A local store was having a sale on Roma tomatos, $7 for a 25lbs, half bushel. Like, fuck yeah. d went out with the wagon. Except they had none. Produce guy says when they put them out on the floor, they disappear right away. Well, of course! 

Other store was having red peppers for $8 also for a half bushel. Which, holy shit. So, okay, fine, we can do that. d brought home a box and cored them and cut them up into half inch strips and we put them in the dehydrator, where they'll sit on the balcony overnight at 130F. And in the morning they'll be crisp.  

Yes, a dehydrator is a thing we have! The tomatoes would have gone into the dehydrator too, sliced into 1/2" thick discs. Maybe we'll get lucky tomorrow. We forgot pictures. Maybe pictures of the dried peppers tomorrow.

8/30 '19 2 Comments

So it looks like I may get a new P/T job to supplement my job at TomTom. It’s still a bit of a long shot, but my buddy Brad said there might be an option where he works. We were talking about it last night, and I said that I would love to get some hours there if they would be understanding about my weird “it would have to be on rainy days” thing.

He apparently had some turmoil there this morning including the firing of a beloved coworker. They were already understaffed. They normally have paid interns, but those positions had been frozen until recently which threw them out of the school seasonal hiring schedule.

So we will see. I’m hopeful. I could use the extra hours and the extra money. What’s more, the position, while not anything like any ‘illustration’ gig I would ever think of, does have the word illustrator in the title, so it might be a bit of a resume builder. What’s even more, I know that I will learn a lot - which is enough to be enticing all by itself. I’ve been so stagnant in recent years when it comes to learning anything. I feel like my brain is turning to mush.

Anyway - this all has me looking at my resume and touching it up / adding the TomTom relevant information. That, in turn, had me wandering down my work history in my head. I’ve long thought I need to better document the jobs I’ve done in my past. It’s a pretty broad spectrum and it would be nice to reference them.

Keep your fingers crossed for me and the potential new side gig!

[ x - posted this to my DW account ]

8/27 '19 8 Comments
Good luck! I look forward to more details about what the work entails.
Thanks! Will do.
I really hope this works out!
Thanks! Keep those fingers crossed!
Yes to updating your resume! Yes to jobs that wake the brain beast!
Indeed! This would teach me (at least) more about CAD (specifically Artios CAD which I'm completely unfamiliar with), Illustrator (believe it or not, I don't have much experience there) and some others as well as equipment like specialty cutting machines for prototype building.

It's enough that it has me intrigued.
Oooh! Fingers crossed. And ... did you get it?
Sadly(?), no. The hiring freeze did me in. Well, that and the fact that they just got rid of some folks. My buddy was actually surprised that as many folks went to bat for the idea of hiring me as did. Goes to show how bad they need someone.

Actually - kinda reminds me of some of the stuff Amy's been through.

Our small green children are doing fine. 

We’ll look in on them again next week!

8/24 '19 12 Comments
Looooooookin' gooooooooood!
Lazy question (feel free to just tell me to google it; I promise not to be offended): Are all pickles fermented, or are these special fermenty pickles? Also, I notice none of your pickles are on the sweet side. Is that just a preference (some folks don't dig sweet pickles) or do sweet pickles not work in this neato fermenty way?
Some pickles are fermented. Fermentation produces a distinctive sour taste (kosher dills, kimchi) and uses brine rather than an acidic (usually vinegar-based) solution.

We don't crave sweet pickles, but fermented sweet pickle recipes exist (https://realfoodoutlaws.com/lacto-fermented-sweet-pickle-slices/)
Hmm. The link doesn't seem to work, and I didn't find it roaming around on the site?
Weird. It doesn't work for me as a direct link. The title of the 2013 entry is "LACTO-FERMENTED SWEET PICKLE SLICES"
Yeah, same for me, too! So weird!
This is the perfectly-viewable page/URL I get when I google it... looks straaaaangely like the same dang ol' URL Sean gave:


(PS: Why is their addition of an oak leaf the coolest thing I've ever heard of? Had no idea oak leaves could be used for culinary purposes. Ya learn somethin' new everyday!)
I don't crave sweet pickles either, but sometimes I want a fermented pickle that is a little more balanced--mostly sour but maybe with a hint of sweet. Wondering if that is achievable.
MMMmmmmm. Sweet-ish pickles!
Ah! Thank you for the explanation. Very cool!

Between your pickle-making, Annie's honey-gathering, and Grant's canning, I really want to make something that helps me carry summer into the cold months. Probably too late for that now, but next year.
Tasty, tasty children.
[drool] I want to attend the opening gala.

Apple changed the way it categorizes its podcasts. Instead of audio fiction/audio drama being buried in "personal journals" or "performing arts," it now has a category, Fiction. It even has subcategories: Fiction>Drama, Fiction>Sci-Fi or Fiction> Comedy. 


