Karen Kuhl

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Cat alarm clock. E'er morning.

10/29 '14 4 Comments
You know the drill.
Half past the hairball
I waited til the third day to post a cat pic, but I yam what I yam, as Popeye would say. I'm wondering if the pic posts are the right kind of content for the queue when I'm not able to write, or if I should just hold out for something more solid. I'm just pondering.

No post, or filler pic post?

Throwback post. At the HamFam with Matt Lichtenwalner, slacking like the pros we are.

10/28 '14 8 Comments
What's on the jukebox?
Nothing, if I recall correctly. One of the (many) reasons why we like the HamFam so much is the fact that you can actually hear each other and have a conversation. Seems like a disappearing trait in Lehigh Valley spots these days...
I love this picture!!!!
Thanks! Would be better if that ugly mug on the left wasn't in it, but...

True, but the right side balances it out. Actually, she's more cute than you are ugly, so I guess she's winning.
Actually, Karen is a LOT more cute than Matt is ugly because her cuteness level > 0.
D'awwww... ::digs toe in dirt::

I'm here today. I'm catching up on all the posts I missed and enjoying the new "network" and "public" features. I made some of my longest-time internet friends from friending folks on LJ and I look forward to adding new biological and technological distinctiveness to my... collective. Of.. blogs. We are Blog?

10/25 '14 3 Comments
We are Blog! Resistance is Voltage Divided by Current!
Where were you guys when I was taking my circuits classes in college?

THANK YOU, Past Karen, for putting an iced coffee in the fridge last week. Future Karen, please buy more granola bars.

My wallclock with the fake little swinging pendulum died at exactly midnight. Or at noon, I'm not sure. I thought these things only happened in movies.

Also, pink toebeans are a good treatment for a bad cold. Pick up said owner of toebeans (feline or canine) and apply front paws, toebean-out, directly to face, cheeks and forehead. Is toebean owner wriggling? Good. Wriggling only makes it better. *evil laugh*

I think the pseudoephedrine has kicked in. Yes?

[twelve hours later...]

I am sneaking in a post-pseudoephedrine edit (yes, twelve hours later) to let you know that I have found the bottom of the internet. And on the bottom of the internet is this: "Bagel-Heading"


9/22 '14 12 Comments
Huh. I squeal "leetle pink toes!!!!" and touch them each in turn, which is a very effective feline gruntle dispersant.
"feline gruntle dispersant" = name of my next band.

Actually, while that joke is pretty well worn, I think I might breathe new life into it. I'll start making 'band names' into t-shirts that characters in my drawings will be wearing. #INeedAHobby
"THANK YOU, Past Karen, for putting an iced coffee in the fridge last week. Future Karen, please buy more granola bars." - Love this
Oh, lordy, we sing about our cats' beans.
Beans, beans, they're good for your cat
Beans on their toes, beans on their hats
Beans are for wearing, not for a meal
So give your kitty a fresh plate of veal

Toebeans! At first, I thought you were talking about those foam things used in pedicures. I like this definition FAR better.
Also - I have no idea why, but I really like that you're using simple numbers as subjects for your posts.
Thank you. There may be complications down the road, but I'll burn that bridge when I get to it!
Also - yeah. Bagel-heading. Didn't understand it when I first came across it, didn't find any element that made sense of it in between, and I STILL don't have an effing clue where/how/why this body mod makes any sense to anyone. (And I'm generally all for such things as people see fit.)
Maybe it's more a temporary piece, or even a performance bit, like when they do suspensions, or piercings with syringes? We need an art major in here, stat!
Just check your nearest Starbucks, there are at least two behind the counter at all times.

A lot of my days are defined by what I'm not doing. Today I am not joining my girlfriends at a winery in NJ for some food and music. I am also not mowing my lawn or starting my fall cleanup. Neither am I walking the cat or... doing anything productive, really, for that matter.

