I promised to keep the bubble universe safe. I kept it on my finger. I watched it. I held it by my bedside and my place of bathing. 

Then I accidentally exposed it to Jill's voice. 

Her voice made me weep. I took my eyes off the bubble universe. Their membrane broke. 

The Hatters are free. The Tepid Witch laughs. At me. 

I failed. 

EDITED TO ADD; but after Jill's voice released The Hattervarse, Vince went into the studio to make music. 

8/23 '15 6 Comments
It's the Most Sacred Knuckle-duster.
Way to go Pandora

Did it break at the show?! Is the stone gone? If you call Bellefonte Cafe and ask them if they found the stone, Matt can swing over there and pick it up and hang onto it for you.

Oh noooOoOoooo! That ring was so pretty!
It's all gone. I looked for it with one of the servers, but there just ain't no way.

despite what I've said about the ring, it wouldn't hold up to scientific examination to be what geologists or gemologists would, technically, call a "stone." I'm pretty sure it was glass.

GLASS FROM THE EAST WINDOW OF THE TEMPLE OF SHENSHAKAZONG! Salvaged from the fire which killed Ko'ni't'pring, High Priestess of Melatonin, during the Festival of... Okay, never mind.

I'm not fussed. It had to move on. And now, when something goes wrong, we can blame the escaped Hatters and the Tepid Witch.
I'm not sure where the accent comes in "Shenshakazong."
Hot Breakfast! has a free show tonight from 7-9PM at The Bellefonte Cafe (804 Brandywine Blvd, Wilmington). Good eats for people of all foodly needs and desires. We'll be playing a nice mix of our mellower stuff and our ridiculous dork-rock... so there'll be something for everyone. Non-screechy kids are welcome, since we're a family-friendly kinda band. (No F-bombs tonight!) :-)
(I should mention that we play for tips, though. So "free show" is relative.)

In other news, this morning I was cruising Instagram as I do in the morning, and saw a photo of many friends at a girlie event last night at a casino. My gut reaction was "Wow. Gee. Thanks for the invite." But not 8 seconds later my butt-hurt turned to relief, because I wouldn't have wanted to go. I like the people just fine, but it looked like a drinky kind of night, and I absolutely would have been deemed the designated driver, and I reeeeeaaaaallllly, rreeeeaaaallly dislike drunk people. 
Drunk people used to be fun on those occasions when I'd also drink. But I'm not interested in drinking anymore, and babysitting and/or pretending to enjoy the company of drunk people is not something I'm willing to spend time pretending I like. Life is short, and I don't wanna spend it doing stuff I don't wanna do. 

Plus, the casino is super-smoky despite the place's mega-ventilation... and one thing I hate more than drunk loud people is smelling like smoke.

Last night was my last night home with Matt before I jet off for 5 days, and the only place I wanted to be is with him. 

Does this make me a party-pooper? Sure.  And maybe that's why I didn't get invited. Or maybe the invitations only happened via Facebook, and that's the price I pay for steering clear of that site (see sentence re: life being too short to spend time doing things I don't like doing).  Or maybe the event was coordinated by someone on whose radar I do not appear. Whatever. The reason is moot, because even if I was invited, I either would have politely declined, or I would have attended and spent the night in uncomfortable shoes feeling socially awkward, spending money I don't have at a place I don't like with people I'd rather spend time with when we can actually talk. 

I can see why this circle of friends "jokingly" calls me "The Anti-Fun."  

Anyway, I'm really not butt-hurt. I'm genuinely relieved I didn't have to go.  Everyone won.  Yay!

8/22 '15 5 Comments
It was not me.
It was totally me.
I knew it!!
How did The Voice perform?
Were there healthy chords?
Welp, <i>chords</i> are Matt's domain, since he plays guitar. :) I believe most of his chords were healthy, though he swears he played one or two bad ones. The nice thing about writing your own music is that when you play a "wrong" chord, it's actually right. It's your damn song, and you can change up the chords whenever you dang well please. :-)

Anyway, I'm just playin'... I know you're talking about my vocal cords. (I don't have too many pet peeves, but I have a totally irrational "Gaaaargh!" when people mix up "cords" and "chords." Everyone does it. It's in print everywhere; like in reputable publications. Billy Joel even made the mistake on <i>The Nylon Curtain</i>'s liner notes for the song "Laura.") This either means that people rely too heavily on spell check, or it's actually a non-error as our language naturally evolves. It also probably means I should get this giant pole out of my ass. :)

