I have a few PNG (thank you, Tom Boutell) files that I want to put on top of a simple PDF template and save as a new PDF. Positioning and size are important to get right. Word won't open the PDF template, I tried GIMP for an hour, read the tutorials, manual, couldn't get layers to move around without smooshing into each other, couldn't get images in any way besides layers.

I tried Preview on the Mac, because I read that could work, but I could not get it to work.

What am I looking for?

A. Image editing software

B. Graphic design software

C. Desktop publishing software

D. Something else

Thank you in advance, Rob

11/11 '14 4 Comments
I'm making a little progress with GIMP.
GIMP is bitmap editing software, so it's going to trash any vector art in the original PDF template and give you a big ol' bitmap image when you're done. Depending on your needs this may not matter.

There's other shit I'm sure, but the Right Way to screw with existing PDFs is Adobe Acrobat. Disclaimer: never done it.
Adobe Acrobat sucks my arse. It's huge, expensive, bloaty, and it takes over your life.

But FoxIT Phantom is Adobe Acrobat's quiet competitor and is
(a) significantly cheaper than Acrobat
(b) infinitely smaller (quite lean actually!)
(c) bloatware-free
(d) easy enough to use
(e) does not beg you every 27 seconds to upgrade
(f) installed on every computer in my home.

I edit PDFs all the time for my job. I add image files to pdfs weekly. My friend, I can put that png file wherever you want it (which sounds dirty). Come on over, or I can come over, or you can send me the files and I can do it for you and send it back.

Afternoons are good. Evenings are bad. Mornings are worse.

Jill FTW!

I was contacted today by the lead recruiter for an IT development company located in King of Prussia who needs a content writer. We emailed back and forth and chatted on the phone and - hurray - I have an interview tomorrow. 

In preparation, I checked out the company website, read some copy, scanned a few blogs. Oh boy, do they need a writer!

And the recruiter just emailed back thanking me for "conformation" of tomorrow's interview.


11/10 '14 2 Comments
Yoo'd bettar confirm 2 his expectorations!

yes, it came out just as i typed it.

hese boxes seem to multiply.t

11/10 '14 3 Comments
You can also type whatever title you'd like and use the "link" icon. That way there is no auto-embedding of any sort, just your text linking wherever you wish it to.

The auto-embedder for pasted links needs work. The text needs to be fully editable and the image it chooses needs to be selectable, including eliminating it entirely.

It works very well on sites that support oembed (youtube, vimeo, slideshare) and moderately well on sites that use facebook's Open Graph tags. It has the most trouble with sites like sinfest which don't even have a distinct title tag for each strip.

At first, I wanted to share a link to a webcomic for a specific date, and proceeded to do what Just Works when I'm on Major Site. I was mildly dismayed by the appearance of additional boxes but figured something might get cleaned up in posting-production so left it as it lay.
For the next post (above), I acted as a naive user in attempting to use again the link to the page and then, when that WYSInotWYW, trying a link to the image only. Boxes popped up and I typed into them. The shifting right of my first character typed in one of those boxes pointed to another likely UI issue.
It still takes more work than a casual user of technology *who isn't going to look for functionality that isn't obvious when presented with WYSIWYG and limited icons to try* wants to expend to provide a link to content that is easily identified by many other web-based social services.
Facebook happens to get this one right by just displaying the correct image, which is impressive given the inscrutable markup - there's really no good way to know which image is the webcomic. Perhaps they remember which image people used to choose manually. Perhaps they scan for the largest image, which is a good idea for a webcomic.

I tried a some of other webcomics and got terrible results from Facebook (and also from OPW, of course). The worst are those that *do* provide opengraph tags but make them the same for every episode of the comic. Sigh.

Saw a truly good production of Hamlet today, at Hedgerow Theater. It made me have more sympathy for Laertes and Horatio than before. Horatio in this case is the deeply-friend-zoned would-be lover (played by a woman, an inspired choice).  And poor Laertes, the guy goes through all Hamlet's hell in less than an act. 

