Ever since i put on a pair of my mom's heels at 11 and loved them, i've always wanted to know what my deal was, mainly because i thought it would help me figure out how to express myself in a way that i felt was true to myself, whatever the hell that means.

It looks like it would take forty years for not just me to settle down as a person but also for society to change with a whole bunch of young people changing attitudes and language enough for things to fall into place.  In the meantime, i took some baby steps by starting in 2008 to wear kilts, a heteronormative-approved skirt for men.  I started buying nicer clothes in general as a result of, for the first time, caring about how i dressed and looked on a daily basis.

Two years and a half ago, i bought my first non-kilt skirt from eShakti, which a coworker had recommended primarily for the ability to customize the garment's measurements, as she has an unusually shaped body.  As i do, too, given my typically male proportions, and the fact that most of their skirts have pockets (which i had no interest in going without), that sealed the deal.  But i still didn't know where to wear it (although i did take it out to go see Florence + the Machine for my granddaughter's birthday with her stepmom [my stepdaughter], which was a perfect occasion as i saw other guys there wearing clothes with femenine festoons), so it mostly languished in my closet.

Last year, after i started at Zoox, i decided to rip off the bandaid on Halloween (how cliché) and wore the navy skirt with these, which i'd bought in Portland on a bit of a lark in 2019 and were also looking for an opportunity to shine in public.  After that, i ended up buying a couple more skirts, and also some mid-heeled boots, and it's really feeling like it's all coming together.

Following are the skirts, in order of purchase, plus my favorite pairs of knee-high boots.

So how am i labeling myself?  I'm a cis hetero dude with femme fashion tendencies; that's good enough.

In closing, here's Neko Case.

I think you look great, and I'm thrilled that you feel comfortable and safe enough to start dressing the way that feels right to you.
It's funny that safety has never been a conscious concern for me. Then again, i haven't worn any kilt or skirt east of the left coast.
You look great, roomie.
Nice shapes! A bit dark for my color tastes (when I'm ogling other people, that is; myself, I also tend to wear a lot of dark blue and black, lol).

I wish I could still wear a heel on the regular, but my old feet won't allow it. They're so fun. (Heels, not my feet.)

Always been disappointed in the clothing offerings for male presenting people. We struggled with this when Cal was even just a toddler. "Seriously? Our clothing choices are navy, brown, dark green, and black? And we can have either skulls/crossbones or trucks? Oh! Dinosaurs too?" wtaf

In our family, we're big fans of skirts, wild patterns, and bright colors for all.
Now, Waldby! Now, Bootsie! Now, Zvi and Saint Terri!
I'm so happy for you! You can really see your confident swagger in these shots. Yaaaaay!

That second outfit is absolutely killer. Where did you get that skirt? I love love love it!

I've been hankerin' to get a 3-piece men's suit. I only fit into suits from the Bar Mitzvah section, so it's hard to find something stylish and badass, but I guess I'm not looking in the right places.

I customized the length a little shorter because i wear my skirts at my pants waist (same as the kilts), not my actual waist.
Thank you! I definitely like it at the length you chose. Good call!
Also, love all the pleating! The way pleated skirts move… these still shots are great, but you must also look so awesome in motion.
The pleats are key, i just can't pull off a pencil skirt due to, uh, shape issues.
Maybe shape, but more likely basic differences in dimensions: I think pencil skirts require longer legs in proportion to other parts. XX generally have longer legs, XY longer backs. My 6' tall son and I wear the exact same size pants, same inseam. I am 5'6". Which is nuts.
The skirt/boot combos look good. Your boot game is strong.
Thanks! I'd probably buy more if i had room.