No, well, I'm writing. That's good, right? And I this week did manage to get the house back to hygenic standards (well, for me, but I was the Crazy Cleaning Lady). And I am recently showered, including hair washed, and teeth FLOSSED. Booyah.

Oh, and I did my bedding. Ahhh, clean bedding. Actually, the sheets are not just clean but NEW. I found "performance" sheets at the Blue Box Store for half the price they usually go for. I desperately needed a change in my bed situation because I am always hot and always uncomfortable (and I'm always in bed) even with the eleventy billion mattress pads, foam pads, pillows, and feather toppers. So the sheets are not just freshly cleaned, they are DIVINE. Seriously soft, like that stretchy wicking material in workout clothes. And they do feel cooler to the touch. So there's that.

Now if I just had some decent food in the house. Who bought all this junkfood? Potato chips and onion dip? What? Nice going, inner 13-year-old.

9/21 '14 7 Comments
"Performance sheets" sound like they ought to be optimized for something beyond sleep. But hey, nothing but nothing is good without sleep.
You'd be amazed at the accessories available for the sleep-challenged. ;) When they make it an Olympic sport, I plan to medal in it. Just after this nap....
I will mention... they are slipperier. ;)
Agreed. Both counts.
So performance in this case is much like it is in physical fitness attire? I had never heard of performance sheets. That's kinda cool.

I like the mood shift during this post. It may be useful to note that you went from down and cynical as you pointed out what you're not doing to more upbeat and cheerful as you described what you did manage to accomplish.

I don't know if your actual mood shifted at all, but I suspect that it may have - even if only a little. You know - the old 'fake it til you make it' thing.

At any rate, here's hoping that you're in better spirits, and the day continues to get better!
Yes, I was surprised to learn that "performance" in this case is exactly like the fitness shirts and shorts you see at Modell's. I know those hold up well to constant wash and year and tend to not pill, so I'm curious if these sheets will do the same. So far I love them.

Thank you for pointing out the mood shift in my post! I have actually been struggling with that very thing, shifting my focus from the negative to the positive. My shrink would love you. :)
I've actually seen the same thing when I post myself. It's easy (for me anyway) to spiral in either direction. So, when I'm aware of it, and I find myself 'writing down', I invert it and make a point of writing about positive things. Almost inevitably, I find myself FAR happier by the end of the post.

My cat is snoring so loudly I'm wondering how he isn't waking himself up. It's really quite comical.

Today I cleaned up the house a little, slept a lot, cleaned up the house a little more, took a short walk with the fuzz-bucket, and here I am ready for sleep again. Tomorrow I see my one brother and his 6-week-old and the rest of the gang. Apparently there's all kinds of new trendy stuff now that comes with having babies: "push presents" and "baby introduction" parties. Man, I am out of the loop anymore.

Anyway, I get to hold a baby tomorrow, see the fam, and eat some noms. Babies are fun when they're that small. They don't do much but lay around and make funny noises. Kinda like cats.

9/20 '14 7 Comments
When babies are that small they are actually martians, complete with the "AP AP AP" noise. Shhh, don't tell.
The chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one.
"Push presents?"
I don't know much about it other than the wife gets a gift the day she gives birth. My brother got her a birthstone ring for the first child, and then updated (updated?) it with the second. I didn't ask what she gets if she goes C-section. ;p
a bracelet with a fancy clasp instead of a ring?

I'll see myself out now.
Now I remember, I had heard of push presents, but my brain decided to forget it, because it didn't want to waste brain cells on it.
Yeah, I'm putting it down as one of those "you wouldn't do it yourself until you find out that you would" things, like getting married, wearing a white wedding gown, doing the honeymoon thing, all the other crap I swore I was too cool to do at one point.

You and I aren't baby crazy at the moment so it's kinda like "wut?", but having been there once, I'm telling you this is one of the saner things I've heard. (Ask me sometime all about "baby dancing" and "baby dust".)

