uncle. And soon you will have a bunch of stories for them that begin, "When I was in Japan ..."

Yeah - already have a few. And some mythology which I did not have before...

Please tell me, in the comments, if you had one power/ability from a myth or fairytale, which one would you want?  No answer is too silly or too out there, go.  

Also, ask your kids/friends/partners. 

Archer's school called at 5:00 AM today to say that they would not be in session. This morning was a blur of shoveling and careful driving and this stomach ache that should not be happening because I took my probiotic and didn't eat any dairy ... crap.  I got a soy chai latte at Starbucks.  Or should I say a "soy" chai latte.  Poisoned by the mermaid ... ain't that a fairytale?

2/17 '15 35 Comments
I'm pretty big on the flyin' too. Although one of my recurring dreams, especially in childhood but still every so very once in a while, is about being able to fly... and wondering why nobody else notices... and eventually losing control and zipping off into the sky.
I have a very similar one. It's that I can fly and I've been able to fly all along, I just kept forgetting. I never lose control, but I do lose momentum, and have to regain it.
Yes! And flying is really easy, and it seems obvious, and why isn't everybody flying?
Tell you what, tonight I'll meet you guys on the third cloud from the left.
Be right there. Usually I get a running jump on the surface of a swimming pool to start.

Holy crap. Next summer party theme needs to be Recurring Dreams.
I have this same sense of "I've always been able to fly..." in my flying dreams. The difference in mine? I'm not able to control it. I am always indoors and I keep bumping into things like door frames which get in my way. Best way to describe it is the way that Ralph Hinkley flew in the Greatest American Hero (
Hahaha ... I loved that show.
You and me both.
Adored that show. Can still sing the theme song.
Believe it or not...

(Now I'm earwormed. I blame you Tom.)
When I was little, one time I sang "Believe it or not Iiiii'm eatin' my snot" and my mom whapped me.

It was totally worth it. That whole exchange still cracks me up.
I had forgotten that little gem. Of course, as I read your comment, I could hear the tonal shifts in your voice re-telling the story.

What? Is that weird?
(Also, I had that song on 45. Was sung by Joe Scabury, if memory serves.)
Nooo!!! I was singing it in the shower this morning after reading these comments. Still earwormed. I blame all of you! ALL OF YOU!!!
I loved that show so much that when I was ten, I repeatedly wrote letters begging them to hire me as a writer, and I sent them a spec script.
Handwritten, of course.
As one does.
Mine is pretty boring. I'd love to be able to fly.
Not boring. Flight is always my first choice ... then I get thinkier and say, "Self, if we could shapeshift into birds, we could fly AND we could mate in free fall with another eagle AND we could run as fast as a cheetah and, and ..."

But that pretty much is my power...
Grow legs? (Jk) . . . Spinning straw into gold comes to mind. Those 7 league boots would also be interesting. . . . What myth does yak killing telekinesis again ? Cause that I want to read up on.

There ya go.

Ignore the lame video, it's completely lacking in homoerotic subtext.
I'm not sure because I think all powers would have a down side. I'd have to think about it.
Aha ... if you think of down sides, tell me that too, because down sides make a good story. Not down sides happening to you specifically, that would suck, I mean just in the 'what if' sense.
At the moment, I'm a little drunk and watching infomercials but when I do think of some I'll let you know. (I did think some when I originally posted but, alcohol has given me the dumb so I'm drawing a blank.)
Shapeshifting? Maybe.

Healing Factor? That would be good.

My answer has always been Telekinesis. It would (in my theoretical version also give me the power of flight by moving myself or my clothes with my mind)
How 'bout the power to kill a yak from 200 yards away?
That's telekinesis, Matt.
How about the power of flight? That do anything for you?
How about the power... to move you?

I love you people with every molecule of my being.
"Tactile telekinesis"? :)

Healing factor is very in theme for you. I think you already do shapeshift, you just don't tell anyone you're doing it.

Shapeshifting has the added bonus of flight and healing factor, depending on what you shift into ... like those reptiles that can regrow limbs.

Shapeshift? I don't currently do. I DO have an animal related super power though - animal empathy.

In truth, we all have it - some of us just use it more than others.
Got to use my animal empathy today. Made a new friend. I call him Kitsune, but that's not his name.
FWIW: I've seriously thought that I would trade my voice (ie., can't speak, scream, sing, etc), for being able to play music really really well.
A magic mirror that would show me objective reality, so I don't overthink.
This assumes objective reality ... is there such a thing? Or is all "reality" shifted and molded by perceptions a la Heisenberg's uncertainty principle?

"Say my name
And every color illuminates
We are shining
And we will never be afraid again."  - Florence and the Machine, Spectrum

On Valentine's Day I went to my favorite coffee house, Seven Stones Cafe, alone to write something meaningful in Houser's card.  I ran into a few friends and sat with them for a while, and ended up having a long conversation with a dear friend who is, at the moment, unhappy with Houser.  Most of the conversation was not about that, but that part of it stayed with me.  Most of the unhappiness was due to a series of misunderstandings - yes, he did this thing, but why he did this thing mattered and is more understandable than why you think he did this thing ... what I ended up saying is, "There are a bunch of misunderstandings and the two of you should talk face to face."