Got to see it with my favorite smart 12-year-old, and it was wonderful to experience it with him. 

I wish someone would make a cinematic first-person shooter of Hamlet. Seriously. 

I also wish (and I hate to say this, but I will) for a 25-year moratorium on Shakespeare.  I'd be willing to allow universities to do one Shakespeare play a season, but only if no white people are cast in the production. I love Shakespeare, but I think not enough other work gets a chance. I also think we need to let a generation roll over and see it with fresh eyes. 

that being said, it was a lovely show. 

11/10 '14 1 Comment
That was the first production of Hamlet that I have seen that I actually enjoyed. I have always liked the text, but watching the play was often deadly - there is SO much said and so little action. Making Laertes and Horatio sympathetic, passionate and therefore interesting went a long way toward making the end of the show more emotionally impactful and less of a farcical festival of body-dropping. Also, Hamlet being over-the-top sarcastic when he was "crazy" made the show a lot funnier, at least to me. The sarcasm was a modern touch - humor has changed since Shakespeare wrote Hamlet, and this production caught up with the changes without altering the text. Well, they cut it, but they didn't rewrite it, I mean.

I've been a huge fan since I discovered his work in 1988. What has impressed me so much, recently, is the way little bits from his earlier work (phrases, ideas, images) keep popping up. As if the first time I saw them he was just planting them, and now they're mature. And as much as his work changes every decade or so, it still seems like a sharper and sharper iteration of his first stuff.

I'm imagining a writer who keeps going back in time, killing himself, and releasing better and better versions of his first novel.

Anyone is welcome to use that idea, if they want to make fiction based on it. No one is allowed to actually do it, please.

11/10 '14 1 Comment
I just ordered his newest book. Can't wait to get it (on paper, cyberpunk dreams notwithstanding).

I keep seeing memes after last week's midterm elections that make me despair for how little Americans understand their own democracy, or, in many cases, respect it.

Most absurd has been, "now that people voted for Republicans, the Republicans have to X", where X is "govern" or "work with the President", or a variety of other verb phrases that mean, "get things done", because "that's why people voted for Republicans."

This is hogwash.

List of reasons to vote Republican, not Democratic in the 2014 elections:

  • anger at Democrats
  • preference for Republican point of view and for Republican policies to be enacted
  • preference for gridlock / divided government
  • dislike of local Democratic candidate
  • affection for local Republican candidate
  • strategic vote so that if Republican President elected in 2016, comes alongside large Congressional majority
  • generic subcultural affinity for Republicans
  • the benefits of incumbency
  • interest in how Republicans might govern if given the chance

All of these are valid reasons, but their preferred outcomes vary dramatically.  Only some of them imply a preference

And that's okay! 

Similarly, there's been a striking number of people saying that 2014's election was "historically" bad for the Democrats, which shows a surprisingly tiny window of "historical" knowledge, given that the outcome was not exactly different from 1994's midterm elections, or (for a six-years-in election), 2006's.  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six-year_itch)  I realize that looking a whopping eight or twenty years into the past is a challenge, but I do wish political reporters and the people who transmit their drivel could do so. 

11/9 '14 1 Comment
I suppose if a reasonably impartial media outlet like Al Jazeera were to cover the election they might do so with a look farther back than last week.

We tend to eat 'clean' here in the moveable house. 

And by clean, I mean as little processed crap as possible. Of course, we have a freezer full of chocolate, and there's 3 boxes of Krispy Creme sitting on our bench after the trip to Canberra; I mean we aren't strict, we simlpy prefer to eat well. (Which means we tend to shop from the edges of the supermarket rather than the middle isles. Very little that is good foor you is found in the middle isles of the supermarket.) 

Last nights dinner was steak and salad. In summer, I like to add fruit to our salads. It seems to make them crisp, light and refreshing. 

