Operation Get Ted To Celebrate Responsibly and Happily With His Community was a huge success. 

Shelle & Houser let us tag along with them and Captain America. Ted stayed on the sidewalk with other costumed adults while the kids did the candy ritual. 

We sang "Grim Grinning Ghosts" and "Headless Man" while we walked. A few people recognized him from The Media Theater, and greeted him kindly, which made me really happy. It was also surprising, considering Ted's heavy disguise, 

The boys got tired and it was time for ghosts and heroes to call it a night. I asked Captain America if he wanted a hug or to slap me five, and he didn't answer, so I held out my palm and he slapped me five. 

As I turned away, I heard a tiny voice say, "I want a hug." 

Oh, the creaking down on one knee hurt, but the heroic hug was gold. 

11/1 '15 3 Comments
It was wonderfully to see all you guys. I am glad Ted had fun. He is a rock star in Media and it's cool to see people greet him as such.
That FLOORED me. I was thrilled that people recognized him, even as covered up as he was. It makes me so happy.
Your son made my heart sing.

Let's get this party started!

Archer and I were disappointed by the Muppet Show reboot.  In fact, we almost stopped recording it, but we decided to give the second episode a try ... and we were still not thrilled.  The third was a bit better, but we were still not enthused, and we're HUGE Muppet fans.  Come on, Muppets, give us something!  We're your biggest fans!  We're oscillating over here!

In Episode 4, Pig Out, they gave us something. That something is glorious and totally worth waiting for.  You don't have to slog through the first three episodes if you don't want to (though episode 3 has some charming Kermit and Fozzie moments), because you have your humble Muppet curators to present the best part of Episode 4.  It's not the bear.  I've had bunions that were funnier than that bear! Heh heh heh.

It's the Swedish Chef karaoke-ing "Rapper's Delight".  The video's only 55 seconds long, and they may be the best 55 seconds of your day!

10/29 '15 6 Comments
Mwahahaha. "If it happens outside of work we don't owe an explanation."
Love this.
I'll save my extended commentary for later. It could be a book.
It's all in the hands.
my take on this exactly. i was just extolling praise about the rapper's delight bit the other day :)

Lear's done. It was a tough week with not much sleep. House was very disappointing; maybe 24 the first night and at most fifty the second. Contributing factors I suspect the choice of venue (hidden in a University campus where parking isn't free), lacklustre marketing, it being a "staged reading" (though we did fully stage it with movement), and it being Lear (which is not a happy evening). Still, it was a good show and it would have been nice for more people to have seen it.  

Good people to work with. Didn't really connect with them much, which is kind of disappointing. The rehearsal cycle was too short to really bond with people, and we're all from such disparate groups it will probably take a serious expenditure of energy to see them again. Maybe I'm wrong. It did feel a lot more like "bye" than "later" after the last show though.

Still tweaking the toning algorithms in the camera app. I am wanting to break down and put an editor in for the toner, rather than just present a couple hundred procedurally generated options. It would be better to not do that, however, and make it something for an upgrade to the app for later. And yet because the app's for me, why shouldn't I make it do what I want?

"Winter" is settling into my mood and it's not a good thing. Social activity is more important now than ever and yet I'm feeling pretty cut off. There's an audition for another staged reading this week, which I'll go to, but a couple days doesn't stave off four months of dark.

That's about it.​

10/25 '15 4 Comments
(Wait, did you play King Lear or a different part? I may have misunderstood.)
I was the Duke of Albany. Not a big role but a fun one, with shouting, declamation, denouncement, weeping and so on.
All good things!
Congratulations, it's a huge role.

Ever watch a video and think, "They captured my essence in this short film!  This right here is the expression of my soul!" I felt that way when I watched the following video, which you should watch, especially All of You.

Herein we shall all be unsurprised that my soul is pretty violent and loves books.

Safe for work with headphones.  Safe for older kids but not little guys.

