Last week I noticed my paper journal was missing. I looked for it, but couldn't find it. Not in my purse, not in the messy tote bag I take to work (another story), not in the car, not in my bedroom, not any of the rooms in the house. Not here or there or anywhere. 

I chose not to panic, though I could have left it at work. This would be bad, because I have ranted about my lazy co-worker in said journal. I looked at work. Nope. 

I continued to choose not to panic. 

On Friday afternoon, my phone rang. It was Ted. 

"Were you at Steel City Coffee in Phoenixville last week?" 

"Yes, why?"

"They have your journal. You should go pick it up." 

Fortunately, at some point, I had written Ted's cell phone number in my journal. 

I picked it up today, breathless, embarrassed, and grateful. 

As I walked out, past the itinerant teenagers, I thought, 

Aaaaaannnd... SCENE. 

10/1 '15 18 Comments
What a great story ... except no, no, no ... Len Cariou or George Hearn!!!!

This comment brought to you by your friendly neighborhood musical snob.
It's the text! The text shines through!
There's a hole in the world like a great black pit and it's filled with people who are filled with shit and the vermin of the world inhabit it.
And auto-tune.
They all deserve to die. Tell ya why, Mrs. Lovett, tell ya why. Because the lives of bad actors should be made brief. For the rest of us, that will be a relief!

Ok, Depp is a very good actor, he's just a very creepy Sweeney Todd, and I prefer my Sweeneys to be terrifying.
You have no idea. when something stresses me out so much that I forget it, that's big.
Aaaaaaaaaaagh! I'm so happy someone found it and got word to Ted. I wonder how that phone conversation between Steel City and Ted went-- I bet it was amazing with Ted feeling like the hero. Yaaaaay!

Reunited and it feels so gooooooooood....
That's a great point - how often does Ted get to be the hero in your life, Linds? He must have felt awesome!!!
SUPER TED!! This calls for a superhero cape and a... oh wait... He might actually do that.

Who cares?? Wheeeeeeee!! SuperTedInThePrivacyandSafetyofHisOwnHome!
I thanked him from the bottom of my heart, and he just said, "you're welcome," like it ain't no thang. What brother wouldn't make fun of his sister for losing her journal in public?
Ted, that's who.

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You are awesome. May I re-post your comment on Jarnsaxa Rising's FB & Twitter? I'm so glad you like it!

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Thank you! Can I credit you, or should I say it's anonymous?

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I told them you are a Ninja.