Last night we had watermelon and rocket salad. Which is just rocket, a few finely chopped mint leaves, balls of watermelon, cucumber, danish feta and cooked proscuito. (If it was just me eating it I would have also added some sliced black olives, but I am the only one in this house that eats olives so I omitted them.) The dressing is balsamic vinegar, runny strawberry jam, salt, pepper, a sprinkle of sugar if needed and olive oil.  A friend of mine got a thermomix lately and has been making all sorts of stuff in it. She made strawberry jam and gifted a jar of it to me. It's rather runny for a jam, but makes a nice sauce. So I fgured it would work well in salad dressing and it did. 

I have no picture. It was demolished at break-neck speed. 

But breakfast this morning is not a clean meal. Not by a long shot. (And it's something I rarely eat, but the family loves it, so I endeavor to make it at least once a fortnight) We're having Dutch Pancakes.  My pancake mix is a little different to regular pancake mix. 

1/2 cup of condensed milk

3/4 cup of hot water

(I mix these two ingredients first, then go have a cup of tea while it cools. I usually make a double mix because my boys are pigs, so to save time I add 3/4 cup of hot water and mix then add 3/4 cup of cold water from the fridge.) 

To that I add

20grams of melted butter

1 teaspoon of vanilla essence

1 cup of plain flour

3 teaspoons baking powder

1 egg. 

(Even when I double the mix, I still only use one egg. But that's because we have our own chickens and they lay massive eggs. so depending on the size of the eggs you buy, you may need to experiement.) 

I mix it all up and pour it into a large squeezy bottle.  This is just easier for use with the dutch pancake hot plate. Melted butter on the plate is super yummy, but I just use spray oil to cook the pancakes. They are quite small bite sized rounds of pancake. My plate makes 14 at a time. With this mix you can get 6 plates out of it. I usually double it because the man will eat 4 plates worth on his own. With cream and maple syrup. My little guy will eat 2 plates worth (sometimes 3) but he likes his with melted butter and cinnamon sugar. (They taste like donuts when you eat it like that.) On the rare occasion that I do eat pancakes, I like mine with lemon juice and sugar. 

So a double mix will make 12 plates of 14 mini-cakes. (we usually do have some left over and they are delicious eaten like pikelets with jam and butter.) 

If I get the chance to take a pic before they gobble them up, I will. 

(If I make this on a weekday morning, I make the mix up the night before. I used to put it in the fridge overnight, but the mix would go a little weird sometimes so I only put it in the fridge over night now on really hot nights. But these pancakes are surprisingly quick and easy to make. Its the prep work that takes the most time.) 

Not a good pic, but this is what 1 plate of naked dutch pancakes looks like. 

(Note, this is a side plate not a dinner plate.)

11/9 '14 18 Comments

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That makes me smile! I haven't made them in a really long time. I probably should.
Mmmm, I want that salad! I'd eat the version with the olives in it.
I'd make it for you with olives and share it. Anytime.

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I am so lucky all my kids are adventurous with tasting food. (I read somewhere once that it takes kids ten times of tasting a food to develop a taste for it.) My only food rule is that if I make I expect to you to eat at least ONE decent bite. And I will dish it up to you a few times before admitting defeat and not putting it on your plate again! (So far there are only a few foods Jake, my youngest and most pickiest, won't eat. He won't eat eggplants, avocado, olives or anchovies. Not an unreasonable list.)

We eat as little grains here too. I have suffered from bowel and digestive disorders all my life and my boys seem to suffer some also. As they've gotten older (Matt is 16 now) they seem to be able self regulate and know when they have eaten too much processed crap. Matt will occasionally say to me that he needs a couple days bread free. Breaking them of the need for sandwiches is hard. Plus it creates more work for me (and them) with the need to make an actual lunch. They do eat 2 minute noodles (much to my disgust, but I buy the bloody things for them and really, they're as bad as bread) I do try to make bulk meals that double as lunches. So I make things like tuna and rice (which is a little like mornay) that every one can reheat for lunch, or large scale salads with meat, or frittata's. Sometimes I'll make sushi and rice paper rolls. It just depends on how much time I have.

