<< part of my continuing series recording memories to assure myself I've actually been to the places I think I've been to>>

North Carolina's motto is Esse quam videri is a Latin phrase meaning "To be, rather than to seem." Let's all ponder that for a moment and then move on with our lives.

I have 2 distinct sets of memories from North Carolina. The first is a camping event that I attended in June 2016 called Transformus. The second is my one and only trip to the Outer Banks there in October 2020. There is a fair chance I was also there for a work trip at some point across the years, but I don’t remember any in particular.

So Transformus - this event is one of the numerous Burning man inspired regional events.  What makes these regionals interesting to me is the culture of participation and community. I know every event and organization goes on and on and on about community. But there's something about burns that seems to work in community building. Maybe it is because of the “no onsite commerce” rule. With no vendors - with no t-shirts, trinkets, drinks, nothing to buy, it changes people to be more open. Maybe because it’s all volunteer run - who would think that 5000 person events could be run with ALL volunteers and not turn into another Frye fest? And yet, it happens, with people volunteering at all levels from Board oversight to organizing porta johns to directing traffic. I could go on for hours on how this neotribal transmodernist activity is different/interesting/amazeballs. But I won’t - I’m back to writing about North Carolina

Transformus was held outside Asheville North Carolina in a temperate rainforest. So it was damp, and humid though I don’t remember it being very hot. There were 2 lakes onsite for swimming. There were about 5000 participants attending, set up in different camping “neighborhoods” - the only neighborhood name I recall was Valhalla, where the sound camps played dance music all night long. I helped a little in building one of the art pieces (which we later burned).

More on that art piece here. I recall being part of the parade around the lake to light the structure for the last night's bonfire. I had some whimsical makeup on, which I forgot to take off. The next day I got the weirdest looks at taco bell on the way home 4 hours down the road. 

What I mostly recall is a feeling that Transformus was magical, the best, reminiscent of my first burn experiences in the Black Rock Desert Nevada in 2006 & 2007. I vowed to come back and talk all my friends into coming with me. And then Transformus lost the lease on that land and there hasn’t been another Transformus in North Carolina since. Sigh. I'm very glad I made it to that one.

My other North Carolina memory is all around a week a spent with a dear friend in the Outer Banks. Her family had a large vacation home there and early October was shoulder season, so we got to use it for next to free. Outer Banks is a cool place to vacation - wild horses on the beach, Kitty Hawk, the Lost Colony of Roanoke, lighthouses to climb, beautiful sunsets  and it was even warm enough to get into the ocean. Another set of friends joined us for some of it and we had meals and played board games. This was Fall 2020, so still full pandemic time - thus we didn’t hit any restaurants or shows or any other crowded places. And let me tell you, climbing the zillion stairs to the top of a lighthouse with a mask on is challenging! This was also where I learned that National Park passports are a real thing - I had thought it was just a euphemism when people talked about getting their park passport stamped. Anyway, I bought one and started collecting stamps. I hardly leave home without it anymore.

So yes, I’ve been to North Carolina and made some excellent memories there.

Nice choice of board game. Even more challenging than climbing a lighthouse is _moving_ one, which has been done in North Carolina. I'm always amazed to read about stuff like that.

Going back to VELEŠIĆI seems fine but little does Akasora suspect that this creates a problem with continuity as activating the FTL and returning to the same location causes him to effectively travel backwards in time, violating the causal laws of the universe sending him off into a bizarre landscape of strange alternate dimensions.

But he reacts to this the same way he reacts to everything, by capturing his experience in haiku!

Causality weaves,
Akasora's echoes fade,
Weird dimensions call.

Intrigued by its ambiguous advertising, Willy Minmax sets course for the planet Gondilly.  Upon arrival, he declares his cargo of holoemitters and requests permission to land.  Permission is unfortunately "delayed" due to some complications at the spaceport.  While he's waiting, perhaps he would like to negotiate trade for an available lot of "pointless scissors"?  These would presumably be safer for children to use, but Willy finds the transaction itself to be pointless.  What is the deal with this planet?


<< part of my continuing series recording memories to assure myself I've actually been to the places I think I've been to>>

Maryland's state motto is Fatti maschii, parole femine which generally translates to "strong deeds, gentle words". Words that date back to Lord Baltimore in the 1600s when he got his Maryland land grant from the King of England. The next King gave William Penn some of the same land in the Pennsylvania grant. This led to the little known border war in the 1730s between the two states (well, they weren't states yet) known as Cresap's War.  Eventually Mason & Dixon were hired 30 years later to establish the definitive border lines. Whenever I get a chance I like to locate one of those Mason Dixon line markers - dozens still exist.