At 5:53 pm on August 21, 2019, Jarnsaxa Rising is 58 out of 60 on the Fiction>Drama chart for Apple Podcasts. 

I know it's highly subjective, but after not being visible among my peers for so long, this is flippin' HUGE. 

Here's another thing that's cuckoo-bananas. Last week we were the #3 podcast in Fiction in South Korea. 

8/21 '19 7 Comments
It IS huge. I'm so glad they've fixed this long-standing problem.
I know that this is all about shareholder bullshit and competing with Spotify and Netflix and Amazon and BBC Sounds for attention spans, but right now, I'm just happy to be where I am.
iTunes is just such a trash fire and has been so for at least a decade. Discovery on Apple's platforms is so frigging fraught. I subscribe to the Apple Music service and there's an astonishing amount of great music but finding by association, without knowing the exact name is almost impossible. (screams, clutches head)
I think podcasters don't care about the New & Noteworthy list anymore because they know that it can be bought. But Jarnsaxa never even made the Modern Radio Plays list. The only way anyone finds Jarnsaxa is by word of mouth, Twitter, or stumbling across it while searching for something related to Norse Mythology or fan stuff related to Marvel's Thor & Loki. Word of mouth and Twitter have been good to us.
I’m so friggin happy for you right now that I could scream. That is fantastic news!
Oh hey! I see you!

Hey rone ​​​​: Did you ever get your f(x)tec Pro1? If so, how do you like it?

8/21 '19 6 Comments
Ooh, pretty. Looks like it is still unreleased, although I would not put it past our rone to have the inside track somehow. https://www.fxtec.com/product/fxtec-pro1-pre-order/
Nutty! I remember they were aiming for a July release, and then early August. When I went to their site it looked less "pre-order only"esque than it used to, so I just figured it was out. Pooo!

The space bar is getting squirrelly on my KeyOne, so I'm really eyeing that FxTec Pro1, gompy name and all.
Next month, they say, pinkie swear.
I can't wait for the full report!
They will start shipping on the 29th.
NICE! I can't wait to hear what you think of it.

Here are some random links I have saved for things I found cool or interesting:

1) Sean Ono Lennon's band, GOASTT, and their song "Animals." The video is also mesmerizing. It is clear that he is the son of two brilliant artists. If anyone's gonna have an unlimited bankroll to create art, I'm happy it's him. (GOASTT stands for "Ghost of the Saber-toothed tiger.) NSFW (bewbs).

2) Lizzo's Tiny Desk Concert. She has an impressively filthy mouth, but she makes it so endearing. And holy craaaaap does she have chops! She is unfathomably cute and quick-witted, and so comfy being in the spotlight. NSFW (language).

3) If you don't have time for the Tiny Desk Concert above, enjoy Lizzo's hilarious 3-minute parody of Anchorman. She's such a star, and her comic timing is perfecto. (I love the idiots in the comments saying "Um, she's not playing the flute here." No, really? She's not actually playing the flute when it has flames shooting out of it? You think that might be lipsynced? Thanks, Mozart.)  NSFW (language).

4) The "Satisficing" subreddit, containing gifs and videos of cake and cookie icing and piping... so soothing, so magical. It's visual xanax. 

5) The New Voice Studio run by Lisa Paglin and Marianna Brilla. I would give a kidney to study there with them... good GAWD. They say everything I have felt over the years, and I wanna go there and learn every single thing in their heads. Oh lordy lordy lordy lordy. After I win the lottery or something. The YouTube video on their home page (ya gotta scroll a bit) speaks right to my soul.  (A zillion thanks to Michele Grant for indirectly turning me onto them via this article about Adele and other singers blowing their voices out only to have miraculous vocal surgery performed on them, only to have them blow it out again, because they never fixed their shitty technique.)

Parent Update

In other news, we just visited my folks and had a really great visit. Everyone was chipper, we genuinely all enjoyed the visit, we went out to eat, etc.

It's pretty clear that my mom is mentally slipping... her short-term memory is really going bye-bye. She forgets to play the bills, and gets lost driving pretty consistently now, so my dad now handles the finances and drives her everywhere now, which I guess is not the end of the world.  But other than occasional short-term forgetfulness (she watched me and Matt eat english muffins; about 20 seconds later she asked if we ate breakfast even though she was looking at our plates, and she even took a bite of one of our muffins), she is pleasant, fun, on-task, engaged in conversations, and overall pretty OK. My dad is terrified, OTOH, and exahusted, of course, because he has to stay on top of everything... so it was nice to give him a little break.  Her blood-sugar is also considerably more under control, which is awesome. She looks and feels better, and she says she has more energy.  Her diabetes doc (the one who was delaying approving her  much-needed knee surgery because her blood-sugar numbers were too high) now says he'll approve the surgery in 3 months if she keeps up the good numbers.  The sad irony is that in 3 months she'll be that much farther gone mentally, she won't be able to enjoy her new knee and the freedom it affords her due to her cognitive decline. Dad worries with a fixed knee she may even wander on foot. We'll cross that bridge when we get there.

