I just ordered "Lost Connections" by Johann Hari. (Thank you, Leela, for the original referral). I get it Sunday. I'm looking forward to reading it. A real book. In my hands. Just because I miss it.


I did a thing on Thursday. I was sitting cross-legged on the floor, bending over to do some work, for about 10 minutes. I was pretty studious and not really paying attention. When I got up I suddenly felt that my legs were pretty solidly asleep. The right one slightly worse. At first I thought it was hilarious, in that way you pop out of bed to discover your foot is asleep and almost fall over. But this didn't dissipate real well, and now more than 24 hours later, it's still tingling away.

3/23 '19 3 Comments
Well, yikes! Sounds like ya done pinched somethin'! (Thanks, Dr. Knapp.) Are both legs tingly? I know you said the right one was worse. Is it still like that? Eeeeeek!

Curious what Annie Mollo has to say about this. She's all smart n' knows bodies n' stuff.
I got nothin'. There are a million and one reasons for that tingling, and also not knowing anything about Karen's overall health/challenges...

Gentle supports for people who have neuropathy might generally include massage, warm epsom salt baths, and acupuncture.

And no matter what ails you, assessing your overall diet for adequate micro- and macro-nutrients is never a waste of time. Even tiny changes in your diet can have big positive effects—iodine is one example of that. Change your intake by mere micrograms and you can feel quite different. But if you're not a big bio sci nerd hobbyist like me, your best bet would be to find a registered dietician whose philosophy encompasses integrative and functional medicine. You could also see a nutritionist, but that title/profession isn't regulated in the same way (or sometimes at all) as a dietician. That said, one of the most brilliant practitioners who ever helped pull me out of a bad-health cesspool was a nutritionist. So YMMV.
Hey girls, sorry for the hit and run post! I'm back. :) I do appreciate the feedback! Yes, it's still tingling and in both legs, but maaaybe slightly improving? I bend over and get a sudden recurrence, and I've seemed to locate a major tingly spot in the groin-ish area?

I'm being uncharacteristically blase about this, I know. I think my recent back surgeries are connected and I'm in a bit of a bad place with that as well, just not feeling the improvements I was hoping for, and then being told the screws could be touching nerves really made me question the point of all of this. (I know I'll eventually settle down but it just makes me uncontrollably emotional right now and my response is to put it in a box until I can breathe).

I didn't get into all this in the post because sometimes I don't want to keep talking about The Stuff I Keep Talking About, but in the end it's really a big part of what is going on with me, so... yeah.

I did the nutritionist route waayyy back in the early days, but definitely need to revisit it. It's possible new information will result after a 10 year period. It's also never bad to eat good, yo. I believe in food as medicine, you are what you eat, etc, but I am often a lousy pharmacist. Thank you for the gentle reminder. <3

Oh, and hot baths are definitely a win! As are good supportive friends. XOXO


Matt Lichtenwalner made my kid a drawing

And it is wonderous. Just saying. 

3/22 '19 8 Comments
Awww shucks! Thank you! I'm so glad everyone (save, perhaps, the cat) liked it! :)
It looks to me as if everyone liked it! The cat, the unicorn, the Golden Snitch, the Lego Nightmare Princess... (?)
This looks great! This might be one of my favorite things you've drawn. I've seen you use the format before to draw the guys that you always have hangin' around your psyche, and I dig it.

But yeah, what is Lego Nightmare Princess' real name? I doubt it's "ArachnaCubicula" which would be my first guess, which I am clearly inventing to be a dork. Never seen her before.
"the format before to draw the guys that you always have hangin' around your psyche" - Those are what inspired the request from Ursula, so I'm glad it shows through!

"ArachnaCubicula" - Well, I don't know the character's actual name, but Ursula gave me a list of topics and among them was "Roblox" (seems like a hybrid between Minecraft and Leggos) and a subset of that game "Grottypuff". I did a little image searching, and voila! I think they should use ArachnaCubicula if the character isn't already named.
I love this piece! I agree with Jillbot, it's one of my favorites ... though my FAVORITE piece of your art is the one on my back.

The expression on the cat's face is pure joy and very catlike ... when they love their people they look just like that.
Thanks! The cat was a particular joy to me. Arguably for the first time, Google Image Search let me down. I kept trying to find reference pics for a cat rubbing up against their human. I finally found one that was vaguely what I was looking for and used it. Then I pretty much scrapped that and reworked the cat until the only thing remaining from the original was the two front legs. So I guess what I'm saying is - thanks - this particular cat really wanted to make its way to the digital page. :)

I run a very short list (just google calendar invites, actually) for lawn care applications each summer. It's basically a rough guideline for putting down what chemicals and when, if that's your bag, baby. (That's totally my bag, baby.) If you're interested in this, send me your gcal email (via "karona" at youknowwhere) and I'll invite ya. The time to start it is in the next week or two.

