My face is on fire. 

I could type out the whole story here, but I just had to cancel birthday and Dead Milkmen concert plans with Jenn and Jack for tonight... and it's just easier if I copy and paste what I typed to her, because I am the laziest fuck ever... but hey, I have an owie excuse.



And now, the bad news: We have to bail tonight. I had two root canals on Tuesday and one got infected (sexy!), and yesterday morning I woke up in agony and my face looked like Rocky Dennis from Mask. Flew to the dentist at 8am, and he prescribed mega-doses of steroids and antibiotics to get the swelling down... but we had a gig last night that I should have canceled but didn't, and I overdid it because I'm an asshole, and my face and skull are friggin' on fire today... plus, I leave for a work-trip tomorrow. 

I'm so sorry and sad to not be with you guys today. We were REALLY looking forward to it... but I really feel like I should err on the safe side. 


(Additional thought: Plus, the high doses of steroids means I have hella reduced immunity right now, and being in a giant sweaty  Milkmen crowd is probably a bad idea... but I'm honestly not really thinking about that.)

Good god. I would love to be able to attend one goddamn event with my fucking friends without SOMETHING happening... anxiety attack, rotting infected tooth-skull, Mom emergency, etc.  I feel like a selfish jerk for feeling this way, though.

Humans are complicated.

10/27 '18 3 Comments
You do look a bit lumpy. Take care of yourself and get better real quick!
Christ! Take care of yourself. Sorry you had to miss big plans. That is super shitty pain and swelling after an already painful procedure.
oh man! I hope you're feeling better. :(

There's so little music i want to see live and most of it happens 60-90 minutes away so when it's on a weeknight i'm too old to want to endure the commute there in rush hour and back when it's midnight and i'm exhausted.

10/25 '18 22 Comments
Hi. I'm old, too. [shares a bottle of gummy vitamins]
Gummy fiber is the best old person invention yet!
Hi, I'm old too. I used to like going to plays damn near every night of the week. Now I don't like doing anything on any night of the week.

By the way, I saw someone pretending to be you the other day. Check out the license plate frame on this Tesla.
Impostor syndrome always means something different when it comes to me.
Hi, I'm old but I still manage to take dance classes every night of the week because dancing is invigorating, and if I didn't I'd be stiff and creaky all day instead of just in the morning.
Well hello there! [holds opera glasses up to rheumy eyes looking for posts newer than 2015]
And is he still as excited about his Q?
There's been a new development, Karen. I have a dance couple friend named Bill and Susie. Susie used to be in the Q Club with me, but then she got a new car and it didn't get a Q, so she got kicked out of the club. Meanwhile her husband Bill, who used to be on the outside looking in, got a new car, and it did have a Q! So Bill replaced Susie.

Then Bill got *another* new car, a Tesla. It remains to be seen if it will get a Q, but even if it doesn't, Bill will remain in the club until the lease on his previous new car (which does have a Q) runs out.

Bill and Susie voted for Trump, but I still love them anyway. If I were to dump everyone who voted for Trump I would lose half my dance friends. Such is life in Orange County.
Bill and Susie are adorable. I'm glad you kept them anyway, too. I'd lose my dad and several surprising people. It was a polarizing election.
Part of the benefit of moving into the downtown queer neighbourhood is walkable access to music events ... that start too late on weeknights for me to consider going to.
For what it's worth, I was too old for Bay Area rush hour back in my 30s.
Promoters in my city finally woke up and now book bands from 7-10pm every Friday night. It's packed with people who have money to spend on music. Weird, right?
We keep talking about hitting local jazz events at various lounges and eateries, but... old.
I always say the hardest part about doing any activity is putting your shoes on. Once I'm there I'm usually happy... but convincing myself to actually go and not punk out is harder every day.

I am a homebody now... and in honesty, I am a bedbody. We pretty much never leave the bed unless we absolutely have to.
I'm more than a tiny bit relieved to hear that I'm not the only bedbody. We are not seen, so not known about, but I believe there are many of us, for various reasons. XOXO
When I am anyplace other than bed, I count down the minutes until I can be in bed. BED!
I know! It's only at one venue, but it is paaacked with people every Friday night. It's called #LiveMusicForEarlyBirds (or as I see it, "Live Music For Sane People," or perhaps "Live Music For People Over 40") and we loooovez playing it.
really?!??! where? ... down here in Dover there are 7pm-10pm live music options on Wednesday and Thursday nights. . . but I'm usually stumped on Friday.

