OSORIO is inhabited by capitalists who are exceptionally committed to rapid turnover.  A single day is considered to be the maximum lifespan of any retail business venture.  Every morning, new signage appears on every storefront, advertising an entirely new line of products and services.  Of course, competition is intense to stake out a claim on the most popular business sectors.  One has to get up pretty early to be the day's most popular sign manufacturer, for example.  But if inspiration, dedication, and other corporate imperatives fail, there is always substantial demand for garbage collection and recycling.

9/13 '23 2 Comments
Do they have a city called Southstreet?
Angel investors have dirty wings.

CADDO is an icy moon of Bole which is occupied by a militaristic sect of that planet's Hakuraku society.  They emigrated to avoid the necessity of living almost entirely in protective darkness, but they are sworn to protect their brethren and the brightly-glowing orb that dominates their night sky.  Fortunately there have been no overt threats to Bole, although whether this is due to their protection or otherwise has not been demonstrated.  Their most remarkable achievement is the development of a chemical matrix called "yaoshu" which allegedly imparts knowledge directly into a person's brain after it has been absorbed through the skin during a ritual "Spirit Dance".  The yaoshu chemicals are said to be carefully "programmed" with whatever skills and memories are needed for a person's role in the society.  One constant among all those patterns is a keen and constant desire to remain on Caddo and serve the Hakuraku faithfully.  At least this is the observed behavior of all whose curiosity has compelled them to take an oath before taking a yaoshu treatment.  Perhaps they are being compelled by threat of force rather than a force of will, but no one has ever abandoned Caddo.

9/12 '23

A user has asked if I would consider adding direct messaging to OPW. Hmm.

I can think of one constraint on that feature right away: the bar to establish your right to DM someone needs to be pretty high. Like maybe you have to be mutual followers to start with, and then you can request DM access from that person. Even then I'm not sure how I feel about it. It's certainly not posting once a day. But it has a lot of important applications in situations that call for compassion, rather than being a stickler for the "spirit of things." Hmm.

Private comments to specific responders on a particular post have also been mentioned as an idea. Perhaps you, as the original poster, would be able to reply to a commenter privately.

That  stays closer to the idiom of One Post Wonder, but I think that it could generate confusion, e.g. accidental references to things said in private comments in public comments on the same post.

What do you think?

9/12 '23 14 Comments
Direct messaging? Ok, everyone I know here I know in real life or I know someone who knows them, so adding DMs to this app is not a thing I need.

That said, not all your users are me. Which is good, because how much drooling over Mandy Patinkin can one site sustain without exploding into a festival of yiddish, dad jokes and puppies?

Here's the argument for no DMs. And yes, I peeked over your shoulder and copied some answers, but I agree with you.

1. DMs <> posting once a day.

To me, OPW is "I care about this thing enough to use my one post on it" and "We comment on this thing you selected", so the comments are ... part of it!*

2. It's a free site. You do this for love. And we appreciate it! Enabling and maintaining DMs = more work for you technically and perhaps emotionally depending on the yeses and nos. Also, I am not sure how storage works with direct messaging and privacy, but that's money too.

3. I think private comments could be a whole lot of drama. You've already mentioned how and I agree.

4. You want to say no and I think you should.

Here's the argument for DMs on OPW, I think:

1. I want to reach out to somebody privately and I don't have their contact info.

2. ?

For #1, the solution is "ask them". At least it is as far as I can see ... they could say no, but with DMs they could say no anyway, so ... ?

* "part of it" like the skeletons in the David S. Pumpkins SNL sketch.

PS to the person who asked for DMs - I probably know you and like you and I am not trying to yuck your yum, I just disagree with you.
“The comments are to an OPW post as the skeletons are to David S. Pumpkins” is such a work of art, you better put a glass wall around it before a protestor throws tomato soup on it.
I'd prefer a slightly different framing. Where you put it in terms of a "right" of a DM sender to DM someone, I'd prefer to look at it as the right of a recipient to exclude DMs, balanced against the permission, given by the recipient, to a sender of DMs.

If you put it in that framework, many of the implementation questions and concerns may answer themselves. I'd especially suggest that the default settings might be "my DMs are closed; no permission given now to anyone to DM me; it's a separate question for each person I follow now; and I have to actively say 'yes' for each new person I follow".
^^ if enabled, default to off, yeah.