I'm a bit of a lawn geek*, so this had started as a hobby and a few folks asked to be alerted. Maybe it's time to admit I have a grass addiction. I make no gaurantees if you are outside of the Southeastern PA area. Actually, I make no gaurantees inside that area, either, accept that I also do what I'm advising you to do, and a bad lawn makes me very crabby*.

Okay, cheers.

*I may have signed up for soil temperature alerts this year.

**Crabgrass joke.

3/20 '19 8 Comments
Can you send me an invite? I am fascinated.
Absolutely. I only have the first item up, there will be about a half dozen more from now til Octoberish.
That's not a bad idea at all. If I had a lawn to take care of, I would absolutely sign up.
Aw, thx. Just something that kinda came about organically (more lawn jokes!)
I have a very small patch of grass that desperately needs help. Can you send me the details?
I can send you the invite for the crabgrass prevention. It's really basic, just the name of the recommended lawn product and whether to put it down wet or dry. Maybe a blurb in the notes. I am not sure how many calendar "events" there will be this year, but last year there were about 8, spread out between April and October. I haven't set them all up yet, but if at any time you want to opt out, you can delete them. :)
If it weren’t for crabgrass, I wouldn’t have any grass at all. (Rimshot)
Yep that was us growing up. And dog poo. Good times. ;)

Tonight (Friday) we'll be playing our first gig in a while. A band we love very much, The Honey Badgers, are having their album release show and asked us to open... and we were flattered since we're almost 20 years older than them. (We have this tired 'joke' about how they are the younger, more attractive acoustic duo who is also a couple with the band initials "HB.")  They played at our very first CD release show in 2013, so it'll be nice to return the favor.

Erin has a music degree in voice/violin, and her voice is like velvet. She cares so much about singing well, which I sooo appreciate, but she is also so effortless in it, which I am sooo jealous of. :-)  Her husband Michael is a science guy and a computer guy, and while not as musically-trained as Erin, he has such innate musicality and plays a zillion instruments, and their voices blend so, so, so well.  They play folk, but it's not sleepy folk. 

The show is upstairs at The Queen, but thankfully it's not a LiveNation show (it's just a rental) so tickets are not expensive because there aren't $73,938 in TicketMaster fees tacked on.  

Matt and I open the show at 8pm sharp, and we'll play a truncated set (35 mins). I'll also be singing lead on a Honey Badgers song during during their set, and then joining them on the final two tunes. 

We're looking forward to this show because we'll get to play two songs we don't get to play often at all... but since this is a folk/listening audience, we can bust out two songs that really reward the listener for paying attention to the lyrics. (Matt writes a great damn song. Playwright lyricists, man. Nomz.)

You can buy tix online only until 8am on the 15th (so 6 hours from now); otherwise you'll have to buy them at the door; there should be about 10 available at the door, I'm guessing.  The good news is that your ticket stub (or your ticket receipt if ya bought it online already) can be brought to the Stich House Brewery down the street on 8th and Market for 10% off your whole bill, before and/or after the show. Wheee!

Ok, going to bed. 

(PS: This is not me trying to convince anyone to go. We gauge our success on how many non-friends (organic fans) come to the show. I hate when bands make their money by guilting their friends into paying their rent, essentially. Not cool. Nobody owes me anything. 😊)

(PPS' My sleepy meds have just kicked in. I wanted to write about The Homey Awards that were tonight, and were fun. Will write more tomorrow.)

3/15 '19 4 Comments
Is it still guilt if it's a guilty pleasure?

Some day SOME DAY, I will be kid free and in Delaware when you play and make one of your shows....what's the best way to see your schedule in advance?
There are two easy ways to keep up!

1) Our website:

2) Our Google calendar:

We can also add you to our mailing list! We usually send things out quarterly/seasonally... but that requires people to kinda make a note about shows. Our marketing person is trying to get us to send out reminder emails closer to shows, but good lord I am so worried about over-emailing people.
Ooo now I know where to invite the gang after future shows
The place is really great!

Hi all!

Verizon had a huge cell outage earlier this week, and because of that, Matt and I aren't able to receive MMSes. (MMSes are fancy texts-- so any text with a photo or sound attachment, or text-only texts sent to multiple people at once.

We can still receive simple texts (SMSes)... meaning text-only texts sent to one person at a time, though. So at least that's something. 