ANYHOO, thank you, very sincerely, for asking. (I mean it.) I'd say the month of 78% vocal rest did its job. Matt was a sweetheart and prepared over an hour of his solo material in the event I couldn't sing and he had to take over.<sup>1</sup> I really didn't know what to expect. I sang the first song, and my voice felt... different. I wasn't sure if it was just dusting the cobwebs off, or if it was a warning that things were about to get bad. But after that first song (which went well), I felt absolutely wonderful... possibly better than I've felt in a very long time. I sang the whole two-hour set, and I chose not to take a break because I didn't want to lose the momentum and energy we (us + the audience) had going. There is really something special about playing at Bellefonte. It's not big, it's not a huge moneymaker, but you can really connect with an audience... and that's really why we make music, isn't it?

I was excited that we got to play more covers than we normally do, and a few of our softer tunes, too. After the show, the head of the Hot Breakfast! Fan Club (yes, really) wrote me a long email thanking us for playing what we played, and he reassured me that I sounded really good. He's very sweet, somewhat Asbergersy, so I value and trust his opinion because I know he understands our sound and my voice in a really cool, special way.

I may turn this comment into its own OPW post at some point.

Thank you for letting me clog up your page with my teasing you, and with my navel-gazey blather.

Love from Peoria,

<sup>1</sup> People sometimes forget that Matt has three solo albums out that predate Hot Breakfast!. They're wonderful. (I especially recommend his later two albums "All This Life" and "Songs For The Earthbound."</small>


this ring ended up on my finger today. I needed a magic ring, and now I have one. The true story involves a curiosity & antique shop, a raven-haired beauty, an odd little side street, and a missing husband dragged away by the siren song of curvaceous beauties.* Other than that, it's a very boring story. I need a better one. 

Tell me the significance of this ring, how I got it, and for what it's meant.  


*Noise Pollution Records, Blue Bond Guitars.  

8/21 '15 9 Comments
It is actually the Sacred Lozenge. As long as you wear it, you will never need another cough drop. You won it by defeating the Tepid Witch of the Middle.
Bonus points to Sir Tom for "The Tepid Witch of the Middle".
Tom, does she destroy through apathy?
The Tepid Witch of the Middle casts spells that begin with, "everyone knows..."

As soon as she says it, everyone is convinced they already knew it.

You tricked her into visiting an incredibly loud nightclub in Munchkin Land and hogtied her in the women's room.
The stone is actually a bubble universe on your finger, if you look within you can see entire civilizations rise and fall and rise again. Time is different there, and gravity, and light and sound and that other sense they have that is beyond our perception, but so far beyond we don't have words for it in any human language yet. They can't see us, but they evolved generation after generation with more fabulous and diverse millinery. Hatters were the leaders in government, and it was the roman empire lead cups scenario all over again because of that chemical, it's not the same there but you know what I mean, it drives you MAD. The hatters had to be stopped, so the universe was contained and hidden in a time capsule, waiting for the right guardian to protect it and heal it and prevent the Hatters from developing travel from their universe to others. That guardian is you.

I will not shirk my responsibility.
I take it one of these escaped and made some trouble in the Victorian era.
Making trouble as of this hour. See subsequent post.
I am not sad about missing Burning Man this year.
I was sad up until yesterday when I read that the atypically high amounts of rain has made for a bug-tastic breeding ground, and they're currently inundated with huuuuuge swarms of green stinkbugs, beetles, and now bats. 
The photos are staggering.