I'd rather myself and my kids to be eating full fats than processed sugars. Since Jake hasn't had an asthma attack in the past 3 years, I have switched from lite milk to full cream. (The fat content in milk is an asthma trigger.)
When food has labels like gluten free or sugar free or fat free, it's screaming at you 'this is a chemical shit storm.' My body really struggles with artificial sweeteners. (So I hear you with the gluten thing, we were gluten free for a long time since most wheat based products are basically glue it clogs your system horribly, but I found after time, even eating gluten free substitutes were still causing me problems. So I just gave up most grain based foods.)

Ah, the duvet cover. I turn my cover inside out. I put the corners of the duvet (what we call a Doona) with the corners of the inside out cover. (So put your arms inside the inside out cover right to the corners and grab the corners of the duvet or get someone else to do that part) then pull the cover over and down, it will be in the right way and there's a lot less struggle. (Not sure I am describing that right. Next time I change the duvet cover I'll make a video for you.)

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I'll have to have a look at those recipes. (I love food too.)
I adore Amanda Doherty's clean eating recipes. She's an Australian IFBB Figure Professional athlete. (and she's a mum of four. I am in awe of her.)

I try to menu plan as much as possible which saves me heaps of time (and money). It helps that all three of my kids can cook, so they help out. I get home from work around 6pm and that's when I work out. So if they have a menu plan to go off they'll see what's for dinner tonight and prep any part I haven't already prepped and then cook it. Occasionally this will mean there's a dinner here and there that are inedible in some way but I am determined they will all be able to have a diverse range of meals they can cook when they leave home. (Bella made chilli rissoles last night with veggies. The veggies were good but the rissoles were inedible. Matt called them meat biscuits and Jake called them rocks. But she rarely has a mishap. (Which is just as well since she's kitchen boss at her workplace!!)

I often marvel at how much food my boys can inhale.
I'm making a breakfast casserole for them on Friday for breakfast. There won't be any leftovers. (Which is a shame because it's really delicious) As you may have noticed, our breakfasts tend to be our higher fat, higher carb, less clean meals. I try very hard to live by the saying Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Lord and Dinner like a Pauper. (Says she who usually ends up having a cup of tea and maybe a fruit smoothie of some kind while dishing up platefuls of food for the family.) I struggle to eat. I am rarely hungry. I can actually forget to eat. If not for being a Mum, I could probably go a couple of days before needing to eat.

I love making frittatas. I make mine lower fat by using a tin of creamed corn instead of cream. And I like baking them in muffin tins so I can make individual serves. One frittata muffin and a side salad. (I had to do a double take reading your earlier comment, I forgot you guys call rocket, arugula.)
Jakes favourite blended juice is just watermelon in the blender with some mint leaves. (Sometimes I add soda water to make it fizz)

In summer I chop all our fruit into bite sized pieces and freeze them. Convenient healthy snack. (Also frozen grapes are an awesome way to keep a glass of wine cool without watering it down.) It never ceases to amaze me how a piece of frozen banana tastes like ice cream. I'd rather my kids eat sugar in the form of fructose than highly processed, corn syrupy and in packaged foods.

Raw Vege sticks with tzatziki is another favourite. My kids lament the lack of potatoes in this house. we don't eat them often. (We all love them.) Twice baked potatoes is another breakfast food we love.
Tuna and rice is easy and convenient. I find I use a few different types of cheeses in it now. The family won't let me add veggies to it. (So I don't tend to eat it. It sits heavy in my stomach for a really long time.) I don't eat a lot of hard yellow cheeses. I prefer to eat soft white ones. I love mixing a small tin of tuna with a small tub of cottage cheese and chives.