I don't know when Verizon is going to have this fixed, but until it is... if you need to reach me, email is best.  If shooting off a text is easier, please just make sure you're only sending it to me, and it's not part of a group text.

Right now I have about 8 group and/or photo texts that have been saying "Downloading..." for over 2 days now.  The suspense is killing me!

Apologies. I know it's annoying. :-(

3/14 '19 3 Comments
Verizon wants me to return their old router, but the label they sent me has one of those little broken-image "X" icons where the actual label information is supposed to go.
I would love to see that. A bunch of us here love public BSODs and error messages, and that kinda image "X" icon thing is making me giddy just thinking about it.
Aw, darn. I think I just gave it away to the friendly UPS guy. Sorry.

72 hours post carpal tunnel surgery. Pain was higher than advertised. I know this next comment is going to make me sound like a bastard, but I'm in pain. And thanks all you fuckwits who can't control your addictions. Because of you I can't be pain free after they cut on me.

So, carpal tunnel surgery increases the difficulty of doing anything by 100% and increases carpal tunnel pain by 100x. Even small movements are agonizing, with pain shooting up and down my arm. And this is only the left arm. I'm getting by, but I'm right handed, so next month is looking like a shit sandwich.

Getting old ain't for sissies.

3/12 '19 6 Comments
Holy shit, I had no idea you just got chopped! I'm so sorry! Of course, had I known it was on your agenda, I would have told you "hey, it's easy peasy" because my dad's was... so I *really* wouldn't have been helpful at all. Shit. I'm so sorry you're having such an awful time right now. You're not a wuss. If you're hurting, you're HURTING.

Are you allowed to call your doc and tell them your pain is beyond what Ibuprofen/Tylenol/whatever they told you to do/prayer/meditation can control? They err on the side of caution by not just giving out a narcotic scrip my default, but my understanding is that they will prescribe a small amount if it's needed.

And yes-- I am with you a billion-fold: Eff the fentanyl-producing/dealing assholes who have now prevented even *cancer patients* from receiving pain meds for fear of a damn DEA raid. It is BULLSHIT. Being a hematology patient, I'm often lumped in with cancer patients, so I'm on a bunch of hematology/oncology listservs and message boards that both doctors and patients participate in. It's staggering to see how much fear and damage this "opioid-epidemic" has caused because politicians decided to tell doctors how to practice medicine and invented arbitrary dosage and prescription limits. Friggin' *cancer patients* are having their pain med prescriptions titrated down or terminated because of these hideous and inhumane rules.

We have a Chinese fentanyl problem, not a 5mg prescription vicodin post-surgery problem for fucksake.

I'm so, so sorry you're hurting, especially this much after 72 hours. Please let me know if we can go to the store for you, walk some doggos, etc.
Thanks. Pain is down a bunch, most pins and needles unless I forget and try to use the hand for balance. Hilariously, I'm relegated to wearing sweat shorts. Long pants cannot be pulled up and belts cannot be fastened like this. Glad the weather isn't 20 degrees any longer.

They pumped me full of IV antibiotics and slathered me down with antibiotic cream, but I have to leave the bandage undisturbed for 17 days. It's gonna be a real stink-o-rama by the time they take the bandage off and take out the stitches.

I have zero tolerance for these new drug rules. I can get tramadol for my dog easier than I can get a prescription for me. And tramadol is nowhere near vicodin or even tylenol-3 FFS!
Oh man. I just wrote this huge reply and I accidentally closed the browser window and it went kablooey. Anyway!

I'm really happy to hear things are subsiding a bit, painwise... but no dressing change for 17 days?! What the heck is that?

Anyway, it's so strange to compare your experience to my dad's. I was there in northern NJ with him for the whole thing, and some of the differences in approach seem funky to me.

Like, 30 mins after we got back from his surgery he was making himself an omelette with his new hand (cockily, thanks the anesthesia... which didn't last long, and he was appropriately babying it after the remaining local anesthesia wore off.) His pain was the worst (but definitely not crazy) on days 2-3, and after that it got markedly better quickly.

Pain-med-wise, they tried giving him to a 3-day vicodin scrip which he refused, to their puzzlement. He believes all of the opioid panic he reads and is convinced he'll go from taking one vicodin post-surgery to shooting up heroin in a walmart bathroom in 30 seconds. But he said he really didn't need anything beyond Advil/Tylenol, and one ancient Tylenol 3 he had laying around.

We went back to the doc's office 3 days later for a post-op visit so they could take the dressing off and check him out. They put on a different, lighter, looser, fresh dressing, and he could change the dressing whenever he wished. He could shower, and when the dressing got wet in the shower, he'd just put on dry one when he got out of the shower. It wasn't anything elaborate.

