This episode was based on a single tweet - details here.

8/7 '19 8 Comments
Well done. The choices you made with the voice balloons are a great touch. having the characters stay the same from frame to frame really throws the emphasis on the dialogue.

When I was in seventh grade or so, we had a discussion in History class (I think) about democracy, dictatorships, and oligarchies, and , and what it takes to get elected President. One of my take-aways from the discussion was that anyone who had enough ambition and drive to be President, probably shouldn't be.

>"The choices you made with the voice balloons..."

I really had my eyes opened when I I read Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud a couple decades ago. He really made me understand that there's infinite possibilities in the fonts alone, let alone once you add in things like the word balloons, frames, and backgrounds. And all that before we even start in with the illustration portion. I recommend that book to everyone who can read. I would post a link to it, but because I wasn't selling enough, Amazon revoked my 'Associate' membership, and with it, my ability to create short links. #SideRant

>"...anyone who had enough ambition and drive to be President, probably shouldn't be..."

Yeah - another thing that has been a theme in my life. I mean, I suppose that (like all 'absolutes') there are exceptions. I was kinda fond of the last guy. Still, as a general rule, I think that's valid. His SmallHandedTangerine-ness certainly seems like a screaming example of it.
That book is on my list. I haven't snagged it, though.
It is a life-changing book.
Sadly, I don't think I have my copy anymore. Mayyybe it's at my folks' place. I'll check when I'm next there because you would be welcome to borrow mine.

Of course, it's probably worthwhile having a copy in your library for rereading every once in a while. It's _that_ kind of book if memory serves.
I'm also kinda proud of the body language of both characters. The mage is curved one direction, drooping, and holding onto his staff for support. The child is curved the other direction, standing upright, and even leaning in with expectation.
and that is why you are Good At Your Craft.
G'aawww shucks. *digs a toe in the dirt*