My goals for today: clean sheets, vaccum, shower and get out of the house. If I am successful, maybe I'll even come back and add to this post.

What are your goals for today and how far are you?

9/18 '14 6 Comments
Collect data. Do nightly report. Complete expense reports.

2 out of 3 isn't too bad.

(actually, I got most of 3 done too. Finishing tomorrow morning.
w00t w00t
I made mashed sweet potatoes.
Good lord. That is more cooking than I do all year, so congrats! (No, seriously. You gotta peel them, chop 'em up, boil them forever, add more stuff, and then mash 'em all up, right? Yeah, haven't done that since I threw Thanksgiving dinner at my old house in 2004.)
Do something on One Post Wonder.
Get the damn sticky BIG THING off my fingers at work.
Get something else done at work.
Feed and pill my friend's cat. (She's an iguana-sitter. Gotta give her some love.)
Smooch Roberta when she gets home from her DC trip.

So far, 4 out of 5, with some extra credit, OPW-wise.
Well, you Got Stuff Done on OPW!
The damn sticky things usually come off with some Goo Gone. (I get pine sap on my left elbow every time I run the mower behind my tree.)
Pilling cats is a helpful thing, plus it builds character. You rawk.
Your wife, she like pictures? Wink wink, nudge nudge.


Hey folks. So quiet and nice in here. Did everyone have a good day? Did you get some work done? Fit some fun in? Eat a good meal? I had some spaghetti and garlic bread. And a nice chianti. No fava beans.

Spoke to both parents today, coincidentally. That never gets old. Ever since they divorced (when I was like 12) I've loved those rare moments when I could say "mom" and "dad" in the same sentence. So... today I talked to Mom and Dad on the phone.

Side note: Some confusing things going on with posting. My last post's text showed up in the box when I hit "write". Here's hoping I didn't just edit over it by mistake. I am also seeing extra boxes under the main one and wrote a few sentences in them which then disappeared. Minorly, I miss having a spelcheck hadny!

I'm tired and still hoarse, so I'll leave you with a funny pic I just saw tonight.


9/11 '14 6 Comments

I did have a pretty good day. Everybody played nice at work and at home. My kid baked me a sponge cake. I played some Starcraft... and then I uninstalled it, and really cranked on adding privacy locks to One Post Wonder for about an hour and a half. Almost there.

Re: what happened to you with the editor... that's weird, it does keep drafts so you can start writing again at another time, but it should have cleared the draft when you published that earlier post. I'll look into it. It doesn't look like you did any harm to the old post.
Tom - re: Privacy Locks - I'm assuming you're working on being able to do some form of 'groups' for posting to specific sub sets of friends?
Yup. We're calling them locks, because that is what they do. I like that better than "circles" or "custom friends groups."
Anything's better than "circles". ::shudders::
Had a good day. Long day though. Started driving at around 11am. Stopped driving around 1:30am. Tired.

Thought of some stuff I want to post though. Just too tired to do it. Mebbe tomorrow.

I have started and stopped writing several times so far tonight. I am all jumbly and can't think straight. Hate these kind of nights! GRRR. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow. Will not delete this one. G'night all. XOXO

9/8 '14 4 Comments
I had one of those nights last night. I ended up getting to sleep by putting soporific podcasts on repeat through my earbuds and lying on the couch with a fan blowing directly on my feet. Weird, but it worked.
I'm all hot and gross right now and that sounds absolutely lovely. I have a Yoga Nidra ... thingy ... (words words $%#%) to listen to yet. Should do the trick! xoxo
I think I need to work on reducing that "gotta post super great because it's only once a day" feeling. To me it's more about hearing from people at a reasonable volume, not requiring everything to be Shakespeare.
Yes, which is why I kept this one up even though it's essentially meaningless. I figure I'd want to hear from youz guyz even if to grump, so here we are. :) I agree with your concept.