As a state that borders my homestate of Delaware I indeed have been to Maryland. I still go there often as I have family in the DC area. Growing up we'd go to Chillum Maryland (which I was told was Hyattsville, but apparently it is Chillum) like every 4-5 weeks to visit my cousins. Lots of memories of visiting the Smithsonian, or of going to theater (Shakespeare!) or Opera. Yes, my mom was one of those who dragged her pre-teen to the opera. I often fell asleep in the second act. Now that I'm a mom myself, I bring my kid to the Smithsonian and to the theater there (and elsewhere). Ok, technically some of this isn't Maryland, it's D.C. But we'd stay in Maryland. And some of the shows are in Maryland. Tomato Tomatoe.

It's less than 30 minutes to the state line between Delaware and Maryland from my house. There is a winery on the border called Harvest Ridge Winery. I'm part of their wine club, so I go there at least every 3 months for wine pickup. And yes, it has a Mason Dixon marker on the property. It's intentionally on the border so it can take advantage of both states' small producer alcohol laws. Maryland cares about bottling location; Delaware cares about point of sale location. So the bottling plant is in Maryland and the tasting bar is in Delaware. 

With the border being less than 30 minutes, I'm often in Maryland to shop, or eat, or visit friends. Or hike, like to the tri-state marker on the corner of Maryland, Pennsylvania and Delaware at 39°43'19.9"N 75°47'19.0"W. I do that hike every year and so far the marker has always been right where I left it. I haven't done that hike yet this year - but putting that in my February plans. 

Tri-state Marker 39°43'19.9"N 75°47'19.0"W

So yes I've been to Maryland. And I'll be there again and again.

I have got to visit this winery.

My grandmother used to spend summers in Sudlersville, MD when she was a child (back when people got out of West Philadelphia during the summer to avoid illness). She had a deep emotional connection to the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Every spring, she and her best friend Hicksie would drive down to Maryland, find their favorite liquor store, and fill the considerable trunk of her car with cases of liquor.

When they exited the parking lot, instead of making a left to go north, they'd make a right to continue south and keep driving down to Sudlersville. They'd pick up my grandmother's cousins, and then continue on to their favorite Eastern Shore restaurant. They'd have a delicious crab cake lunch, fight over who was paying the bill (this often involved subterfuge, such as Hicksie excusing herself to go to the ladies' room and then slipping her Amex to the hostess), and, by the time they were ready to drive home, the Maryland state police officer would have completely forgotten about the Buick with Pennsylvania plates driven by a little old lady, with thousands of dollars worth of booze in the trunk.

Every spring, my grandmother would call all of her close relatives and friends of legal drinking age to ask what they wanted to drink for the next year. My father would always protest mightily, insisting that if the cops picked her up for booze smuggling, he wouldn't be able to come down and bail her out for at least six hours. "They're going to handcuff you to a radiator just to prove a point!"

"No they won't, Edgar. Now, what do you want?"

"oh... get us a gallon of Mount Gay Rum..."

Isn't it the Pennsylvania police who would be interested in preventing you from importing liquor, rather than Maryland police preventing you from exporting it? I admittedly have no actual knowledge about this.
I don’t know? It was probably more that my dad wanted to dissuade her from leaving her car parked in a lot with a trunk full of booze while having a long leisurely family lunch, and her car being a jackpot target for anyone who knew how to break the lock?
I have heard rumor of the PA cops casing these joints’ parking lots for an easy quota, so the general concern seems valid. Maybe it’s an urban legend we all believe to feel a little bit badass about our life decisions.
Exactly. My dad was the king of those little stories.

My grandmother’s best friend Hicksie, on the other hand, probably helped her brother run his liquor still.
That is the best! My only MD liquor story is about being in college and crossing over to Elkton to buy booze on Sunday. At the time DE had blue laws allowing no sales on Sunday. Never occurred to us that the cops might object. Regardless, your grandmother's story sure beats that!
Moonshine runners ain't got nothin' on the ladies who lunch and their 18-foot Buicks!
From where do you recommend hiking in?