This all sounds grim, but I'm still strangely optimistic.

8/19 '19 6 Comments
I have been thinking about your mom a lot. I am glad she is doing so well, all things considered. My mom had wanted to visit her if we ever got back to NJ. I agree with Matt L. - if she can get a little more movement in, it could make a lot of difference. You may also want to play cards with her or do other activities that exercise the mind. Every little bit can help.
Haven’t checked out the links yet because I’m at one of my coffee shop stops, and I don’t want to be ‘that guy’. Will later.

Over the moon to hear that things are (at least generally) better with your Mom. Of course, I’m sorry that the mental state puts more on your Dad. Though, if someone there can handle it...

I’m also super hopeful for something that you didn’t mention, so perhaps I’m missing a detail. With increased physicality, her mental acuity may improve. Exercise is great for the mind, as my stagnant and lethargic lifestyle proves. (I no can brain these days.) So... hopeful(ish?)
Thank you for the r/SatisfIcing link. I use videos of relaxing things like icing cakes and other soothing activities to fall asleep to and it is very much visual xanax for me! Here's a link in return: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2xrlaJ8egzs&t=329s (SFW) I kill the sound, personally.

Glad your time with family was wholesome and less draining! Sometimes things just click with everyone, and it's a good day. XOXO
I'm glad your mom is cheerful and pleasant. Lizzo makes me so stinking happy.

The usual scum and mouldy bits of detritus on the surface of the water to spoon away. The mould is aerobic, that's why you have to submerge the pickles, so only the anaerobic fermentation bacteria can eat them. A few bins needed topping up water. A couple had white snowflake colonies instead of the usual green mold. I dunno what that is, but I just spoon some of it out and make sure the pickles are underwater.

So far so good.

8/18 '19 1 Comment
the white snowflake colonies are how you make the Invasion of the Body Snatchers doppelgängers.

It's been a crap couple of days. Breakthrough anxiety, indecisiveness, gloom, and exhaustion. Coupled with having my studio in pieces pending a trip to IKEA for some shelves for a new workstation, so there's no art happening.

I've given myself permission to take the day off of feeling bad about not doing anything hugely productive (like go to IKEA alone on transit to bring shelves home on a dolly) so maybe I can reset energy levels and expectations. 

High functioning but sometimes crash hard.

Yes, I've been taking my meds. I still think my dose is right because some days I feel over medicated and other days I have crashes so it's probably a good balance overall? Though I will probably talk to my doctor about being able to self regulate between 10mg and 20mg when I next see her. I think I have the self awareness (and the daily mood log habit) to manage my dose a little. We'll see.

I did a lot of volunteering with the SummerWorks performance festival earlier in the week and at the end of last week and it was great fun and I got a lot of positive feedback. But also it was pretty exhausting, mostly standing, and with all the walking to/from (about 4km each way). So there's a plausible reason for the exhaustion. 

Still, it sucks to wake up and have breakfast and want to go right back to bed. Instead I'm having coffee, typing this, and probably read or game later.

Self care.

8/16 '19 2 Comments
Dude. I don't think that IKEA has really packed stuff for reasonable human transit since the 1990s. I think, since they opened the store in Elizabeth, NJ, they decided that a significant enough portion of their target market is taking the bus back and forth from NYC and wants delivery anyway, why keep making and selling furniture that really can fit in the back of a Prius?
Well, just as one size doesn't fit all, one day doesn't fit all, either. I think it would be great if you could self regulate your dosage up and down a bit. I hope your doctor agrees.

I love your approach to self care, the very first step being giving yourself permission to have an off day and a day off.

Oops, I forgot to take a picture before enjoying.


1 red rose black tea bag

1/4 teaspoon fresh-grated nutmeg

1/4 teaspoon fresh-grated ginger

1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

2-3 cloves

1 scant handful almonds

A few raisins

1 teaspoon brown sugar


Bring a mug's worth of water, less an inch or so, to a boil. Steep the tea for a few minutes.

Pour the tea and everything else into the vitamix.

Run a smoothie cycle.

Pour into mug.



Tastes as good as a "chai latte" and who the hell knows how much sugar (and perhaps fat?) is in those.

If you haven't worked with whole nutmegs before, the "small holes" side of any grater can handle it just fine. Ditto grating fresh ginger.


Cinnamon and ginger, nutmeg and cloves

That's what gave me this shiny red nose.

8/15 '19 8 Comments
This looks divine.
Innit tho? And prep time is almost nothin'
A splash of brandy and I'd call it an ABC (Almond-Brandy-Chai) Alexander.

That looks like a well-loved mug!
Like something out of Beauty and the Beast. I like the "t" on the side. Did you make it yourself? Or was it made by your offspring?
Brandy Alexander always gets me into trouble 🎶
Yeah, that seems mighty delish.