RODÉNGH-SAIÀ is tempest-tossed world that attracts masses of seekers and strivers from many distant places.  It is not the power of their skies that calls people, but the power of their dreams.  Rodéngh-Saiàns have frankly established the worship of wealth as their civic religion.  Anyone who is rich is presumed to be talented and hardworking and virtuous.  Anyone who is poor may perhaps be lacking in one or more of those areas, but they can still dream.  If they are able to book passage to Rodéngh-Saià, they will find attestations to wealth and dreams of wealth decorating every door.  Those ornaments may be updated and augmented, but they are never removed until death.  Then, another takes possession of the door and the rooms behind it, and immediately places their own display.

10/31 '23

ÇIFTLIĞI is an ocean planet ruled by the descendants of Architect Yusuf the First.  He built the first permanent structures on Çiftliği by importing caisson equipment and constructing a factory with foundations on the sea floor.  His team was then able to continue building using native materials.  Yusuf was uninterested in the more artistic aspects of architecture, so his factories were drab and purely functional.  His successors have expressed interest in beautification, to attract more residents to their aquatic world.  Artists capable of working underwater to produce decorations that will withstand the action of the tides are cordially invited to immigrate to Çiftliği.

10/30 '23

POMACEA is an advanced urban civilization with an effective democratic system of government.  In many respects they are admirable, and they are even envied by others who live in the Quast sector.  They are, however, obsessed with presenting idealized outward appearances to hide what they presumably perceive as flaws.  Their vast cities are bordered by gleaming skyscrapers, connected at their top floors by translucent netting that largely conceals the urban interior.  Official tourism personnel very politely insist on showing their charges all of the many shops and attractions in the gateway spires, and fiercely protect the privacy of their fellow citizens who live and work elsewhere.  They also guard their own privacy, by always wearing masks that cover their faces.  When Pomaceans communicate with others via teleconferencing, they either use computer-generated avatars or transmit audio only.  What lies beneath those perfect masks?  Identical clones?  Laughable mutations?  Or nothing out of the ordinary at all?

10/29 '23 1 Comment
So Google Meet visual effects are a Pomacea panacea?

CIMARON is a desert planetoid founded in the distant past by schismatics from Horelli, according to historical records on that nearby world.  According to the Cimaronners themselves, they were brought here by friendly aliens who wanted to preserve them from the harm they faced on their original homeworld.  To commemorate this event and demonstrate their continued resolve to endure the harsh environment of Cimaron, they regularly fly aircraft with bright lights that mimic the original landing ships.  They also customarily wear costumes inspired by the purported appearance of the aliens.  These include a garment made of reflective fabric, gloves with extra fingers, and headgear that resembles a colander.  (It is not considered impolite to actually use this for straining food as long as it is properly cleaned.)  Outsiders should NOT pretend to be aliens for a laugh, as the Cimaronners do not have a sense of humor about this.

10/28 '23

VYDRA is a world roiled by constant eruptions, but the technologically savvy Vydrans manage to safely divert the lava flows and even harness that thermal energy to power their civilization.  With consummate skill, they build highways and homes out of igneous rock.  There is nothing that science and fire can't accomplish together on Vydra.  This includes their final partings, with funereal rites that always involve a trip to the nearest volcano.  The mourners dress in elaborate heat-resistant costumes, and with the departed they dance.  All the way to the fissure they dance... one last dance before saying goodbye.

10/27 '23 1 Comment
🥲 that’s lovely.

LIOTIA is the galactic standardized spelling of the name of this planet in the Ventura sector.  How its inhabitants spell the name changes exceedingly frequently.  In fact, their entire alphabet has been changed several times in living memory.  The controlling corporate interests republish everything on a regular schedule, using recycled plastic as a medium.  Liotians take learning a new written language in stride, having done so for generations.  It is suspected that a very old transcription error may be responsible for another one of their strange customs.  When a male Liotian dies, his nephews (if any) are expected to ritually eat his corpse.  Vanishingly few go actually go through with completely butchering their relative, but it is considered obligatory to at least consume a tiny fingernail paring or something like that.  Visitors should probably hire a cultural acclimation assistant before even arriving on Liotia.

10/26 '23 1 Comment
I guess the Magdalenians had more technology than we thought.

ORNELLA has a small civilization located entirely on the banks of the river "Orn".  The remainder of the land is mostly desert, apart from the mountains from which the Orn flows.  Their collective economy is centered on two forms of artistic expression -- statuary and jokes.  Almost everyone is a sculptor in their spare time, and when they eventually finish a new piece, it is added to a lengthy procession in the parkland situated at a safe distance from the river.  A well-executed statue serves as a store of wealth for its creator, until it is eventually "sold" to the author of a new and well-appreciated joke.  The joke is then inscribed on the pedestal for all to enjoy.  (A punchline is sometimes moved to the back of the statue for effect.)  The now completed work attaches to the esteem of both the sculptor and the comedian, and contributes to the permanently memorialized culture of Ornella.

10/25 '23

EUODYNERUS is an urbanized theocracy whose lonely youth are forbidden from fraternizing with one another without being chaperoned by a member of the ecclesiastical organization tasked with preventing promiscuous behavior.  This policy provides steady employment for a certain number of minders, but because few wish to double-date with these officials, it provides employment for an even larger number of surveillance specialists who make sure that no one evades the requirement.  Computer software is quite attractive to the young singles, though, having somehow escaped definition as promiscuity on a technicality.  So there is lots of employment for others, too.

10/24 '23