Lindsay’s story is wonderful.
I hike in from White Clay Creek Park, usually parking at the Chambers House Nature Center. It's about 3 mile roundtrip hike from there. I sometime also hit the "Arc" monument on that hike, which is the end of the curved arc across the top of Delaware. It is just between PA and DE, but cool non-the-less. Makes this hike more like 3.5 miles.
  • Making: Paper mandalas and/or mandala resin coasters. (Just a plan - this is a Teaser! Photos if/when I actually make them!)
  • Reading: Your Brain on Art by Susan Magsamen & Ivy Ross
  • House project: Hang hanger for my necklaces. Hang necklaces from hanger

No, I've made no progress on the above list since last week. I did complete a 1000 piece puzzle, and read a bit of a different book on parenting teen girls. It is called Untangled : guiding teenage girls through the seven transitions into adulthood by Lisa Damour. Apparently girls are supposed to turn into jerks to their family and prioritize friend group packs. Mine hasn't (yet), but I'm reading up on what to expect.

My fridge has given up on cooling, and it snowed so the kiddo is home. So instead of an early start to all the things, a workman is here taking apart my fridge. I'm having trouble focusing. I don't do well with workmen in the house. And it's distracting - will I get a new fridge? Will I fix this one? Should I price new ones? How much will the damage be? Should I throw out pickles and juice and grated parmesan if it hasn't been cool in 48 hours? Did critters get into the food I stashed in a box in the garage? (just checked: new one is $810 + $79 to haul away to the old and deliver the new.) Distracting.

I've started to plan my 2 weeks in Portugal for this summer, based out of Porto. If anyone has suggestions on what to do, please let me know! I like history/prehistory, art, wild landscapes, typewriters. I don't much like sitting around on the beach (for more than a hour or two). If anyone had a recommendation on where to learn Portuguese history - book, podcast, film - please let me know that too!

One of the things I got for Christmas this year is a water bottle with spaces for stickers of all the states. I've decided I'm not going to put any more stickers on it until I've written up memories of the stickers I've already stuck. More "States I've Been To" memory posts coming soon.

Water bottle with state stickers
Good luck with the teen!
It's concerning - the book is a lot about how they find real world friends/friend packs and how that affects their actions. I'm worried because my kid shows little interest in real life friends. I think she has a few in school, but she shows little interest in those friendships during non-school hours.

On the plus side, there is also a lot of good advice on how to coach your teen into making choices that are appropriate and save face. Like "don't be that super friendly mom in public" so that the kid can blame you when she needs an out. Or how to handle when another kid is in a bad situation and asked your kid "not to tell anyone".
I’m not sure why being friendly in public would prevent one being used as an excuse. “Sure, my mom seems friendly, but she never lets me do anything dangerous.” Is there something else one for which one would need to be blamed?
How is Your Brain on Art? I think I had that on my hold list at the library and then forgot about it.

Whoops, never mind. Googled it, skimmed it, bought it. I definitely need this for work.

<< part of my continuing series recording memories to assure myself I've actually been to the places I think I've been to>>

So I've only been to Hawaii once, in 2022. I was there for about 10 days, all on the island of Oahu, where you find Honolulu, Pearl Harbor, the Dole Plantation, and Waikiki beach.

I dug up some old note of some "recommendations". Plus with the almost 2 years of distance, I've added some more. 

  • Don’t waste that jetlag! So, Hawaii is 5 hours off east coast time. This means 7pm Hawaii is Midnight for NYC. I suggest you go to bed early, get up early 4am = 9am NYC. And do a sunrise hike! In particular I recommend the hike up the eastern most point in Oahu the Makapu'u Point Lighthouse Trail. This hike is paved and perfect for dawn hiking. Get there about an hour before dawn to give yourself lots of time to climb to the top. The hike is steep but paved all the way. Parking lot is closed but just join the other folks parking on the road outside the gate. Bring binoculars - We saw a dozen or so whales from the peak when we hiked it early February.
  • Turtle Bay hike is also a nice early morning hike to the most Northern point. Get there early and beat the traffic! We saw a monk seal on the beach there. On the way back, get lunch in Hale’iwa, then swing to the Dole plantation for a Dole Whip. I didn’t do the tour, just entered through the gift shop and got a Dole Whip with Pineapple. They are huge and tasty.
Dole whip and Dole Plantation
  • As a beach, I really liked Iroquois beach. It had a little food shack with a full bar. A clean bathroom. And lots of open sand, umbrellas, little pavilions. I think the umbrellas/pavilions are for residents, but we were there late in the day and they were pretty much all open. No one seemed to mind that we sat under an umbrella. The sand in the water is a little rocky, but I still went in barefoot.
  • Other things that were also cool and memorable are the Pali Lookout (photo below), Ho'omuluhia Gardens, and Waimea Arboretum.
View from Pali Lookout
  • If you're into Petroglyphs (as I am), you can find some in the Na'uanu Cemetery 21°19'27.2"N 157°50'48.4"W 
  • Honolulu is meh. Don't make it priority.
  • I was there visiting a dear friend, who as a goverment employee has miltary base access. So we got to do the Kolekole Trail hike at Shofield Barracks (where I broke my phone), an "off the beaten path" but "don't stray from the path" type hike.
Trail with "Explosive Hazard in Area" sign

So yes, I've been to Hawaii. And I have to get back there and explore other islands. Someday! 