When he had the stitches still in, they said "Use your hand as comfort allows, but the second you feel any tug on your stitches, you STOP." There were times he got cocky but then felt a tug on the stitches, which reminded him to take it easy and maybe not continue replacing his truck engine that week.

The stitches came out after 15 days (which seems fairly close to what you've been told) and he was told to continue to use his hand as his comfort allows, which he did.

Anyway, he said overall it was easy-peasy, though things were at maximum pain level at the 3-day mark and then got rapidly better.

I'm wondering if there's something drastically different in your diagnoses or medical histories that make your aftercare routines so different. (Not that I need to know.)

If you wanted to go to my dad's guy for your other hand, his name is Dr. Murphy at Skylands Orthopedics in Hackettstown NJ, but he works out of other places in NJ, too. He's awesome and funny. I'd be happy to help facilitate in whatever way I could be useful.
My doctor did my right rotator cuff surgery, so I'm pretty happy with him. Funny, just two years ago they didn't stint on the pain meds. This time I got Tylenol-3, which were not sufficient for the pain, either in strength, duration or size of prescription.

Yeah, the dressing being on for two weeks without changing is weird. I had to read my discharge instructions twice to make sure it wasn't an hallucination, but there it was.

Right out of surgery I was famished, so we went to the Metro Diner near Christiana hospital. The place is nice, I hope it lasts. But then we went back to my friend's house and the anesthesia was worn off. So I took a pain pill, my morning meds and went nappy bye for an hour or so. Lather, rinse and repeat for the rest of the weekend with ice off and on. I was of zero utility for the whole weekend. I couldn't even feed my dogs because I couldn't open the dog food can with one hand.

Typing was a dead letter issue. Couldn't happen with my surgery hand. On Wednesday I could type, but not fast and kept losing placement. Today is better. I'm not up to my close-your-eyes-and-type speed, but it's better.

Tomorrow is a week since surgery. I can close my hand into a loose fist and extend it flat. I can even carry light objects, like a cup of coffee. But my thumb still won't reach to touch my little finger. Not sure if it's swelling, or the bandage that's like putting a falsie in your palm. The worst is when I forget and reach out to put my hand palm -down on something. The pain makes me remember to DON'T DO THAT!
Your dad sounds a lot like my dad. My dad had a cocky pic of himself on a treadmill 4 days post hip-replacement. (He did not actually walk on it, though.)

As for this, "....convinced he'll go from taking one vicodin post-surgery to shooting up heroin in a walmart bathroom in 30 seconds." Yep, hear this a lot, and then often hear that the pain got out of control (right around day 3 is spot-on) and then it's a night of agony and even tears till it gets back under control. I tell folks not to try to be a hero, you don't get addicted after 3 days, hell you don't get addicted after 3 weeks if you're still tapering down from surgery. I don't have the information in front of me atm, but I believe the initial wave of addiction issues came with docs using a 3-month regimen with no plan in place for tapering off.

Ray, I hope you are feeling better by now. I'm sorry you had to go through all that recovery without adequate pain control. It's not just a matter of comfort, it can really affect the healing process, too.

We really need to get this "crisis" under control, and end the war on drugs.
Things are much better. The pain is mostly gone, just occasional flares when I use the hand. I have been wearing long pants since Sunday. And boy, let me tell you, you miss long pants when you don't have them. Just today I can touch my thumb to my pinky finger. The bandage is getting a little grungy. Not ripe yet, but I can't wait for Monday afternoon to get it off and get the stitches out.
I'm going to wash it right away.

Friday I go in for the first of the age related maintenance procedures. Carpal tunnel syndrome. The first three fingers of my left hand started going numb a few months back. Now they're number 24/7. Tests have shown that my carpal tunnels have progressed from 'moderate' to 'severe' in two years. 

Computer nerd life, yo.

So, pins and needs this morning, worse in the left than the right. Fortunately the left is getting addressed first. Right gets done next month.

Fuck this. I'm ready. Let's go!

3/4 '19

Yesterday morning Matt had to get some bloodwork done, so we got up early (well, early for us) and got that taken care of, and then went to brunch.  When we got back, Matt said, "Oh man, I think I might be coming down with something. I'm not entirely sure... I just feel kinda off." That was around 1:30.

By 5:00 Matt had a 99.4 degree fever, and by 8:30 it was 101.7 and he was praying that the sweet lord would just let him die. He had the power-pukes of doom (though he admittedly felt better after Round 3), and the cold/hot/ugh of the fever, and this awful cough that came from the pit of his soul.