... You are looking cute!

Specifically, you'll note there is now a little picture icon after you hit reply.

Currently you can post either a picture, or text, not both in a single comment.


10/21 '18 18 Comments
Here to confirm it works with Chrome on iOS. :)
Hey, Tom, the picture thing doesn't work with the Grammarly plugin on win10 + chrome. The picture icon appears briefly and then disappears. Not sure if Grammarly is widely used enough for you to care...
Weird. If you start typing it's supposed to disappear... not that?
It reacts when the text is no longer empty. Grammarly must be putting some kind of marker in the field, maybe an invisible character.
Excellent. That's something I've been wanting here. :-)
That's ridiculously adorable.
damn you people for continuing to raise the awesome bar
Oh, wow, look at you, Anne!
Dinner out at the new restaurant in Winooski, with the kiddos +1 (someone else's kiddo), after performing in the Sunday matinee show. From the angle, you can't see how much hair spray is in my hair or how much eye makeup is weighing down my lids!

There is a man waiting at the tavern, his voice like well worn leather and his eyes burn with intensity. He will give you a quest. If you take this quest, you will wander far. You will walk through burning sands, to find mountains. You will climb mountains to find the lost sea.

You will cross this sea to find the haunted forest. She will meet you there, the last queen of fairie. She will take your heart. She will hold it in her hand & sing it songs. You will continue, the quest is not done, but your heart will remain with her till the end of stories.

The quest will continue to the river. You will capture a fish. The fish will tell you three lies and a truth. When you decipher which is which, placing each in the correct book, it will find your way to the Fortress of Night. Yow will enter the fortress using the lies as keys. 

Once in the Fortress of Night, you will find your way to the dungeon. The dungeon runs deep and the prisoners held within are long dead. Only bones and rags remain. When you reach the bottom of the dungeon only the guard remains, a dark apparition made of broken dreams & shadow. 

You will defeat this shade with a blade name Hope. You will drive it into the dark heart of the guard. The shadow fallen, you will claim his treasure, a spark of star light, lost long ago and now found once more.  You place the starlight where your heart once rested. 

The quest completed you will return, up the river, through the haunted forrest where your heart remains, across the lost sea, down the mountain, and across the burning sands. You will return to your tavern with star light, star fire, burning in your chest. 

At last, you will rest, your eyes burning. You will speak of a quest to someone new, your voice, sounding like worn leather, will tell another of their quest. You will send them on their way to find their own fire, till all the stories are done. 

10/20 '18 3 Comments
I enjoyed this. Particularly the star. Our hearts get broken and remade...

On another tack, it made me think of this bit from Alexandra Petri recently:
I take it as high praise to be compared to that. I was just experimenting on Twitter and decided to collect it.
Good process. Good collection!

The title says it all. The  next phase of the home renovation process is to change the windows. Of course, in order to change the windows you have to be able to, you know, get at the windows. Unfortunately 18 years of accumulation has made that nigh unto impossible. 

I'm a nerd, so I started measuring and adding and I figure I need about 100 square feet of storage space. Not much furniture will make the move to new digs, but one Hell of a lot of books and tools will. Both of which can be stacked.

So, do I rent a storage locker, which will be a sunk cost, or do I look into other options? A CONEX box, one of those stackable shipping containers, would certainly do. It would be overkill in fact. Problem being, they're a bear to move. So you've got to hire someone to deliver them, and move them, and then you've got to have them hauled away. Another sunk cost. Pods have the same problem. And their storage costs are crazy. Which leaves a trailer. Trailer's are a major up front cost, but most of that could be recouped once you move your stuff into the new place for all of your stuff and sell the trailer.

Fortunately I own a vehicle suitable to tow a trailer. Insurance is negligeble, ~$30 for six months. Registation doesn't even crack $100 a year. Wheel chocks, padlocks and security devices so someone doesn't drive off with all of my stuff will run about another $100.