Ah, Hawaii. Brings back memories. We went with the kids when they were young (ages 2 or 3 to 10ish), so Honolulu was a lot less meh for us. We were staying within walking distance of Waikiki beach. We also went and spent a little time in and around Turtle Bay resort and the north shore as well.

If we ever went back, it would be a very different trip of course, more adventuresome and more adult. But at the time it was just right.

<< part of my continuing series recording memories to assure myself I've actually been to the places I think I've been to>>

Today, being undermotivated to write about my current life, and my head spinning with the realization that yes, indeed, I did book a 2 week trip to Porto and now need to figure out lodging & accommodations, I’m going to fall back on writing about a State. 

I’m gonna write about Connecticut

Almost all my Connecticut memories involve one formative trip to New Haven to vist Yale in the late ‘80s. These memories are poignant to me for some reason, clearer than trips I took even last year. I was a student at University of Delaware (Udel). I had a friend Nancy from summer camp who was going to Yale, so one long weekend I took the train up to visit her. Summer camp = CTY,  which was accelerated summer classes at a college campus. Smart kids could test out of a highschool course after attending CTY’s 3 week residency program. It was the first place I found my “pack” - other clever kids who didn’t 100% fit in back home. We kept in touch.

Anyway, I visited my CTY roommate Nancy and together we had a great long weekend. I look at my 20 year old self and cringe. I was a smart girl, but oh so boy crazy. But also zany and prickly and not interested in settling down. On the weekend up at Yale I found a guy (Ed, from wealth in upstate New Jersey) who I dated off and on for a year maybe. It went nowhere. I wonder what became of him. I wonder if I’d even recognize him now, or he me. I do look back and wonder, why was I so boy crazy and interested in dating around when I 100% did not want a future with anyone? I’m thinking it was probably the entertainment value, and that it made me feel more alive, and some insecurities that needed attention to ease. Still I cringe to think of my gauche self now, and wish I’d played some things differently.

I recall at Yale being introduced to the concept of veganism. We went to some party and the people drank vegan beer (isn’t it all?) (ok, I googled it. Beers are sometimes filtered with animal derived products. So those aren’t vegan), and there was talk about starting a brownie centric vegan bakery. Mind you, this was like 1989 and vegetarian eating - let alone vegan - was far from mainstream. Vegetarian food was often meat centric dishes without the meat, and sometimes tofu substituted in, and generally not very good. It was not the tasty inventive plant based dishes we have today. The Yale crowd was cutting edge in this regard. And I, a small town girl from a state school, wasn't sure if I was impressed or if I wanted to scoff. It did open my eyes to political relativity (<<< that’s probably not the right term but I don’t know a better one).  At UDel I was slightly on the liberal side of the population, and Yale I would be considered solidly conservative. 

There is a gate to an historic graveyard just outside campus engraved with “The Dead Shall Be Raised”. I have always found that ominous. I was impressed by the old stately architecture in general. I was in a phase of being fascinated by stairwells, but stumped on how to photograph them properly. Looking back, what I was experiencing was a fascination with Liminal Spaces. It wasn’t till recently that I understood there was a term for this - I learned it from my pre-teen. A liminal space means somewhere on the precipice of something new but not quite there yet. Often eerie, forlorn, surreal. I took a number of photos of the stairs, none of which came out. In those pre-digital camera days, I wasted much time and film trying to get a liminal shot. Never succeeded.

Visiting, I figured out that the students at Yale weren’t any smarter than the students at UDel, particularly in the area I was studying of Mechanical Engineering. But still they were offered more opportunities. I started to understand the value the network at a “brand name” school offered. Subconsciously, I set my sights on “brand name” for grad school, knowing that I could compete successfully with the Ivy crowd. I ended up going to Carnegie-Mellon, which didn’t exactly live up to my network expectations. Maybe it has one, but I never figured out how to engage it. 