Around 11pm my pal Kerry texted me and mentioned that she had the similar plague the day before, but thankfully it seemed to be a 24 hour thing because she felt 89% better.  

Matt debated taking something to knock his fever down, but we agreed that we shouldn't mess with millennia of evolution, and that we should just let the fever cook out whatever it needed to.  We did give him a delicious Wal-Som to knock him out though, and he slept fairly well through the night despite a few puke-breaks.

He woke up this morning and his fever is back down to 99.4, and he feels better than he did yesterday but is still bed-ridden.

I am avoiding him as much as possible, which means I'm sleeping in the guest room, and staying out of our bedroom unless I absolutely have to go in there to bring him something.  Poor guy.

This wouldn't be a big deal, but this weekend is a Really Important Weekend.

On Friday, Matt has his very first gig with 53rd & 3rd, which is a brand-new Ramones tribute band that he's the lead singer for.  Matt has never fronted a band without also holding a guitar before, and he's nervous (though very prepared). He reaaaaaally doesn't want to be sick for this. I suppose the good news is that the gig is at Bar XIII, which is about 7 minutes from our house, and if worse came to worst, he could show up, sing, and leave.  This isn't what we want, of course.

On Saturday, Matt and I are part of this really neat show called "Shine a Light," which is a 50+ musician fundraising show that raises dinero for the Light Up The Queen Foundation, which raises money for Delaware schools that lost their arts/music funding. It also runs a jazz school, and does some other cool things, too.  It's held on the big stage downstairs at The Queen, and it's almost already sold out. Tickets are $125 each, and VIP tix are $250... so it's a pretty big to-do.  Anyway, each year's concert has a theme, and this year we're doing all songs from 1969. It's a prestigious thing, and this is our first year being a part of it.  As Freshmen members, we are singing backups and are in the horn section... so no lead singer or guitar duties, but honestly, we really like being right where we are. 

Anyway, Saturday's show is an all-day thing... we have to arrive by 3 so we can be all sound-checked and cleared off the stage by 6 because that's when the house opens for the VIPs.  The music starts at 8.

The downside to this show is that there are over 50 players involved, so there are going to be over 50 musicians crammed into the backstage area where there is not enough room for even 20 people, really... plus I'm sure many will be drinking throughout the day/night... and as an introvert it's hard to endure not having a place to be quiet where there isn't a person (drunk or not) trying to talk to you... but it's a billion times worse when you're sick.  So I'm thinking about bringing a pillow or some kind of cushion so we can sit in the stairwell where (hopefully) nobody else will be. 

As for me, I feel like my body is working really hard to fight something. I'm doing everything in my power to make sure it wins.

We were in Austin all last week for work and got home on Saturday, and then Matt had a Ramones rehearsal at 10:00am on Sunday because we had an all-day dress rehearsal for Shine a Light that started at noon and went until around 7 or 8-ish (can't remember).  So between travel, being on an airplane, being in two rehearsal spaces crammed with people and sharing mics and stuff and just running running running, it's no surprise the plague got a foothold.

So, we're hoping Matt feels better ASAP.

In the last bit of news: I'm typing this in procrastination, because I'm an idiot and always wait until the last possible second to get my books in shape in time for my accountant to do my business taxes and then my personal taxes. I see my accountant tomorrow at 2pm, and I am just now starting to hand-type in all of my bank and credit card transactions for the year, because naturally I am too cheap to spend the $9.95/month for Quickbooks access.

Anyway, if I owe you an email or some kind of reply, it'll likely be next week sometime. I've gotta get through this week and the weekend.


2/28 '19 2 Comments
Sending love and strength.
O lawd. Good luck kids.

I created a FaceBook Group (groan) for my coworkers and myself. Just those of us who are 'grunts'. Working at a job like ours, it's suuuuper easy to feel alienated and alone. This was a little way for us to band together for everything from support in work stuff to telling random funny stories that the others would appreciate.

It's one of the (very) few reasons I check back into FB occasionally.

Recently, someone posted to the group and asked about "Ultimate Road Music". They didn't give much in the way of stipulations. A bunch of folks dove in and presented what I think is a rather excellent list of music.

While much of it is what you might expect - classic rock is a high percentage of the list - there are a lot of gems that I either didn't know or had forgotten.

Instead of doing any one of the million things I should be doing right now, I just took a bit and sorted through all the comments to compile a list of all the recommendations. Since it has a very 'mix tape' feel to it, I thought I would present it here for your enjoyment.

Feel free to add to the list if you've got something that has to be added!