Apparently I can talk about food forever.
Frozen grapes in wine? You're a genius! I have to try that!
Wish I could take the credit for it but a friend in Darwin would put them in our wine when we would have our weekly get together. I make wine slashes when it's really hot. I just pour a glass of wine into a plastic cup and put it in the freezer. Then I scrape it into my wine glass and viola, wine slushy. Tacky? yes, but so enjoyable.
Archer would love that watermelon smoothie. I want to make a list of all these recipes. We don't prep ahead and we really should - I'm getting bored with our usual run of meals, but I am happy with the cold weather addition of crock pot chili.

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Also ... tell me more. Tell me about all the meals you make. We need more ideas! Roasting veggies (that idea came partially from you and partially from my sister-in-law) was a great one. Easy and delicious and fresh not frozen veggies. We do a lot of frozen veggies, but only beans and black olives out of cans.
Frozen veggies can be healthier for you than fresh ones at times. (when they freeze veggies they are frozen extremely close to when they were harvested so the nutrient value is much higher than fresh veggies you buy in the supermarket.) All vegetables start to lose nutritional value fro the moment they are picked. So never beat yourself up for using frozen veggies. And even canned and pickled veggies are still better for you than eating processed foods.

I love roasting veggies. And things like roasted sweet potatoes can be thrown into a salad so if I ever have left overs I keep them. (My favourite pizza ever was a homemade one J made me. He used the left overs from our lamb roast the night before. Instead of pizza sauce he used mint jelly and put chunks of roast lamb and roasted veggies all over the base. He didn't use any cheese. It didn't need it.)

I need to bookmark this post. We don't make anything that takes over 30 minutes to prepare (except on weekends) but our menu items are more pre-prepped food than I would like.

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I don't often put cheese in my frittatas. When I do it's usually cottage cheese, ricotta or feta. I barely make mine with a crust. (But I live with a man who lives by the same motto as my Dad 'Real men don't eat quiche" so if I put a crust on it, it's a quiche and no, I can't put a lid on it and call it a pie. A pie has meat and gravy) the closest I can do to a crust is to use salami slices to line the mini muffin trays and put spoons of the egg and veg mix into those! But I would love to know how you make a polenta crust. (I love polenta)
I love ALL olives. Archer loves the canned black olives that you can eat off your fingers, but that's it, no kalamata, no green. Oh well, at least he likes some olives.

On a tangentially related subject, I continue to be delighted by the two most recent They Might Be Giants albums.

11/9 '14 5 Comments
Love that album. I saw The Flaming Lipr live in NYC opening for Beck & playing as his backing band, and they did not disappoint.
And by Lipr, I meant Lips.
Whoa. The Lips backing Beck? When was that?
October 2002. They opened & played mostly stuff from Yoshimi, and blew the roof off with confetti and Furries and disco lights & Kung fu movies. Then Beck did the most depressing solo set in history, and then they backed him. Awesome concert.
Just want to make sure you see this: https://www.tmbgifc.com/

Blindside is the working title for the game I'm designing/building. The Angels 50 view is "a multi-user action RPG played entirely in text." Yes, reading & typing speed will play a factor. It's an extended revisitation of a simple game I made two decades ago. It's probably far too ambitious in scope, though when I look at it from an architecture point of view it's really just a lot of components that interact fairly simply, so should be doable. Whether or not it will ever be done is another question. I am having fun working on it so far.

On the technology side it'll be playable in a web browser. That's all you'll need. Well, and an internet connection. Because it's multi-user. Of course. I have a proof of concept up and running already, but it's nothing to be impressed about.

I wanted to write about the character design that I'm working on. I'm familiar with lots of computer game RPGs and a few tabletop RPGs so I have a pretty solid base of where things have been and where I want to take them.

The game's characters are broadly described by gender, race and alignment. These characteristics affect the finer statistics that define the abilities of the character.