Decades later, I wandered around New Haven when I was there for a work trip. I was hoping to find the mystique I felt from my college trips. It was not to be found. 

Most recently, in November 2020, I drove to Connecticut to buy a Ford Transit van which is now my camper van. I did not even try to look for the college mystique that time.

So yes, Connecticut. Been there.

I am so relieved to hear that someone else in the world books their travel arrangements before having any of the “where will I sleep, what will I eat, what will I do” details figured out.

I have a great love of travel but am colossally overwhelmed when it comes to a lot of the practical details.
I hear you. Most of my weekend plan in to figure out what I want to do while there. As I've gotten older, I've rely more and more on organized trips. It can be pricey, but sometimes I want to pay to not be stressed by planning.

Next on my docket to write about is Florida. But instead, gentle reader, I will talk about a glorious weekend of doing nothing. Nothing except watching season 2 of Bridgerton on Netflix and declaring to my offspring that I will be dressing like those society ladies. She asked: when will I dress so? I answered: For the rest of my life. It helps that the leads have skin approaching my complextion.  Visuals here. Representation, yo!

So today I’m up predawn and in my sweats because I have to do the school dropoff then head to the gym. One must workout if one is to fit into a regency silhouette.


The other thing I did this weekend is make a box on my trusty laser cutter. We’re doing a belated holiday gift exchange at work, where we are all exchanging mugs. I know very little about my coworker so I got her a mushroom mug because *I* think it cute. I did ask around and learned she likes Alpacas. So I AI’d (midjourney) a bunch of Alpacas for engraving, and made a box for the mug.

4 sketches of alpacas (under a mushroom umbrella, in front of a frame, in a flowery hat, and  in the mountains with an easel.)
Laser cut box with engraved alpacas and a hint of a mushroom mug inside.

It feels nice to stretch the maker muscles now and again. I’ve slowed way down and am undermotivated these past few months. Which is okay, I know. But I also know I feel better when I have a project to make.

Florida notes will likely also not be done tomorrow. After kiddo dropoff,  I drive 2 hours for a typewriter pickup. My typewriter obsession is cooling, partially because they’ve become a demand on me instead of just a joy. The sit and judge me, saying “When are you going to get on with fixing us, Tinkeress?” I’m working on working on it, you marvelous machines! So it’s cooling, but not so much that I won’t drive 4 hours roundtrip to pick up a new and delightful one!


It’s fun to sing to the tune of “Lollipop, Lollipop.”
The contents of the box cannot possibly live up to the box itself! But the box can't be used to consume coffee, so there's that.
Tell me about your laser cutter. If I were going to purchase one, what do I need to know?
I have a glowforge. Which is a great machine for a hobbyist. Less great if you want to make a business out of it. It's a bit pricey but it's also really really really easy to use. It takes household power, Wi-Fi, and a window to vent out of.

if you want I know more let me know and we can chat about it

<< part of my continuing series recording memories to assure myself I've actually been to the places I think I've been to>>

This one is silly. Of course I've been to Delaware. I was born here, and I live here now. I did move away from age 21 to 41, but at 40 I had a kid and moving back "home" made sense. (Decent schools, low cost of living, family nearby) My parents had recently passed, and I inherited their house. It's a basic late 60s suburban track house but a house non-the-less, so I bought my brother out and have been living here rent/mortage free since 2011.

I could fill a book on Delaware - growing up in this lazy smalltown, going to the University of Delaware, that summer at the beach, coming back for visits and eventually settled back here, raising a kid here. I've been to all our 19 state parks. My favorite is White Clay Creek. My favorite beach is Indian River (err, more properly called Delaware Seashore State Park). We have a lovely blues jam night most every Thursday at a local bar. I work very part time these days at our local art museum, which is quite impressive if I do say so myself: Biggs Museum of American Art. 

Ugh, this entry is going nowhere. Too much to tell, and no story to knit it together. Here, a sunrise view from my bedroom window onto my neglected garden.

Snowy backyard

Also, my favorite Delaware bridge with dramatic morning sky, seen from my campervan after overnighting at Indian River

Bridge with cloudy sky

Yup. Delaware. Check!

You put the aware in Delaware.
Hah. Indeed I try.

<< part of my continuing series recording memories to assure myself I've actually been to the places I think I've been to>>

So Colorado has Denver. I had a boss in Denver, meaning we would have team meetings there. And since we were traveling consultant types, this meant we went to a bunch of bars and excellent restaurants. I recall a nice one in the renovated train station called something like "THE BAR". I really don't like it when places name themselves like this, but I took advantage anyway and posted "Greetings from THE BAR" to my socials. 