So, on Friday I'm off to the wilds of Pennsylvania to purchase a trailer. Which should be an adventure, because I tow a vehicle once a year, max.

10/17 '18 12 Comments
1. Good luck with the trailer. I'll keep my eye out for you.
2. Alternatively, you could just have a 'getting rid of my shit' party. Just sayin. (I'm a purge-a-holic.)
I was going to say, "YARD SALE!!!" ;)
But... but... but... BOOKS!
I certainly didn't say it would be painless!
You also didn't say it would be like having a limb torn off and then being beaten to death with it.

BTW, the trailer is super nice. But it's the largest trailer that my truck can tow and I expect its bad gas mileage to plummet to 70's luxury car levels when I am towing this thing.
Yeeeeesh. Also? Awesome.
Also worth noting, after an early morning, a full day of driving, and dealing with the DMV, backing a trailer into a tight parking spot is very low on my list. Probably just above getting my foot run over by a dump truck. No trailers were damaged in this part of the misadventure, but there was a lot of teeth-grinding and at least one elevated blood pressure.
I don't know how I managed it, but I didn't see the photo before. Whenever I see that kind of trailer, my brain immediately starts working on how I would retrofit it to make it into an RV. I apparently have a #vanlife addiction.
OPW doesn't allow you to post pics in replies. So I went in and edited the OP. So, it's not you. Unless you want to believe it's you. In which case, drive on.
And yeah, I've thought that camping in a solid enclosure would be better than living in a tent. Far better to be 18 inches above the muck and mire than wallowing in it.
Amen brotha. (Said the guy who has literally slept in the joint between a tree limb and the trunk...)
FYI, my truck, which normally gets 18-19 MPG on the highway, got 11 MPG while towing the Leviathan.

We were all set to leave for NJ yesterday so we could accompany my folks for mom's 4th attempt at knee-meniscus-repair surgery which was scheduled for this morning. 

She called me yesterday before we got on the road to say that they canceled it yet again... this time because her pre-op testing showed her blood-sugar has been too high, so her endocrinologist wouldn't clear her. 

She is really really bummed. 

I asked what the next steps forward towards rescheduling are, and she said, "I've gotta get my blood sugar under better control, I guess."  I asked her how she should do this-- is it as "simple" as an insulin adjustment?  She said in a defeated tone, "I guess I need to eat better." 

Strange that a diabetic shouldn't be subsisting on dollar-store frozen pizzas, Ritz crackers, pasta, and insulin.  *facepalm*

Anyway, I was happy (?) to hear that her endocrinologist said "Come down today from 3-4pm and meet with our nutritionist, and we'll work with you to get your blood-sugar down. We want you to have this surgery." So she's going there today.  I asked her to ask the nutritionist for meal ideas that are easy and quick because she can't stand up long enough to cook a healthy meal, which is why she eats what's easy. Is there a mail-order meal service that they recommend? I know there are meal services like Blue Apron and Sun Basket, but those require you to prepare the meal yourself, which probably requires some amount of standing.  I also don't think she'd spend that kind of money on herself, but that's a different story... and one Matt and I might be able to solve since her birthday is coming up. Maybe a few months of a meal service would be a nice gift. Or maybe that would be awful and would make her feel judged somehow... I don't know. 

I just wanna help. 

Anyway, we're heading up in an hour or so, and we'll be there until Friday. We've got a real busy weekend coming up with 2 gigs on Friday night and Saturday afternoon, and family stuff on Sunday.

10/17 '18 9 Comments
There are definitely meal delivery services where you don't have to prep stuff, just heat it! That's a great idea. I forget, where do your folks live?

You could check out:

They seem to cover a wide area. If you wield your favorite search engine and ask for "meal delivery service [state or city or general location]", you should find more stuff. When we lived in California and I was having babies, the local meal delivery services were lifesavers!!

They're NOT generally cheap, but you'll find a range of prices both between providers and within various meals/meal plans.
How did I miss these replies? Annie, thank you so, so much! We're OK with not cheap, as long as she eats it!
Healthy Root didn't work for me, because the price per calorie ratio was not what I needed. But, it doesn't require much cooking. You pretty much just dump everything in a pan and heat it up. It's vegan, so I don't know how that works with a diet where you're trying to lower your blood sugar.

