Happy Birthday to today's birthday twins, bassman extraordinaire Kevin Niemi  and talented puppeteer and playwright Lindsay Harris-Friel !

10/30 '14 5 Comments
Thanks Shelle for the wishes and the earworm.

Now I think I need a Floyd tattoo like this guy's: http://i.imgur.com/r5R8H88.jpg
You're welcome! Did you get tattooed on your birthday? ;)
No I didn't, but I have been thinking about another one. Just need to figure out what I want!
Yeah - there was definitely some good mojo in the air on this day.
That was me. Sorry, too many onions.... pfrrrrt

My friend Robert Bryan manages to get in six hours of writing per day while holding down a full-time job and being a Dad.  Or at least he manages to get it in most days.  I'm impressed.  He seems to have simplified his life to be able to do what really matters, truly living La Vida Quaker.  I admire him for it.

Also, I should mention the result of his labors, Arden House, a unique post-apocalyptic YA book where technology is wiped out and two resourceful teenagers use their wits and skills to survive in a hostile environment.  Archer and I both loved it.

This was going to be a post about how I can carve more writing time out of my day ... but right now I am just trying to get through my days minute by minute.

Enough about me, go read Arden House.  If you are not convinced, read Lindsay Harris-Friel 's review on Amazon.  

Also, Arden House Book 2 is coming out soon.  I will be getting Archer a copy and probably even letting him read it before I borrow it.

10/29 '14 3 Comments
You are very kind.
It's funny, I was going to take tonight off.
I imagine that's ok - at least until I've finished reading Book 2. ;)
With a book that good, it's easy to write a review.
Books that suck: also easy.
Mediocre books: hard review.

Strike that.  Reverse it.

It is my ambition to introduce Archer to all of the plays and musicals I have loved and some of the ones I have been indifferent to, but see as theatre canon.  Then, of course, there are all of the shows that have come out since I was at the height of my theatre days, and all the shows that will be born in the future.  

Next on our viewing list - Peter Pan at the Players' Club of Swarthmore tonight.  I like the Players' Club.  Archer and I saw Joseph there (I don't need to type out the whole name of the show, do I?) and their production was fantastic.  Their production of The Fantasticks was weak due to the casting of Luisa (she could sing, but she needed to act too), but the rest of the cast was good, and their tech is consistent and doesn't make me want to scream, "Light the FACE, the FACE!!!" like so many local theatres do, even semi-professional ones.  Really, it's not that hard, if the actor is meant to be the focus of the scene, get him or her into the light unless it's Bill Sykes and then create some really nasty shadows on purpose.

Also, I am eager to show him the movie version of Fiddler on the Roof for many reasons, not the least of which is to see if he recognizes Max from The Muppet Movie.  Shhhh.

If you know of a good production in the PhilaDel area (we live in Media), please drop me a recommendation.  

Hunter and I are compiling a playlist.  Last night we added the theme from Superman and the Imperial March.  Sadly, we can't even buy a copy of Ewok Celebration (better known to all of us 80s kids as 'Yub Nub') so we have to watch it on YouTube.  And watch it, and watch it, and watch it ... well at least we found the version with Real Vader's ghost as opposed to ... ok, I was about to rag on Hayden Christiansen's "acting skills" but now I am wondering who sucked worse, him in the prequels or Paul Walker (RIP) in Timeline and if we can make this into a drinking game.  Because if I am going down THAT rabbit hole, I will need many drinks.

10/24 '14 5 Comments
The Arden is doing Great Expectations, and Beauty & The Beast.

Hedgerow's doing Hamlet. Looks like a small-cast, Old West version. I know the Wilma's doing Hamlet too. Let me know if Fang wants to read my condensed Hamlet first.

People's Light does an annual panto at Christmastime. This time it's Arthur & The Tale Of The Red Dragon. might be too young for him, might be fun.

The Lantern's going to do Doubt, which might blow his mind, but since he liked Glass, he'll probably like this.

People's Light is doing The Cherry Orchard. Please don't subject him to Chekov.

And, of course, The Wilma's doing R&G Are Dead.

That's all I know about for right now.