Individual Songs
AC/DC - Are You Ready
AC/DC - Highway to Hell
AC/DC - Riff Raff
Allman Brothers - Midnight Rider
Allman Brothers - Ramblin Man
Animals - It’s My Life
Arlo Guthrie - City of New Orleans
Billy Joel - New York State of Mind
Black Sabbath - Fairy’s Wear Boots
Black Sabbath - Neon Knights
Black Sabbath - War Pigs
Blackfoot - Highway Song
Blackmore Night - Locked Within the Crystal Ball
Bob Dylan - Like a Rolling Stone
Boston - Peace of Mind
Bruce Springsteen - Born to Run
Bruce Springsteen - Thunder Road
Buffalo Springfield - For What it’s Worth
Cake - The Distance
Canned Heat - Going up the Country
Christopher Cross - Ride Like the Wind
Creedence Clearwater Revival - I Heard It Through the Grapevine
​​​​​​​Credence Clearwater Revival - Proud Mary
Crosby Stills and Nash - Marakesh Express
Cyndi Lauper - I Drove All Night
Damn Yankees - High Enough
Darryl Worley - A Good Day to Run
Deep Purple - Highway Star
Depeche Mode - Route 66
Dire Straits - Sultans Of Swing
Eddie Rabbit - Drivin my Life Away
Elvis Presley - Hi-Heel Sneakers
Eric Clapton - Let It Grow
Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way
Fleetwood Mac - Gypsy
Focus - Hocus Pocus
Foghat - Drivin' Wheel
Freddy Jones Band - In a Daydream
Gary Allen - Highway Junkie
Get Set Go - I Hate Everyone
Gladys Knight - Midnight Train to Georgia
Golden Earring - Radar Love
Gordon Lightfoot - Carefree Highway
Grateful Dead - Truckin
Hank Snow - I've Been Everywhere
Heart - Straight On For You
Honeymoon Suite - New Girl Now
Howlin’ Wolf - Highway 49
Iron Maiden - Run To The Hills
Iron Maiden - Wasted Years
Jackson Browne - Running on Empty
James Taylor - Carolina in my Mind
Jefferson Airplane - Wooden Ships
Jimmy Buffet - Changes In Latitudes, Changes In Attitudes
John Denver - Travelling Song
John Deniver - Country Roads
John Deniver - Leaving on a Jet Plane
Johnny Cash - Hurt
Johnny Cash - I've Been Everywhere
Joni Mitchell - Circle Game
Led Zeppelin - Achilles Last Stand
Led Zeppelin - Dancing Days
Led Zeppelin - Tea for One
Led Zeppelin - Ramble On
Lee Clayton - Silver Stallion
Lindsay Buckingham - Holiday Road
Linkin Park - Castle of Glass
Lulu Santos - Como Uma Onda
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Call me the Breeze
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama
Megadeth - Peace Sells
Men At Work - Down Under
Metallica - Wherever I May Roam
Molly Hatchet - Boogie No More
Montrose - Bad Motor Scooter
Motorhead - Going To Brazil
Nat King Cole - Route 66
Outlaws - Green Grass and High Tides
Pantera - Cemetary Gates
Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
Prince - Little Red Corvette
Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody
Rare Earth - Born to Wander
Ray Charles - Hit the Road Jack
Rise Against - Ready to Fall
Roger Miller - King of the Road
Rolling Stones - 2000 Light Years
Ronnie Milsap - Prisoner of the Highway
Rush - A Passage to Bangkok
Rush - Red Barchetta
Rush - YYZ Slayer - Seasons In the Abyss
Steppenwolf - Born to be Wild
Steppenwolf - The Pusher
Steve Miller Band - Jet Airliner
Sting - Desert Rose
Stone Temple Pilots - Interstate Love Song
Sweet - Set Me Free
Talking Heads - Road to Nowhere
Tesla - Comin' Atcha
The B-52s - Roam
The Doors - Horse Lattitudes
The Doors - Riders on the Storm
The Eagles - Take It Easy
The Mamas and the Papas - California Dreaming
The Marshall Tucker Band - Heard it in a Love Song
The Proclaimers - I Would Walk 500 Miles
The Way - Fastball
The Who - Who Are You
Toad the Wet Sprocket - Walk on the Ocean
Tom Cochrane - Life is a Highway
Tom Petty - Running Down a Dream
Tom Petty - Time to Move On
Tony Bennet - I Left My Heart in San Francisco
Tool - Sober
Tracy Chapman - Fast Car
Traveling Wilburys - End of the Line
U2 - Where the Streets Have No Name
Van Halen - Poundcake
Waylon Jennings - Honky Tonk Heroes
Waylon Jennings - Lonesome Ornery and Mean
Whitesnake - Love Ain't No Stranger
Willie Nelson - On the Road Again
Yes - Rhythm Of Love
ZZ Top - I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide
ZZ Top - La Grange

