Last night I started playing some songs from Sweeney Todd for Archer, and he discovered that one of the lullabies his mother has been singing to him since he was an infant is actually from a show about murder and cannibalism.  Boy was he surprised!

Also, I asked him who he thought wrote Sweeney Todd, and he immediately said, "Stephen Sondheim."  If you hear enough Sondheim, you know when you're hearing Sondheim - there's this witty recetative that he puts in a lot of his songs that's a fingerprint, you can't miss it.  I love the word 'recetative'.

Here's NPH singing it to Patti LuPone (eeee!).  I can't wait to show Archer this one when he comes home from school.

1/30 '15 6 Comments
what a heartbreaking moment.
it's Archer, he thought it was cool, he was just surprised that such a sweet song would be in Sweeney Todd. When he thought about the lyrics it made more sense to him.
or do you mean the moment in the show? because if so, yes.
That's what I meant. I should have been more clear.
Your kid is awesome. Just saying.