Gender can be male, female or aescetic. Race can be human, elf or dwarf (these are placeholder names for something more interesting). Alignment can be lawful, beatific, chaotic or nefarious (pick one).

Thus, there are 36 combinations of gender, race and alignment. These combinations affect character statistics in reasonably predictable ways, though for game balance reasons I'm reaching a little bit here and there. 

Each unique combination of race and alignment produces a class, which is more or less the character's profession. At this point there's no restriction on what you can do as the member of a class, except that your stats may make certain playstyle choices superior to others. My gross simplification here is that you'll choose a class which provides a starting "dice roll" for your stats so that you can start playing the way you want to play right away.

There are twelve statistics, grouped into four sets of three as attack, defense, active and passive. The attack & defense stats are physical, magical and empathic power and resistance. Active stats are accuracy, speed and stealth. Passive stas are awareness, constitution and charisma.

Physical power and defense are basically bashing things with swords or whatever, and not being hurt by being bashed. Magic in the game will probably be based on physics effects like light, fire and electricity. Empathy is a spiritual realm that will emphasise non-physical effects like fear, healing, and buffs/debuffs.

If you are a human, you get bonuses to physicality, and a lawful human is a heavy-footed Justice and with boosts to accuracy and physical power; think of them as a traditional soldier. Beatific humans are the somewhat clumsy Chaplains who get more awareness and constitution; these are also fairly powerful fighters but emphasising defense with healing abilities. Chaotic humans are the fragile and light-footed Tinkers with high resistance to debuffing. The cautious Assassins are nefarious humans with their devastating stealth and accuracy.

In the cerebral and magic emphasising elven realm: if you're lawful, you are a physically weak Scholar with high accuracy and charisma; your reputation preceeds you everywhere. Beatific elves are your 'glass cannon' Mystics with little defense but tremendous magical output. If you suffer from ADD you are probably a chaotic elf Pixie with the highest speed stats in the game, though you do have a hard time paying attention with a tragically low awareness. Nefarious elves are the half-dead Necromancers with their very high physical defense; their slow stealth makes them exceedingly dangerous in the dark.

Our dwarves are part of the earth and all living things and accordingly their stats reflect high empathy. Lawful dwarves are Mechanists whose accuracy and defenses are quite high, though the clanking of their armour does hinder any stealthy activities. Beatific dwaves are the aetherial Earthborn with dramatically powerful empathic abilities, though they are somewhat weak to magic. The chaotic Hermit with its quick reflexes and the highest awareness in the game is not one you'll sneak up on. Lastly, the nefarious Thief uses its natural abilities to blend into the environment mostly for selfish purposes. 

From a game balance point of view I have everything worked out on the spreadsheets, though that isn't what worries me. What worries me is the need to ensure that when these characters encounter each other in battle that the fights are more or less evenly matched, not necessarily between individuals, but broadly across classes. For example, I can't imagine a specific hermit winning a battle against a justice, but hermits in general should be able to defeat 4 other classes, be evenly matched against 4 others, and regularly lose to the others. 

What I want is for each particular class to find a different natural "groove" through the game, so that there are 12 different playstyles to be explored. Which will be a good thing as there are intended to be 12 major stories to be told (about which more much later).

To the end of game balancing, I'll be running probably millions of simulated battles as I simultaneously adjust what the stats mean, what battle tactics are included, how powerful the AI should be, and how all this stuff interacts. And I'll probably keep running it over, and over, and over, as the engine evolves. Balance is going to be the hardest part of the project, and I know it.

Anyway, like I said at the beginning, it's an ambitious project, but as far as I'm concerned right now, the journey is the interesting part. If a great game comes out the other end, that's great. 

11/8 '14 3 Comments
This sounds like a game I might be interested in playing.
Nice! I'm not sure I buy beatific dwarves. Maybe it's the decision to call them dwarves that brings along too much baggage for me.
I think I want to play this.