"If we can so misunderstand, well then, why have we invented the
word love in the first place ?" -Edward Albee, The Zoo Story

I started thinking about all of the misunderstandings that happen in relationships, in our relationship in particular, and how what really matters is not the daily grind of disappointments and imperfections, but that I am in love with a truly good man who shows that he loves me and our life together with hundreds of good acts, repeating day by day.

I am in love with a man who does dishes every night, who works to make money in a world that rejected his education and experience (graphic design jobs in Philly dried up about 5 years ago and there has not been much of a resurgence), a man who wants to be more expressive about his emotions because I want and need that, a man who does not hesitate to watch our difficult toddler any time I want to go out with my friends and only asks when I am going to be back so he can plan his evening, not because he doesn't trust me.  I am in love with a man who works on schoolwork with his stepson and shows him music videos with great drummers, who teaches our toddler to put his socks on and to speak to people nicely.  I am in love with the most entertaining man in the room, the person who, when he is telling a story at a party, other people drift out of their conversations to listen.  I am in love with a man who doesn't like being read aloud to, but who will let me read to him sometimes because he knows I need that type of communication very much.  I am in love with a man whose father (they are extremely close) is suffering through cancer and who still manages to be productive and present in our home most of the time. I am in love with a man who has devoted his heart and his life to me and to our family without holding back.  I am in love with a man who loves the most dysfunctional cat on the East Coast.  I am in love with a man who has the most amazing laugh.  I am in love with a man who writes well and fluently, who cares about grammar and punctuation.  I am in love with a man who hates musicals and who will listen to Mandy sing if I ask him.  I don't ask him very often.  I am in love with a man who can live with a moody, annoying woman who has too many ideas and not enough time and who overthinks and talks too much and has a strong streak of perfectionism and is probably almost as bossy as our bossy toddler.  Almost.

This is our love.  This is our life together.

Happy Valentine's Day.

2/16 '15 10 Comments
Houser is a lucky guy. :)
You just wrote a man with whom everyone could fall in love.
Thanks ... but seriously, the guy hates musicals. Think of my pain!
(Did Houser consider going into web design at some point? Academic now that he's rocking insurance I suppose.)
Yes he did - the coding part of it didn't work with the Houserbrain. Coding meaning javascript, not even serious coding. He just doesn't see the world that way. It's a shame, because he'd make gorgeous layouts.
Huh. We have two full time designers who don't write code.
... One last comment on this: if insurance isn't doing it in six months or so, I'd be glad to talk to him about interviewing with us. OK, I will hush now.
(I should say though, one-man shops are really common and of course those guys have to do it all.)
You have chosen well!
This is beautiful.

1. He made Honor Roll for the second marking period.

2. He got his first detention.  He was one minute late to Consumer Science Class (Home Ec, basically).  His Mother thought it was a stupid detention, but also emphasized the importance of treating teachers with respect, even when they do things we think are stupid.

3. There's a sound in Sweeney Todd, I call it the "razor scream".  If you've ever seen the show, you know what I'm talking about.  If not, it's in the first three seconds of this video.  It sounds sort of like a human scream, but there's also something mechanical about it, and they play it during the Ballad of Sweeney Todd and also when he slits someone's throat.

Anyway, I have never been able to figure out what is making that sound, not which instrument, but what actual thing in the story.  Last night we were talking about the play and Archer said, "That's the sound of the razors screaming in his head, driving him mad and urging him to kill."

Yep, that's what it is all right.

2/11 '15 15 Comments
1. Love that kid.

2. Love that kid.

3. Love that kid.

Hmmm... noticing a theme here.
He loves you too.

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I read that as "Home Egomaniacs."
Home Animaniacs.
Home Macroeconomics. Final exam: estimate the number of butterick patterns that will be botched this year in Home Economics classes.
That's a great idea - making the punishment part of the class. Actually it was pretty much his Dad's fault that Archer was late - Archer's boots were at Cora's, Cora didn't want to drop them off at the house so he told Archer to take them to school. Archer's backpack is already really packed with school stuff and they have small lockers, so managing all of the stuff in the locker with the volume of the boots added took Archer longer, hence the lateness. It kills me that I actually saw this coming (not the detention exactly, but a problem w/the stuff management) and asked Cora to bring the boots over when she picked up Archer tonight, but she had him pack them in his backpack anyway ...

Archer is currently doing a unit on manners and the fact that most fascinated him was that 5000 people/year go to the hospital because of injuries due to falling into toilets when people don't put the seat down. It's terrible, but also hilarious.
I completely believe that statistic.

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In another life I would be a history teacher and sneak down to your home ec class (both of you) on cookie day.

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Thank you. We talked about the play a lot, actually - about which characters were most evil and least evil and why, which characters were the sanest, which characters were the craziest, which characters had each of the seven deadly sins (his idea) ... it was a really fascinating conversation. We rarely get the time to sit down and discuss a work of art in depth like that - we're usually too busy with homework, chores, other crap.
yep. That's what I was going to say.