Blue Apron was a lot of chopping. Hate to shop, but love to chop? Blue Apron!

My guess is that the nutritionist has met plenty of people who need help controlling their diabetes who have trouble standing up for long periods of time.
We ultimately decided to go with NutriSystem. Her endocrinologist told us it's approved by the American Diabetes Hernka-fernka BlahBlah, and it's basically like Lean Cuisine TV dinners. That's the level of effort she's willing to make, so we helped her pick out the meals that're gonna be delivered to her house. Let's hope she eats them...
I hope they taste good. Wonder if I can get my parents on those. Maybe I can print out a good description from
Interesting. You hyphenated Hernka-fernka. I think I prefer that.
In addition to delivery services, I have an idea. I'll text you.
That was super-helpful, beb-- thank you!

By request!

Dry Ingredients

  • 1/2 C sorghum flour
  • 1/2 C brown rice flour
  • 1 Tbs tapioca starch
  • 1/2 C cocoa (be generous)
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp baking powder
  • Optional mixins up to 1/4 cup: choc chips, nuts, etc

Wet Ingredients

  • 5 Tbs butter, melted (86 grams)
  • 1 & 1/4 C granulated sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tsp cold espresso (or 1 tsp instant coffee in 1 tsp water)


  1. Preheat oven to 350F; lightly grease a 9" baking pan
  2. Mix dry ingredients in one bowl
  3. Mix wet ingredients in another bowl
  4. Fold wet ingredients into dry, only until combined
  5. Turn into baking pan
  6. Bake 25-35 min, until toothpick in the center comes out clean
  7. Cool on rack under a cloth, don't cut until room temp.
  8. Keep covered in the fridge, if any survive the day.


The vanilla and coffee flavours make these extra yummy. Also mad wack chocolatey. They don't need frosting, but you could drizzle a little melted chocolate (melt 1/4 C chips in microwave, e.g.) on top once they're cut up. I've been using a 9" round springform pan; you get less of that yummy brownie "edge" but it's easier to cut them up when you can take the sides off.

NB recipe was modified by my partner from an Alice Medrich non-GF original. 

10/15 '18 8 Comments

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You're welcome. One thing I really like about this recipe is that it is comparatively inexpensive. Rice flour and tapioca starch are cheap and while sorghum is a few bucks a pound there's just a half cup per batch. The rest is just staples. (Also, no bean flour, unlike some of those GF substitute flours, so no outrageous farts. omg.)

I hope you (and he) enjoy them!
Oh, that's funny! I actually LIKE the bean flours (in moderation).

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"Beans beans, they're good for your heart..."

(I am 12.)
We had a local brand that put out a canned mix of beans called 12 Bean Symphony, subtitled, "eat and music will come." It had cartoon beans on the label, playing big band instruments. Lots of brass.
You and your mixins. You and your topping.

Any recipe with all rice flour, especially brown rice flour, is too gritty. Sorghum adds loft and a touch of sweetness.
There's no point in using a tasty starch like arrowroot in these, though arrowroot starch is excellent in more delicately flavoured baked goods to provide the structure GF non-mix flours don't have. I have always tried to avoid guar and xanthan gums (common in commercial baked GF food and some GF flour mixes) in baking due to their weird texture effects.
This looks yummy. I wonder if it'll work with the Earth balance baking margarine.

Re: beans, ymmv, but black beans are notably low in FODMAPs as beans go. Which could make them a better bet than others for those who are fluent in flatulent.

Yesterday I got really bored with the unit I was working on in my piano lesson book (pounding my left paw into a C-E-G chord has its intellectual limits) so I skipped ahead and started picking at Simple Gifts. This song was drilled into us at Quaker School (cultural appropriation: Quakers stealing from the Shakers?), and it was the processional at my wedding. so it was a more interesting way to practice chords. 