I always loved Burning Man because the desert is a blank canvas with nothing there except what people bring. No animals, no bugs, just dusty people and the stuff we need to live (art included). 
It's hard enough keeping dust out of your trailer. I don't wanna have to worry about swarms of stinkbugs and some other bugs that bite and leave welts. This will not end well.
Read about it here... though you have to scroll a bit. (They didn't mention bats in this article, but I read it in another one.)
8/20 '15 8 Comments
Commented over on LJ because I saw it there first.
"hard enough keeping dust out of your trailer".

subtle, very subtle.
(Linds, they're not even on you)

Officially too much of a wuss for Burning Man.
And now imagine the bugs if you were tripping balls.
"Several thousand hippies were found dead yesterday at The Burning Man festival. Reportedly, they were all 'tripping balls.' The one survivor succeeded in using bug corpses to successfully build a dance club. Sources say he named it Buggy Town, and planned to spin only the finest house and techno mixes of music created by bands named after insects. However, "DJ X-Terminator," as he called himself, got stuck while looping a remix of Buddy Holly and the Crickets' "Not Fade Away," claiming he'd officially dropped the sickest dope bass beat of all time."
Well placed affection, for certain.

Ello is pretty dead these days. Like, deader than livejournal. Wow. 

Anyway. What was it that I thought might be blog-worthy, again?

Ah. Now I remember. 

Something about being in your 40s. Warning: this might become a lot of cane-shaking and yelling at kids to get off my lawn.

I guess I started thinking on this because I follow Persephone Magazine and Femsplain in my feedly. Mostly for Unfuck Your Habitat and the occassional dog-related post. I've started skimming the rest, sometimes looking on with an eye of, "oh, sweet summer children, bless your green little hearts." Because most of the posts are by 20-somethings, peppered with a few 30-somethings. And, boy howdy is it obvious.

Don't get me wrong - the stuff that's posted there is pretty intelligent. But man have I outgrown that shit. The introspective self-learning revelations about jealousy, insecurity, dating, etc. Shit what I am too damned old for.

HA! How appropriate that my media player just pulled up an old demo recording of one of my favorite originals:

Maybe, maybe I should compose

Another jilted love song of agony's throes

Maybe, maybe my childhood was a mess

My self esteem was stunted by the things my daddy said

(I really need to properly record that one, and many others. But I'm really kind of proud of that particular song.)


I suppose I just realized what a huge difference there is between being in your 40s and being in your 20s. Sure, you're still an "adult," either way. And you're only as old or young as you feel. And whether or not you have kids is another factor, as well. 

But seriously? I couldn't care less about cute shoes. I care about shoes that don't make my knees hurt, and that don't create blisters on my ultra-narrow heels. Dating angst? Crushes? Pah. I care about nurturing my marriage, about not screwing my friendships and relationships up any more than I have in the past, about not falling back on the models of my parents and siblings. I still love romance, but I recognize that long-term love and marriage is a working partnership, not a whirlwind of drama and angst and sparkles and moonlight. Yes, that stuff can be there in the beginning, but when reality sets in, are you still up for the challenge? 

On the flip side, I'm only 42. I still completely lack the proper amount of responsibility I need to even think about 50. Hell, I'm irresponsible as fuck for a 42 year old. Our finances are a wreck, our house is a shambles that we can't afford to repair, and me personally? Oh, man - I'm a self-employed "free spirit" at its worst. Okay, maybe not THAT bad. But my sleep schedule is obscene, and my business system is ridiculously disorganized. The only thing I have going for me is that, at the piano, I have the kind of work ethic that rides on fear of flaw and fear of being discovered as a fraud. (Guess that's one thing I haven't outgrown.) I'm a "perfectionist" because my worst fear in work is an unhappy customer. A bad tuning. An instable tuning. That translates into "work ethic" to some people, I suppose.

I don't really know where this was headed, except that I need to find more age and attitude appropriate blogs/sites for my rss feed. I need liberal, feminist, messy, imperfect, snarky, ranty blogs by people who love Firefly, The Newsroom, Doctor Who, etc.; who fondly remember their 70s/80s childhoods, and not having internet, and discovering and breaking in the internet in the 90s. Parents welcome, too, because man - how the fuck do you deal with raising kids in today's world? That shit terrifies me.

Any recommendations are appreciated! 

Or, hey, my G+ friends could actually, like, ya know - come over here and blog, too. :P

8/20 '15 2 Comments
Oh yes... Impostor syndrome as motivation. How well do I know thee.
In my late thirties I ran into a big problem with Heisenblogging: my life got complex enough that I couldn't blog about it without influencing the experiment. There just wasn't time.

Now things are back at a pace where saying hello once a day appeals again. I'm working on getting back to it. Ironic for the guy who built this place, I know.