Whole Album Recommendations
Led Zeppelin - Led Zeppelin II
Metallica - Black Album
Metallica - Unforgiven
Pink Floyd - Animals
Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
Pink Floyd - Division Bell
Pink Floyd - The Wall
U2 - Actung Baby

Band Recommendations
5 Finger Death Punch
Avenged Sevenfold

New Additions from OPW Folks
Beastie Boys (See below)
Black Sabbath - Johnny Blade
Black Sabbath - Never Say Die
Black Sabbath - Psycho Man
Blue Oyster Cult - Godzilla
Blue Oyster Cult - Veterans of the Psychic Wars
Deep Purple - Space Truckin'
Depeche Mode - Never Let Me Down Again
Depeche Mode - Nothing
Don Felder - Heavy Metal
Eagles - On the Border
Eagles - Witchy Woman
Eagles - Victim of Love
Eagles - Heartache Tonight
Eddie Grant - Electric Avenue
Golden Earring - Twilight Zone
Nazareth - Crazy
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Blood Sugar Sex Magick (entire album)
Sammy Hagar - Heavy Metal

2/23 '19 15 Comments
We have a lot of similar music tastes. To fit in with your theme here, I'd suggest adding in Red Hot Chili Peppers, Blood Sugar Sex Magick, the whole album, is one of my all-time fave road trip CDs. I would also add in Beastie Boys (too many songs & albums to pick from, but I'd prioritize Funky Boss, So What'cha Want, Professor Booty, Super Disco Breakin', Sabotage, Brass Monkey, High Plains Drifter, Looking Down the Barrel of a Gun, Car Thief, Ch-Check it Out, Hey Fuck You. From Black Sabbath, I'd add Never Say Die, Johnny Blade and Psycho Man. Blue Oyster Cult--Godzilla and Veterans of the Psychic Wars. Deep Purple--Space Truckin'. I'd add waaaay more Depeche Mode, but if you only would add in one or two, it would be Never Let Me Down Again and Nothing. How bout some Eagles? On the Border, Witchy Woman, Victim of Love, Heartache Tonight. Eddie Grant--Electric Avenue. Golden Earring--Twilight Zone. Sammy Hagar--Heavy Metal. Don Felder--Heavy Metal (Takin' a Ride). Nazareth (Crazy)...

and a million more, if I can think of 'em :-)
Damn. You've got seriously good taste lady. Hope you don't mind - I added them above. :)
Thank you! I think we *both* have seriously good tastes. ;-)

And of course I don't mind...I mean, that was kinda the intent and I'm glad you liked my suggestions.

I gots more...if you're still interested?
Sounds great! But I should probably make a document somewhere that you can edit so we don't keep double working. :P
Sure, whatever works for you. :-)
I loooooove Space Truckin’ as a road trip song. I thought I was the only one!
:-) It's a road trip classic! Well...in our worlds, apparently.

As are...

"Cars" by Gary Numan
"Road to Nowhere" by Talking Heads
"Little Red Corvette" by Prince
"Take Me Home, Country Roads" by John Denver

And I'd also ask, Matt, do you know Joe Bonamassa? He's amaaaazzzziiingggg and I get the feeling you'd totally love him. He's great solo, and with a band he plays in called Black Country Communion.

From Black Country Communion, check out:

Down Again
The Revolution in Me
Stand (At the Burning Tree)
Too Late For the Sun
Man in the Middle

Joe Bonamassa, from the album An Acoustic Evening, "Live at the Vienna Operahouse"

Slow Train
Black Lung Heartache
Woke Up Dreaming

From Joe's album "Live at the Beacon Theatre"

Blue and Evil

From Joe's album "Live at the Borderline"

Steal Your Heart Away

...and I'll post more suggestions later...
:-) It's a road trip classic! Well...in our worlds, apparently.

As are...

"Cars" by Gary Numan
"Road to Nowhere" by Talking Heads
"Little Red Corvette" by Prince
"Take Me Home, Country Roads" by John Denver

And I'd also ask, Matt, do you know Joe Bonamassa? He's amaaaazzzziiingggg and I get the feeling you'd totally love him. He's great solo, and with a band he plays in called Black Country Communion.

