One Post Wonder has completed its move and the URLs have been changed over.

I'm sure a glitch or two will be found, and I'm sure folks will report them here, or by emailing me, or even via the little bug icon. All of the above are fine.

A security warning is seen when the old personal blog URLs are used, so if you see that, just update your bookmarks to point to the new location of your blog. But you probably just have itself bookmarked anyway. And there's no issue there.

I want to thank the folks who very generously donated to help cover the costs of running One Post Wonder. Yes, I did blush.

We should be good for another year. OPW now lives on the same box with, which is a big enough site that OPW can pretty much hang out in the margins without significantly increasing my hosting costs. Unless it gets big. In which case, it becomes a business anyway. So we're good there.

Thanks again for your support and understanding. You got me motivated to knock out the whole move in one evening.

And now back to my regularly scheduled locked posts for friends... just like everyone else on One Post Wonder. It's nice being home.

9/24 '15 9 Comments
So...... I'm feeling awkward and confused. Like, I should have invited friends to join OPW, sent out lots of invites. Because I love your creation, find it extremely pleasant to use. But somehow I never got around to spreading the word. Because Life, I guess. But still.
Well... I wouldn't beat myself up about it. At some point, the thing has to be compelling enough that people who don't know me personally tell their friends about it just because they want to use it. If it reaches that point, awesome. If not, I won't club my friends too hard to flog it.
It has reached that point ... though some of the friends who didn't know you personally do now!
Yes, I was just thinking that — that ever so slowly, One Post Wonder is actually spreading along the Shelle Axis.
Hey Tom, I am getting an error that the security certificate does not match the url when I browse to the site using chrome. I can get past the error, but I figured I would mention it anyway.
Hey Shelle, I do not get that error in Chrome. Maybe you are trying to follow an old link? Is it a URL you can share with me?
I fixed this thing.
ohhh DAMN it. Can't believe they gave me a cert that's not valid with the www. in front. But you can just go straight to, get rid of the www.