There's a weird little kid in my brain who doesn't want to go to sleep. She fights tooth and nail against it, because she thinks that night time is story time. It doesn't matter if the stories are bad or boring or repetitive. She keeps winding up the gramophone and putting the needle on the record. She's convinced that somewhere in the vast, ever-renewing record collection, there must be a good story. 

Some of her favorites include, "Why are you still so fat?" and "You haven't finished editing the podcast," and "How'd that whole grad school thing work out for you?" They're on the lower shelves and easier to find. I should get her a stepladder. or a library card. She also likes, "you should be knitting," which isn't a bad one, but it's long, and "maybe you should learn something useful, why not surf the internet?" which starts out pretty well, but ends up being a waste. 

Unfortunately, I'm a grown-up, with a grown-up's body, and I need sleep. The weird little kid doesn't come around much during the day. If I try to summon her, she hides behind the dishes and laundry and the dog. or she puts a record on the gramophone that really sucks. 

I'm trying to distract her tonight. I'm loading Euphoria by Lily King onto my Audible app. I took two Alteril. I'm hoping that maybe this will help her climb up onto the higher shelves and find something else to crank up to amuse herself. Then, maybe I can get some rest. 

I just googled Alteril and found it's been known to cause headaches, anxiety, depression or not work at all. Cripes, who knew a cocktail of melatonin, tryptophan and valerian could be so dangerous? 

8/19 '15 7 Comments
Hey, I know that kid! I kind of want to kick her in the knee.
I LOLed at 'kick her in the knee'.

I don't have a little kid. Mine's a 7'+ werewolf hiding in the closet during the day.

He's hell on my laundry.
She's devilish, isn't she?
When I read the subject line my brain IMMEDIATELY added " - put the needle on the record and the drum beat goes like this..." and then started wailing incoherently.

I blame you.
I'll accept that. :)
one of my therapists said, "When you worry about not sleeping, you go from having one problem to having two problems. Forget about what time it is and do whatever you feel like doing."
That will be $90.
What kind of insurance do you take? or is that with the co-pay?

still working on Episode 9. This is "the breakup episode." 

it's sad. not as sad as 7, but sad. Thor has some problems. Basically, he's a big soldier who wants to be a rainmaker. Daddy says be a soldier. 

I did six pomodoros, and now the app says I earned a 15-minute break. If I take a 15 right now, that means my next Pomodoro will end after midnight, and I'd rather just.... argh overthinking ok thx mebbe I did need tht brk. 

Edited to add: Go to FB. Log in. Watch video of Thomas Boutell ​ singing the "Cold As Balls" song. 


11:50 PM: Bam. Done. On to Episode 10. 

well, actually, no. On to work tomorrow, then Episode 10. ​

8/17 '15

After the collapse and reduction, there were not enough people left to rebuild the way things were before.

What we could rebuild was… different.

It wasn’t all bad:

Without a power grid to light up the night sky, the stars were easier to see.

The obesity epidemic wasn’t a problem anymore.

There were no more traffic jams, and pollution wasn’t really a concern.

Life was ghastly and bleak in every way.

Scattered families scratching out lives, hiding from thugs and roving bands of Skullers.

One night, Autumn, a resilient girl in an impossible situation, made a simple choice that drastically altered the course of many lives.

She decided to run. 

The Arden House Series, available now.

8/16 '15 3 Comments
After the collapse and reduction, there were not enough people left to rebuild the way things were before.
What we could rebuild was... different.
There were some small improvements:
Without a power grid to light up the night sky, the stars were easier to see.
The obesity epidemic wasn't a problem anymore.
There were no more traffic jams, and pollution wasn't really a concern.
Other than that, life was ghastly and bleak in almost every way.
Scattered families scratched out lives, hid from thugs and roving bands of Skullers.
One night, Autumn, a resilient girl in an impossible situation, made a simple choice that drastically altered the course of many lives.
She decided to run.

Yes, this beautiful vintage diner could be yours, if the price is right!

8/15 '15 3 Comments
I would like to have that.

Please and thank you.
I called. The number is out of service.
Not surprised. This was right next door to a house that looked occupied, so I guess they figure that any serious buyers will knock on their door.
it also looked like they'd give it away if you could make it disappear with no fuss.