From Black Country Communion, check out:

Down Again
The Revolution in Me
Stand (At the Burning Tree)
Too Late For the Sun
Man in the Middle

Joe Bonamassa, from the album An Acoustic Evening, "Live at the Vienna Operahouse"

Slow Train
Black Lung Heartache
Woke Up Dreaming

From Joe's album "Live at the Beacon Theatre"

Blue and Evil

From Joe's album "Live at the Borderline"

Steal Your Heart Away

...and I'll post more suggestions later...
:-) It's a road trip classic! Well...in our worlds, apparently.

As are...

"Cars" by Gary Numan
"Road to Nowhere" by Talking Heads
"Little Red Corvette" by Prince
"Take Me Home, Country Roads" by John Denver

And I'd also ask, Matt, do you know Joe Bonamassa? He's amaaaazzzziiingggg and I get the feeling you'd totally love him. He's great solo, and with a band he plays in called Black Country Communion.

From Black Country Communion, check out:

Down Again
The Revolution in Me
Stand (At the Burning Tree)
Too Late For the Sun
Man in the Middle

Joe Bonamassa, from the album An Acoustic Evening, "Live at the Vienna Operahouse"

Slow Train
Black Lung Heartache
Woke Up Dreaming

From Joe's album "Live at the Beacon Theatre"

Blue and Evil

From Joe's album "Live at the Borderline"

Steal Your Heart Away

...and I'll post more suggestions later...
:-) It's a road trip classic! Well...in our worlds, apparently.

As are...

"Cars" by Gary Numan
"Road to Nowhere" by Talking Heads
"Little Red Corvette" by Prince
"Take Me Home, Country Roads" by John Denver

And I'd also ask, Matt, do you know Joe Bonamassa? He's amaaaazzzziiingggg and I get the feeling you'd totally love him. He's great solo, and with a band he plays in called Black Country Communion.

From Black Country Communion, check out:

Down Again
The Revolution in Me
Stand (At the Burning Tree)
Too Late For the Sun
Man in the Middle

Joe Bonamassa, from the album An Acoustic Evening, "Live at the Vienna Operahouse"

Slow Train
Black Lung Heartache
Woke Up Dreaming

From Joe's album "Live at the Beacon Theatre"

Blue and Evil

From Joe's album "Live at the Borderline"

Steal Your Heart Away

...and I'll post more suggestions later...
In no particular order...

Willie Nelson - On the Road Again
John Denver - Travelling Song
John Deniver - Country Roads
John Deniver - Leaving on a Jet Plane
Traveling Wilburys - End of the Line
The Eagles - Take It Easy
Prince - Little Red Corvette
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama
Johnny Cash - I've Been Everywhere
Nat King Cole - Route 66
Sting - Desert Rose
Tony Bennet - I Left My Heart in San Francisco
Gladys Knight - Midnight Train to Georgia
The B-52s - Roam
Billy Joel - New York State of Mind
James Taylor - Carolina in my Mind
Crosby Stills and Nash - Marakesh Express
Rush - A Passage to Bangkok
Arlo Guthrie - City of New Orleans
Darryl Worley - A Good Day to Run
Tom Cochrane - Life is a Highway
Metallica - Wherever I May Roam
Roger Miller - King of the Road
Bruce Springsteen - Thunder Road
Bruce Springsteen - Born to Run
The Mamas and the Papas - California Dreaming
Talking Heads - Road to Nowhere
Canned Heat - Going up the Country
Lindsay Buckingham - Holiday Road
Stone Temple Pilots - Interstate Love Song
The Way - Fastball
Jackson Browne - Running on Empty
Cyndi Lauper - I Drove All Night
Tracy Chapman - Fast Car
Ray Charles - Hit the Road Jack
Cake - Going the Distance
Bob Dylan - Like a Rolling Stone
The Proclaimers - I Would Walk 500 Miles
Men At Work - Down Under
Fleetwood Mac - Go Your Own Way
The Allman Brothers - Midnight Rider
Steve Miller Band - Jet Airliner
Credence Clearwater Revival - Proud Mary

Nice! I'll have to add these to the list!
I've grabbed the whole list and curated it. (Thank you, mad Excel skillz.) We're at 145 and climbing. I see I'm going to be spending some $$$ at Amazon to cherry pick the songs that aren't already on my driving playlist.
Nice! The list above is sorted already, but I've been thinking I should just create a Google Sheets list so that I can add new elements easily.
Jimmy Barnes - Driving Wheels
REO Speedwagon - Time For Me To Fly
REO Speedwagon - Riding The Storm Out
REO Speedwagon - Roll With The Changes
Styx - Blue Collar Man
Journey - Wheel In The Sky
Journey - Feeling That Way / Anytime
Journey - Anyway Your Want It
Journey - Stone In Love
Ramones - I Wanna Be Sedated
Joe Walsh - Life's Been Good