Please tell me, in the comments, if you had one power/ability from a myth or fairytale, which one would you want?  No answer is too silly or too out there, go.  

Also, ask your kids/friends/partners. 

Archer's school called at 5:00 AM today to say that they would not be in session. This morning was a blur of shoveling and careful driving and this stomach ache that should not be happening because I took my probiotic and didn't eat any dairy ... crap.  I got a soy chai latte at Starbucks.  Or should I say a "soy" chai latte.  Poisoned by the mermaid ... ain't that a fairytale?

2/17 '15 35 Comments
I'm pretty big on the flyin' too. Although one of my recurring dreams, especially in childhood but still every so very once in a while, is about being able to fly... and wondering why nobody else notices... and eventually losing control and zipping off into the sky.
I have a very similar one. It's that I can fly and I've been able to fly all along, I just kept forgetting. I never lose control, but I do lose momentum, and have to regain it.
Yes! And flying is really easy, and it seems obvious, and why isn't everybody flying?
Tell you what, tonight I'll meet you guys on the third cloud from the left.
Be right there. Usually I get a running jump on the surface of a swimming pool to start.

Holy crap. Next summer party theme needs to be Recurring Dreams.
I have this same sense of "I've always been able to fly..." in my flying dreams. The difference in mine? I'm not able to control it. I am always indoors and I keep bumping into things like door frames which get in my way. Best way to describe it is the way that Ralph Hinkley flew in the Greatest American Hero (
Hahaha ... I loved that show.
You and me both.
Adored that show. Can still sing the theme song.
Believe it or not...

(Now I'm earwormed. I blame you Tom.)
When I was little, one time I sang "Believe it or not Iiiii'm eatin' my snot" and my mom whapped me.

It was totally worth it. That whole exchange still cracks me up.
I had forgotten that little gem. Of course, as I read your comment, I could hear the tonal shifts in your voice re-telling the story.

What? Is that weird?
(Also, I had that song on 45. Was sung by Joe Scabury, if memory serves.)
Nooo!!! I was singing it in the shower this morning after reading these comments. Still earwormed. I blame all of you! ALL OF YOU!!!
I loved that show so much that when I was ten, I repeatedly wrote letters begging them to hire me as a writer, and I sent them a spec script.
Handwritten, of course.
As one does.
Mine is pretty boring. I'd love to be able to fly.
Not boring. Flight is always my first choice ... then I get thinkier and say, "Self, if we could shapeshift into birds, we could fly AND we could mate in free fall with another eagle AND we could run as fast as a cheetah and, and ..."

But that pretty much is my power...
Grow legs? (Jk) . . . Spinning straw into gold comes to mind. Those 7 league boots would also be interesting. . . . What myth does yak killing telekinesis again ? Cause that I want to read up on.

There ya go.

Ignore the lame video, it's completely lacking in homoerotic subtext.
I'm not sure because I think all powers would have a down side. I'd have to think about it.
Aha ... if you think of down sides, tell me that too, because down sides make a good story. Not down sides happening to you specifically, that would suck, I mean just in the 'what if' sense.
At the moment, I'm a little drunk and watching infomercials but when I do think of some I'll let you know. (I did think some when I originally posted but, alcohol has given me the dumb so I'm drawing a blank.)
Shapeshifting? Maybe.

Healing Factor? That would be good.

My answer has always been Telekinesis. It would (in my theoretical version also give me the power of flight by moving myself or my clothes with my mind)
How 'bout the power to kill a yak from 200 yards away?
That's telekinesis, Matt.
How about the power of flight? That do anything for you?
How about the power... to move you?

I love you people with every molecule of my being.
"Tactile telekinesis"? :)

Healing factor is very in theme for you. I think you already do shapeshift, you just don't tell anyone you're doing it.

Shapeshifting has the added bonus of flight and healing factor, depending on what you shift into ... like those reptiles that can regrow limbs.

Shapeshift? I don't currently do. I DO have an animal related super power though - animal empathy.

In truth, we all have it - some of us just use it more than others.
Got to use my animal empathy today. Made a new friend. I call him Kitsune, but that's not his name.
FWIW: I've seriously thought that I would trade my voice (ie., can't speak, scream, sing, etc), for being able to play music really really well.
A magic mirror that would show me objective reality, so I don't overthink.
This assumes objective reality ... is there such a thing? Or is all "reality" shifted and molded by perceptions a la Heisenberg's uncertainty principle?