Yup... this is pretty much what I was thinking would be the minimum bar, privacy-wise, if I were to build it at all.
So the funny thing is, you can DM someone on OPW already:

* Add a new key

* Put only that one person on it

* Spend your post for the day on a post locked to the key that's just for them

* After that they can comment on that post and go back and forth with you

* Which generates more notifications

* And you can keep replying on that thread

* Somebody is probably doing this

* I'm amused
OOOOOOoooooohhh .

This reminds me of when that general had an affair with some woman in the military, can’t remember her rank, and they communicated through unsent Gmail messages.

Except it’s not anything like it.

(Head slap) CIA director Petraeus and Paula Broadwell. That’s it.
This is a good way to deal with it because it’s like leaving a note in a dead drop spot, as opposed to putting a message in a recipient’s space without their permission.
I was thinking something like that was already possible.

I don't need a DM feature, but that may be because my list of OPW contacts is small and curated enough that I could get in touch with any of you without too much trouble.
Yes, this! Private and non-invasive.

By George, I think you've got it!
Well, yeah, but it’s not actually a good experience. 😀 I think it answers some questions about whether a real DM feature with the right opt-in pattern would change anything privacy wise, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to run out and build one today.
Surely if people want to receive messages, they can post their email address or phone number behind a filter? Why reinvent the wheel?
Yeah it’s surplus to requirements.

ZIERIA is the galaxy's only commercially viable source of zieron, a toxic gas with multiple industrial and military applications.  Because Zieria is collectively owned, all of its citizens share equally in the profits from the zieron wells, which are decades old at a minimum.  Enthusiasm for drilling new wells has diminished, but the old ones are still productive enough to sustain the planet's small population.  Currently the most severe punishment for crime on Zieria is well maintenance duty, which involves confinement to a hut full of machinery.  Once there, a prisoner has a fairly strong incentive to do a good job preventing zieron leaks.  If for some reason the prisoner's efforts are insufficient, though, there's nothing more that can be done except to send in another conscript who was unfortunate enough to be convicted of a crime.  Justice works swiftly on Zieria, but its effectiveness leaves considerable room for improvement.  There is a lot of poisonous zieron floating around.

9/11 '23 2 Comments
Somewhere, there's a Planet Zieria Pizzaria.
Planet Zieria Pizzaria "You'll never eat anywhere else!"

I was just writing an email to someone and closing it up with, "as always, I look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions." some part of my brain said "that sounds like it was written by AI." 
and, of course, instantly, I had a wild urge to change it to:

"As always, I look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions, and that's no AI! 😃👍🌟"

I might put it in my email signature. 

9/6 '23 2 Comments
I love it.
“Was that AI?” Is the new “who farted.”

Everything went according to plan for this, the last character class on my list of ascensions.  In fact, it directly followed my Rogue ascension from back in April.  Why did it take so long?  Perhaps the title gave that away.  This tourist came, and saw. and killed absolutely everything.  After acquiring the quest artifact ("Don't Leave Home Without It") and a bag of tricks, he realized that he could camp out at the altar on dungeon level 6 and sacrifice monsters to his heart's content.  Okay, maybe strictly longer than anyone would be content to sacrifice monsters.  To be clear, I do not recommend this play style unless you wish to get over your nethack addiction for a while.

Create monster stopped working on DL6 at about turn 293,400.  He descended into Gehennom to create tougher monsters.  Demons and such stopped appearing on DL27 at about turn 313,900.  Back upstairs to check some more non-Gehennom levels.  On Oracle level DL8, baby dragons, naga hatchlings, baby worms, baby crocodiles, and angels (putti?) were exhausted around turn 335,200.  In the castle on DL25 there were archons, ki-rin, and titans, which are themselves able to cast "summon nasties".  This can someties be annoying, particularly when they summon each other along with their nasty friends.  But create monster stopped working for them too around turn 342,000.  That was the last of the randomly-generated monsters!

I made a decent effort to clean up all the remaining monsters so the dungeon is as safe as possible.  It actually is quite eerie to walk around without seeing a wandering monster every once in a while.  I did leave the shopkeepers and temple priests alive since they're always peaceful no matter what the player's alignment.  I also left behind some of the less-valuable artifact weapons and gems on DL1, along with 64,655 zorkmids, because I didn't want my encumbrance level to be more than Burdened.  That probably wasn't a real danger, but oh well.