Also in Colorado is this swank resort hotel called the Broadmoor. I was at a conference there, back when I was still a strategic marketer for Autodesk. I recall the Brits on our team thinking this was hilarious since the Broadmoor is a famous high security psychiatric hospital in England. I also remember it was a few weeks after I split with my second husband. I recall a dude there from URS buying me drinks. But I was never much one for flings, so that went nowhere. Still it was nice to feel appreciated. 

In April 2021 my brother and I drove from the East Coast to Utah in my van, stopping in Colorado on the way. We spent a night at the Colorado National Monument park which is spectacular. It was freezing that night, and I saw a shooting star, one of those long trail ones so it was memorable. I'd 100% go back for a longer stay someday, but at the time we had an appointment for some hiking in Utah, so we just breezed through.

landscape at the Colorado National Monument

So yes, I've been to Colorado.


I was in Colorado for a family trip when I was about 14. We stayed in the Stanley Hotel one night.

The hotel was under renovation so it kind of sucked. We moved to the Holiday Inn.
Did I... meet Gooley in Colorado? It seems like the sort of thing I'd remember, but memories are fuzzy things. There was a [redacted] thing near Boulder.
I was pulled over in Colorado for driving too slowly. I was not under the influence of anything other than an overheating engine.
Was it at mile marker 420? 😜

Colorado DMV changed the mile marker 420 sign with a mile marker of 419.99 because the 420 kept getting stolen. (Now people steal the 419.99 sign instead, but less frequently) #bigstateproblems

Blue dark skies by four o'clock. New Year's Day Resolutions felt shiny and possible, a crisp list, at nine in the morning. By four the edges of the day soften, things blur into blues and blacks. Sometimes rain softly moves on the leaves outside. Winter ought to be a sheltering time, a cozy space, like a Shirley Barber illustration. We ought to be small animals living in small trees, with patchwork quilts, cheerful hearths and clever teapots.

I am in the attic office, which is cozy and quite like a Shirley Barber illustration in its own way. I can touch the ceiling in places, and built in bookshelves line the walls. There is a silence up here, though the strains of  piano practice still reaches when one of the dedicated students plays. Overhead planes pass. Due to the height of the house, I am in the naked tree tops. 

I have penned out my New Year's Resolutions. I think it is important, for me at least, to mark out the proverbial garden of the coming year. The natural world moves in seasons and eons, not time, and if one follows the seasons, they each have suitable work that fits best within them. Winter is not the time for large genesis. Spring is the unsettling time, when winds and weather change and one feels there is so much to do along side it. Right now, though, planning is suitable to the energy and space, this small circle of lamplight, the happy stack of books, the new elephant shaped paper clips.  This year I indulged myself and bought a Hobonichi Cousin Planner. I was uncertain if the cost would be worthy of the book. While it is still more than I would sensibly spend, even on an indulgence, I am already finding it a fantastic tool. I use Google Calendar quite intensely, as many do, but no one can forget a habit as swiftly as I can, so writing down the daily schedule by hand commits it to some kind of memory. With graduate school, the film commission, and what will be a year of several if not many projects, I felt the need to capture the ideas that were swirling around and to ink them down.

This year I will film something that is mine, this year I will make my body stronger again. The background music of any fitness or health I discuss is that I suffer from an autoimmune disease and like many, my health is a puzzle. It is fortunate I like puzzles, just as it is fortunate that overall, despite this, I have enjoyed the privilege of magnficent health.

One Post Wonder is one of my favourite spots in the entire world wide web. I feel fortunate to be here, and, responsible for my own happiness as I am, am determined to write here quite a lot this year.

From the dark quietness of the pine trees,


It’s so good to hear from you! I sent you a Christmas card, but am not sure now if you got it, as you mentioned grad school? I didn’t know about that, I don’t think?

I saw a thing on IG about it too & sent you a message asking about it. To be honest, I’m not sure if or how to communicate with you…but I’ll leave another pebble here & say, I’m glad you’re determined to write more here.

I need to do that, too.

I feel the pull to hibernate while also not wanting to be forgotten. It’s a strange season so far.
Email is always best. :) I can give more details there. Suffice to say very long work hours and so break was spent resting (I had about six days off) and then I had to fly to LA .
ok...I'll send you an email sometime... :-)