Archer's intro to Chekhov is going to be Neil Simon's The Good Doctor, because that play is hilarious. "I'll turn your rubles to radishes!" Love that show.
a) You're awesome.

b) Fuck, he has to sit through a production of Hamlet before he can truly appreciate R&G Are Dead. Hamlet, in my opinion, is a great piece of prose but a boring play. Or rather, a frustrating one, because if Hamlet just grew some balls and got off his ass and acted like a King instead of a whiny teenager with Oedipus issues ... well, I guess there wouldn't be a play then, would there?
Hmmm. Do you know the dates for Beauty and the Beast? I have kinda a thing...

The Beeble's latest music obsession: March of the Siamese Children from The King and I.

He calls it "the Prince" because I told him that the Prince comes in when the music gets louder.

I turned it off before the end of the song this morning as we got to daycare and he had a nuclear meltdown.

Showtunes are serious business.

10/21 '14 3 Comments
Go Beeble Patrick Harris Go
Sounds like your Beeble and my Benjamin - who's recently turned all conversations into something akin to A Little Night Music-cum-Phantom of the Opera - would get along splendidly. :)
"Showtunes are serious business." Duh.

Reading: The Winter King by Bernard Cornwell.  Arthur just came over the hill!  

Wearing: Pyjamas - today is my work from home day.

Planning: To attend the wedding of Baron Von Heller  and the soon-to-be-Baroness Jen.  To attend the wedding reception of the Coldirons who snuck off and got married a couple of months ago.  Also tonight is TACO NIGHT!

Introducing: Leah Lopez, who is a good friend of mine even though we have not yet met in person*.  We were in a writers' circle on Diaryland, then on LJ.  She is an English Professor, a writer (she just had a poem published in Asimov's!), a Mom who homeschools, a knitter, a period piece/fantasy/sci fi geek and she writes great posts, so please go give her some love and make her want to stay here on OPW.

* I met Rabbit  via LJ (or was it Diaryland?), so sometimes people you meet online can end up as your closest real-life friends.

10/10 '14 6 Comments
IRTA "met in prison". What a surprise.

This comment has been deleted.

We did talk on the phone before the little people ate our lives! I'm glad you like it here. You are one of my favorite people and I am glad we've managed to stay in touch.
"Introducing" is a lovely idea. I need to get going on some official, obviously-optional weekday themes, like good ol' Follow Friday.

'I Ain't Marchin' Anymore' by Phil Ochs.  Also, 'Santo Domingo', also 'Here's to the State of Mississippi', also 'Outside of a Small Circle of Friends' and so many more.

I am on a Phil Ochs kick because he was very passionate about human lives, about freedom, about not only his right to speak out, but our responsibility to speak out and beyond that, to act.  Where are the Phils of today?  The last one I remember was Bono, and that was a long time ago.

9/16 '14 10 Comments
Check out the Coup. Boots Riley is the Phil Ochs of today.

also, Billy Bragg.

(btw - have you seen that Phil Ochs bio/documentary thing that came out 3-4 years ago?)
No, I have not. Is it on Netflix? I am so mad at Phil Ochs for killing himself before I could see him in concert.
yeah, I know what you mean, but as the documentary makes clear, he was definitely not well by the time the end came.

glad you're digging him so much though - he's in my top 10 favorite musicians list. at one point, I'd have said top 3.

ever read any breece d'j pancake?
Also, I added a video link for 'Outside of a Small Circle of Friends', but I can't see it on the post in Google Chrome.
Shelle, can you give me the URL that didn't work? Thanks.

I pasted it in the video link and it just didn't show up in the post at all.
It's posting with a closing tag and I am not sure why. It doesn't have a closing tag on the YouTube page.
Bugs galore! mmm, crunchy.

Throwback Friday ... me and 5th grader Archer Castle reading The Yarn of The Nancy Bell by W. S. Gilbert.

8/15 '14 5 Comments
That kid is the best. He comes from good stock. Of course I know you are both far more piratical than this wholesome photo implies.
Tom speaks truth.
Children born of fairy stock
Never need for shirt or frock,
Never want for food or fire,
Always get their hearts desire:
Jingle pockets full of gold,
Marry when they're seven years old.
Every fairy child may keep
Two ponies and ten sheep;
All have houses, each his own,
Built of brick or granite stone;
They live on cherries, they run wild--
I'd love to be a Fairy's child.

Robert Graves
Marry when they're seven years old? What reactionary scheme is this?