30136 creatures vanquished.
59 species genocided.
222 species extinct.

Aloha Ferret the Demigod...

You went to your reward with 46439376 points,
Magicbane (worth 3500 zorkmids and 8750 points)
Sting (worth 800 zorkmids and 2000 points)
Mjollnir (worth 4000 zorkmids and 10000 points)
Vorpal Blade (worth 4000 zorkmids and 10000 points)
The Bell of Opening (worth 5000 zorkmids and 12500 points)
Fire Brand (worth 3000 zorkmids and 7500 points)
The Book of the Dead (worth 10000 zorkmids and 25000 points)
The Candelabrum of Invocation (worth 5000 zorkmids and 12500 points)
The Platinum Yendorian Express Card (worth 7000 zorkmids and 17500 points)
     205 aquamarine stones (worth 307500 zorkmids),
     164 fluorite stones (worth 65600 zorkmids),
     149 amber stones (worth 149000 zorkmids),
     145 garnet stones (worth 101500 zorkmids),
     126 chrysoberyl stones (worth 88200 zorkmids),
     117 turquoise stones (worth 234000 zorkmids),
     112 opals (worth 89600 zorkmids),
     110 amethyst stones (worth 66000 zorkmids),
     101 citrine stones (worth 151500 zorkmids),
      98 jet stones (worth 83300 zorkmids),
      96 jade stones (worth 28800 zorkmids),
      94 topaz stones (worth 84600 zorkmids),
      93 rubies (worth 325500 zorkmids),
      75 black opals (worth 187500 zorkmids),
      71 emeralds (worth 177500 zorkmids),
      61 diamonds (worth 244000 zorkmids),
      56 jasper stones (worth 28000 zorkmids),
      55 dilithium crystals (worth 247500 zorkmids),
      47 jacinth stones (worth 152750 zorkmids),
      29 sapphires (worth 87000 zorkmids),
      29 agate stones (worth 5800 zorkmids),
      27 obsidian stones (worth 5400 zorkmids),
       5 amulets of life saving (worth 750 zorkmids),
       1 amulet of change (worth 150 zorkmids),
and 3170 pieces of gold, after 364070 moves.
You were level 30 with a maximum of 7140 hit points when you ascended.


8/25 '23 5 Comments
I enjoy these summaries. Thanks for sharing.

What's the difference between extincting a species vs. genociding a species?
A scroll of genocide removes all extant creatures of that type and no more can ever be created by any means. Extinction happens when 120 of a particular species have been created. No more will be randomly generated, but they can be created by some other means (such as the "summon nasties" monster ability). So eventually the only monsters I had to face were the un-genocided ones on the nasties list and the Riders (who regenerate infinitely and were killed by me a collective 562 times). I reached #5 on the high score list from the past 365 days.
I need to fix the thing where you can’t scroll wide code blocks on a phone so I can appreciate these more fully.
This is poetic:

You were the Envoy of Balance.

You were piously aligned.

You were magic-protected.

You were fire resistant.

You were cold resistant.

You were sleep resistant.

You were disintegration-resistant.

You were shock resistant.

You were poison resistant.

You saw invisible.

You were telepathic.

You had automatic searching.

You were invisible to others.

You were displaced.

You were stealthy.

You could survive without air.

You had slower digestion.

You had a huge damage bonus (+17).

You had a huge defense bonus (+20).

You were warded.

You took half spell damage.

You were protected from shape changers.

You were very fast.

You had reflection.

You had free action.

Your life would have been saved.

You were very lucky.

You had extra luck.

Good luck did not time out for you.

You survived.
Oh wow yes

I fixed a lil' bug that caused comments to contain HTML markup tags if edited again later. Thanks to both users who reported this, and apologies for not figuring out how to reproduce it the first time.

Unfortunately, in writing this post I encountered a second bug I can't fix before work this morning. It affects the second rich text block in the same post. Sigh. Will dig into that. These are ripple effects of recent modernization of the codebase, which I can't regret really. There is no other bug. I ignored my own "Alternative Text" placeholder and confused the alternative text field with a new rich text block because I am not awake yet. As an amateur UX designer I can see how that confusion happens, so I might need to more clearly flag these.

Two pictures from the American Museum of Natural History: one from the new Invisible Worlds exhibit, one compelling traditional exhibit. If you check out Invisible Worlds, be sure to pay attention to how the little kids interact with the pressure-sensitive floor. You can pay attention to the Serious Content For Grownups on the second loop.