Last night I started playing some songs from Sweeney Todd for Archer, and he discovered that one of the lullabies his mother has been singing to him since he was an infant is actually from a show about murder and cannibalism.  Boy was he surprised!

Also, I asked him who he thought wrote Sweeney Todd, and he immediately said, "Stephen Sondheim."  If you hear enough Sondheim, you know when you're hearing Sondheim - there's this witty recetative that he puts in a lot of his songs that's a fingerprint, you can't miss it.  I love the word 'recetative'.

Here's NPH singing it to Patti LuPone (eeee!).  I can't wait to show Archer this one when he comes home from school.

1/30 '15 6 Comments
what a heartbreaking moment.
it's Archer, he thought it was cool, he was just surprised that such a sweet song would be in Sweeney Todd. When he thought about the lyrics it made more sense to him.
or do you mean the moment in the show? because if so, yes.
That's what I meant. I should have been more clear.
Your kid is awesome. Just saying.

We have been enjoying some wonderful Hanukkah parties.  We're now at the bleary-eyed part of the year when life looks like:

Wrap gifts until 1 am.  Wake up at 6 am.  Get ready, drop off books at library, drop off gift for child in need at YMCA (4 year old who wanted Megablocks.  I love Megablocks - you can get a big set for very little money and kids can play with them for hours), get cup of coffee #2 on State St in Media, drive to Philly, work, shop for gifts for party tonight, work more, get food, host party, clean, wrap more, wake up tomorrow and go to work ...

We are blessed with wonderful family and friends and we are showered in gifts.  We are lucky.  We are also a bit sleepless right now and need more espresso ...

12/22 '14 1 Comment
Sounds wonderful!

Had to share this here for my bookworm friends:

12/3 '14 10 Comments
I want to go there so badly!
As I walk through the valley of the shadow of books
I see hundreds of tomes that have got me hooked
I've been reading and reading for so long
That my eye doctor says bifocals won't be wrong
I ain't never read a story that I couldn't stand
'Cept for Thomas Harris' Hannibal which should be banned
Don't get me wrong, I dig the rest of his oeuvre
But to make Clarice eat brains took a lotta nerve
But I digress, I like this outdoor library
If books were booze this is a Napa winery
I'm the kinda B the writers wanna scrawl for
Digestin' Wild like Cheryl Strayed has got a call for

Been spendin' most of my life, livin' in a bookworm's paradise.

(I can't sleep.)

I love Cheryl Strayed and I love this parody!
Yes Please.
Tome, tome on the range ... Yes of course you and Mr. B and Young Miles.
I love this. For years I have been telling people I was meant to have been born Welsh. (Because damn if I don't hate and loathe hot weather. ) Now I really know I am supposed to be Welsh!
I was thinking of you when I saw this article. Maybe we can meet there someday.

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That would be awesome, if the roads are made of water and the husband can use his boat everyday, that would make the perfect place for us to live. (I know there's a place in Europe were there are no cars, only boats and bicycles...I need to merge the towns into one.) Although, all those books and a lot of water...
Yes! I'll meet you in B for Bibliophile.

Fang: I don't get to do any creative writing in my core extension class.  The next thing I have to write is about immigration.

Me: What do you have to write?

Fang: An essay from the point of view of an immigrant coming to Ellis Island.  And we have to do a bibliography.

Me: Did your teacher specify a year?

Fang: No.

Me: Well, if you choose a poor person coming over in the early 1900s, the conditions on the ships were terrible.  People huddled on the floor in family groups, not always enough beds or any beds for a transatlantic voyage, there were vermin, poor sanitation, little food ... you could tell some really gruesome stories.

At this point, Fang, who adds, quite correctly that the late 1800s also qualifies, is grinning like a jack-o-lantern.  Gruesome is his bag, baby.

11/19 '14 7 Comments
New York Harbor, 1905.
Oh heavenly, fertile writing ground.
I can smell the tertiary syphilis from here.
I'm curious to know what essay format they want him to use. we learned a funnel system leading to a thesis statement (blank must blank in order to blank), followed by examples, and then a conclusion that summed it up. I'm wondering what they want in terms of craft.

share this with him. it might help, it might not.
I write fictitious plays based on true people and events. what I do is I read as much as possible about the true people and events. then I sit back and think about them until I come up with what the characters want, how they intend to get it, and what obstacles are in their way. Then I think about how they're likely to end up as a result.
then I think about what actions they need to take to get what they want.
then I write the play.

hope it's helpful.
This is great advice.
That's my fang! (also want to read snippets!)
Gruesome is good. Will you post a snippet or two?
I'll ask him!
I'd also love to see what he does with this.

Houser: My question is, how do I get you to nap?

Beeble: Your question is tigers.

Houser: My question is not tigers. Maybe that's your question.

Beeble: Nooo. My question is leopards.

11/17 '14 6 Comments
What have I til you about lion to me?
Such a cheetah.
He'll never prosper.
Hello, Dalí, well, hello, Dalí, it's so nice to have you back where you belong.
That's an Ocelot of questions!