My friend Robert Bryan manages to get in six hours of writing per day while holding down a full-time job and being a Dad.  Or at least he manages to get it in most days.  I'm impressed.  He seems to have simplified his life to be able to do what really matters, truly living La Vida Quaker.  I admire him for it.

Also, I should mention the result of his labors, Arden House, a unique post-apocalyptic YA book where technology is wiped out and two resourceful teenagers use their wits and skills to survive in a hostile environment.  Archer and I both loved it.

This was going to be a post about how I can carve more writing time out of my day ... but right now I am just trying to get through my days minute by minute.

Enough about me, go read Arden House.  If you are not convinced, read Lindsay Harris-Friel 's review on Amazon.  

Also, Arden House Book 2 is coming out soon.  I will be getting Archer a copy and probably even letting him read it before I borrow it.

10/29 '14 3 Comments
You are very kind.
It's funny, I was going to take tonight off.
I imagine that's ok - at least until I've finished reading Book 2. ;)
With a book that good, it's easy to write a review.
Books that suck: also easy.
Mediocre books: hard review.