Children and adults engaging with projected video no the walls and floor at the Invisible Worlds exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City. The kids are paying close attention to the floor, which is pressure-sensitive. The adults are more focused on the walls.
The bison exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. The buffalo are full size, probably actual stuffed individuals, on a beautiful matte painting backdrop as is common for these traditional exhibits.
8/7 '23 1 Comment
Woo hoo for bug fixes!!

Your recommendations for how to tour museums with kid-interactive installations is spot on—play first!

Continuing a short series on things I've learned on my Summer 2023 trip to Iceland, Norway, Amsterdam & Paris

Things I’ve learned this summer 2023 trip: # 4 - TRAVEL APPS

CITYMAPPER is the best app I’ve ever had for getting around in an unknown city. I’m surprised they don’t charge for it. It makes it stupid easy to figure out the best way to get from here to there within a city. It’s also easy to say: hey, I want to go by bus, not the fastest way like the metro so I can see more things on the trip. Or you can get the options that minimize the walk (because rain, or temperature, or sore feet or whatever). I used it a bit in Reykjavik & Oslo, and a bunch in Amsterdam & Paris. It’s going to be a permanent part of my travel toolkit.   

I bought & loaded my 24hour Amsterdam transit pass on my phone through their app (which I've already erased). Worked like a champ & I didn't have to go anywhere special to get it. In Paris I didn't use an app, I used the Navigo Easy+ transit card - still have 5 rides loaded on it. I also loaded the DC Metro app onto my phone and used it to get to Dulles, and expect to use  it going forward. The DC metro goes all the way to the Dulles terminal now. Yay. But I also got a smartTrip transit card for my kid, because I wasn't up to figuring out how/if you could pay for two people with the app - I had a plane to catch! 

There is this PASSPORT app that I recorded my passport info into. I didn't really use it, but it was great piece of mind. 

I know a lot of people use currency conversion apps. I do not. The euro being about parity with the dollar, and the Norwiegan krone being about a dime made the math trival to do in ones head.

Other APPS that I used A BUNCH were not strictly travel apps. WhatsApp was my go-to for messaging as you just need wifi for it to work. I've started using Wallet linked to my credit card to pay for things. I think I only got my credit card out twice, and paid cash three or four time. I only encountered one place the entire trip that didn't take credit card - even that park bathroom that charged 2euros took credit card. Which reminds me, I should pay my credit card bill. 

Marriott has its BONVOY app, which claims you can use your phone as a door key. FINALLY. I've been requesting something like this since 2004. I'm a freaking platinum traveler, in your hotels all the time. STOP GIVING me room keys. STOP making me stand in line to get them. Give me something that works across properties, or let me use something I have already like my phone or drivers licence. .. Anyway, it didn't work. The two properties I stayed at this trip didn't have phone-keys implemented yet. So I had to get keycards from the desk after standing in line. But at least they are working on it! Also, I could check into my room the night before via the app and let them know I'd be early. So even though it wasn't checkin time, I got access to my rooms early afternoon.

Finally, there is this app called TOO GOOD TO GO that I was surprised to see in both Oslo and Paris (I didn't check elsewhere). If you are an urban dweller and flexible, I *highly recommend* you check it out. The premise is that grocery stores/resturants will offload unbought food at pennies on the dollar. But you have to be available to get it at weird times and you never know exactly what you will get. I wish it was available in my area.

7/30 '23 1 Comment
>>>Citymapper: Is it bad that when I read the name I immediately imagined a DM tool?

>>>Whatsapp: I don't remember - is this encrypted end to end? Do you care?

>>>BONVOY / phone key via NFC: I've seen this 'mentioned' a lot (via Marriott and at least one or two other chains), but haven't seen it in use. Admittedly, I haven't been asking about it as an option because I don't want 743987309843098 apps on my phone, and I sensed in the Force that it's still new enough that it would break the brains of the staff if I asked about it. That said - I'm TOTALLY with you on the convenience and the idea of not waiting in line for the, ummm... amateur crowd to ask their 7987430843 questions and shuffle their chaos through before I get to the desk with my credit card and ID in hand.

>>>TOO GOOD TO GO: Holy crap! I love this, and I may just download it in the hopes that I can use it in SOME cities. Thanks for the heads up!