I started making mistakes, which I realized was the same mistake, and then I realized it wasn't a mistake. I remembered picking out a more complex version on the piano in high school, to learn the soprano part for choir. So I let that memory take the wheel for a bit, realizing that I can play this on eighth notes rather than quarters. I can play more of the song than the exercise called for on paper. 

Once my left hand gets the memo and stops playing chords like a hoof, everything will be fine. 

10/15 '18 9 Comments
To hoof, hoof shall be our delight....
...till by thudding, thudding, we pound round right.
For your viewing pleasure, the chipmunks, long before they were teens:
It's a shame those kids have no stage presence, no sense of comic timing, or any joy in their lives. (Seriously-- that was awesome.)
The regular beatings totally worked.
“And what do we do when the audience laughs? WE HOLD FOR LAUGHTER!”
That's so stinkin' adorable.
I am Dead of the funny

Went to one library this morning to pick up some holds. A couple SQUIRREL GIRL stand-alones, plus also SOFT X-RAY MINDHUNTERS which was recommended.

Then made my third batch of gf fudge brownies in the past seven days. In our defence they keep getting brought to parties and people other than us eat them. This batch is all ours. Also made sweet potato sticks with a bit of heat.

And now the errands are piling up again. I have four stops to make. I guess it's not terrible that I can just walk to all of them.

A different library (the big reference one) to return OTHERWORLD BARBARA which was just a bit too-too for me), dollar store for a few snack items, bulk food store for a few staple baking goods and peanuts, grocery store for eggs.

d is off at a choir intensive rehearsal until early evening. I've been keeping busy but at some point I'll probably just sit down and read. Or maybe go out and look at something or ???

I'm working on making more friends but still don't have anyone close enough to just hang out with kind of spontaneously. It doesn't help when half the time I feel too worthless to see the merit in anyone else hanging out with me. Not a good headspace to be in when meeting new people. But that's not this post.

Nope, this post is just -- hello autumn weather, I've been busy today, I made some food, I ate some food, I pet some cats, now I'm going out.

Hope y'all's day is doing you a solid.

-- edited to add -- 

Sweet Potato Sticks (air fryer)

These are dead simple if-and-only-if you have an "air fryer" device. Otherwise I probably would not bother trying to make them with manual stir-fry methods. Anyway.

  1. Julienne 2lb of rinsed but unpeeled yellow flesh sweet potatoes into 1/8" x 1/8" sticks of varying lengths.
  2. Add to air fryer along with 2T oil (we use bacon grease, anything is fine).
  3. Season with about 2t of salt or to taste.
  4. Add additional spices to taste. I've used Montreal steak seasoning, chili powder / hot sauce, whatever I feel like. I bet dill powder would be great.
  5. Run your air fryer for 40-45 minutes or until some of the sticks are starting to get a little blackened. Stir occasionally if the automatic agitator kind of sucks like ours does.
  6. Turn out onto a cookie sheet to cool; they'll become quite crisp.
  7. Try not to eat them all immediately.
10/13 '18 7 Comments
I wish we could do a OPW IRL hangout. That wouldn't solve the spontaneous-hangout-pal problem, but it would be cool nonetheless. (But that may cause yet another batch of GF fudge brownies to be eaten by someone other than you two... bwa-ha-ha)
Yeah, it would be pretty great to see y'all occasionally or on the regular.
If people want to make that happen, I will ALWAYS volunteer to host. I LIKE having folks in the house; gives the place a warm happy feeling.
I wouldn't be sad if you shared your recipe for sweet potato sticks...
I added the recipe to the post!
You are the second resource in my life that has recommended air fryers.
Well, I will tell what we have used ours for: bacon (two packages at a time, cut in half), chicken parts (wings, drums, thighs), potato sticks. It’s good for smaller items of consistent size. Riblets or stir fry or etc. Its easy enough to clean. Not as widely useful as Instant Pot though.

Last night we played a show in Kennett Square, opening for an impro comedy troupe.  We played a 25 minute set, and then sat in the back of the theater to watch their improv show. They invited us on stage to participate in the final improv game of the night and I protested because I'd never done any improv whatsoever... and it turns out I did kinda OK given my total lack of skill. That was kinda fun to try. Matt did great because he's freakin' effortless at everything-- I don't know how he does it. 

Today (Friday) I put my phone in Airplane Mode and stayed offline pretty much all day in what we call a NEDNOP day (NEDNOP stands for "no electronic devices, no other people"). We spent some time at a little spa down the street to finally get the last of the playa dust out of our pores.  (After we got home from Burning Man my skin was so dry and angry that I desperately wanted a facial, and I also wanted a massage because my muscles hurt from building shit and pounding the playa for a week. So today we finally took care of that.)

Matt and I got massages and facials (his first facial!), and I also got a body treatment where they dry brush you and slather you with shea butter and then wrap you in warm towels and plastic and stick you under the heat lamp like a piece of Roy Rogers NJ Turnpike rest stop chicken.  The facial and the body treatment were maybe a 7 out of 10 (perfectly delightful) and the massage was an 8.5 or even a 9. She was amazing.  

Matt and I went to get a bite right afterwards, and then hit the hardware store for some stuff for the house, and then he started feeling anxious so we came home and crawled into bed around 6PM-ish... and we fell asleep... and then I woke up around 2AM, which is why I'm typing this at 6;19am. 

While I've been writing this, I've been listening to "Who's Next" on headphones. Good lord, what a masterpiece. Roger Daltrey is a MACHINE. Pete Townshend's voice is so smooth... and John Entwistle's bass playing is so melodic and he plays it like a lead instrument. And my friend Rob summed up Keith Moon's playing perfectly, like "someone kicked Keith and his drumset down a flight of stairs and he landed on 1."  What a band. Man oh man.

OK. I'm finally getting sleepy, so I'm gonna end this. 


10/13 '18 13 Comments
I really wish I could put my parents up in a swanky hotel with a spa and restaurant for a long weekend, and then take over their house for a long weekend of All The Space I Need. I would hire Bobbi to teach a master class in improv, so we could all benefit from all the listening and "yes and" and stuff.
That sounds like a damn fine weekend for all involved.
Hell, just wait until your parents go away on one of their vacations and we'll do it then!

Or... we'll do it at Anne's house. VERMONT ROADTRIP!

(You are also welcome to do it here anytime. If our great room can handle 7-person Beatlefest Core Band + 8-person string ensemble rehearsals, we could do an improv workshop. Wouldn't be nearly as roomy as your folks' place, but it's something.)
I'm not shocked that either of you would be good at improv. I think the 80/20 of improv is being 'quick'. Assessing, processing, and being able to respond quickly. We all know that there are different kinds of intelligence, but you both have that in spades. Glad to hear you tried it!

I'd like to say that I'm due for a NEDNOP day, but I think most days look pretty much like NEDNOP to most folks. I have so little real interaction with anyone. Problem with that is that it moves the bar. Now, on those days where I talk to one person, I'm all "Whoooaah! That took it out of me." #GoodProblemsToHave?
I'm kinda with you re: real interaction with people. We don't have much, honestly. We play gigs, but that's not real interaction-- it's very one-sided. We also eat at Angel's a few times per week and chit-chat with the staff and the regulars, and call that enough interaction. We also see people at rehearsal but we've got a job to do there and always go right home afterwards.

Kinda bums me out that I don't hang out with anyone really, but then again I'm also totally OK with it. Deep down (OK, not very deep down) I'm a very lazy person who just wants to lay in bed all day, so I get to live that dream most days.

This makes no sense.
It makes _perfect_ sense.

Hello bed.
NEDNOP is kind of an amazing idea. I'm not sure how we'd survive, though. Read a book? Conversation? Walks? Huh. Maybe?
Do it. You won't regret it.
Just pretend it's 1991, and you'll be fine. :-)
I can't remember whose line it was about the Who being "a singer plus three guys all of whom think they're playing lead" but it's nowhere more evident than on Who's Next and Quadrophenia.

Moon in particular on Quadrophenia is fucking supernatural. if you haven't fired it up on headphones before, allow me to recommend.
I think I'm gonna make Quadrophenia on headphones happen tonight. I need me more Keith Moon!
there's some awesome Moon segments in the Kids Are Alright film, btw. he was one crazy ass motherfucker.
NEDNOP is something koozbanians should have said. NEDNOP!