10/24 '15 17 Comments
I love Axis of Awesome.
Every time we hear a car go past blaring loud music we start singing Axis of Awesome...
Matt loves to walk around and randomly scream at people gushing over the show,"I READ THE FUCKING BOOKS".
(He's a little bit nutty. He wanted to be a history teacher, and he told me he really wants one of his students to walk up to him and say "Mr. Bowerman, I would do anything for an A" and he'd reply "Anything?" and she would say "Yes Sir. Anything." then he'd lean in real close and say very loudly in her ear, "YOU CAN FUCKING STUDY"

I told him his career would be epic and short lived. )
Archer and I laughed so hard at this comment. It was the laughter of people who are totally on board with Matt's history teaching plan.

I wish I had liked the books well enough to have done, but I couldn't stand them. They read too much like, well... TV Show treatments with a lot of excess digression. I mean, they start with a cold open.

Harry Potter: the books were better inversely with the movies. Goblet of Fire hits equilibrium.

Hunger Games: The books are unreadable.
The Hunger games were awful. I really hated Mockingjay the most though. I haven't read Maze Runner as friends have said the same thing to me. That the books were awful. (Haven't seen the movie either.)
I do love both the books and movies for HP and GoT.
(But I am hearing you on those two books in GoT Leah. I still haven't finished Dance with Dragons yet. I keep losing interest around the 300 page mark. And it gets to the point that every time I see Tyrion say "Words are wind" or "where the whores are" I want to throw the book really hard at GRRM's face.)
I really like the Hunger Games movies-- it helps a LOT that we are not in Katniss's head the whole time.
YES. Being in Katniss's head is so depressing. Also, the actors in the Hunger Games movies are all so talented and easy on the eyes too ...

Last night I got to tell Archer that President Snow's kid is Ace from Stand by Me. :)
I liked A Feast For Crows, but A Dance With Dragons was tough to get through. If you compare the descriptions of the landscapes and castles in AGOT to ADWD, they are so much sharper in AGOT and rambling in ADWD.

I tried to watch the Game of Thrones show, but it didn't hold my interest, and then after I heard about some of the reinterpretation (Jaime rapes Cersei in the show, he does NOT rape her in the books, and that interpretation not only tears down his motivation for all his bad acts and makes him seem like a mustache-twirling villain instead of a complex character, it makes Cersei seem like the weaker of the pair, which lessens her and also changes the power dynamic between the two of them from intricate to yawn - man overpowers woman with force), I wasn't motivated to go back and try again.

That said, AGOT through ASOS rocked and I have read them more than twice!
They seem to be kind of embarrassdly trying to forget that thing ever happened-- I mean on the showrunner level.

Personally, I adore the show. There's some problems, yes, but it's really well done television. I could watch nothing but the Arya and Tywin at Harrenhall bits pretty much forever (I know it's Roose Bolton in the books, but damn is it awesome with Tywin), and I love that Sansa actually makes sense and it not a complete twit in the show, but she's an abuse victim with PTSD from dealing with Joffery.

tl;dr-- they collapse the cast a lot in the show, but it makes a lot of sense that they do. The fact that Bran has a chance to let Jon know he's north of the wall, and chooses to go to the Children of the Forest instead is kind of neat as well.

That said, Dany struggling with people being idiots while she tries to hold Mereen together is exhausting in whatever medium.
More Tywin is never a bad thing for the audience (readers/watchers), even though it usually sucks for the characters. Also, what's his name? Charles Dance? The white suited bad guy in Last Action Hero (one of my favorite movies that I always forget about and then am super excited when I find it again) - perfect casting choice!

I'd watch that, probably. And maybe I will try to watch the series again, but speaking as the woman who is four episodes behind on Criminal Minds (my favorite show on TV right now, though it's in close competition with The Good Wife) ... not inspired to pick up the AGOT DVDs any time soon.

We are also watching The Walking Dead (also episodes behind there), but Walking Dead has never been my favorite show because it's inconsistent. Some episodes are gripping and exciting and fantastic to watch and some are just slogs, it's very bipolar.
<3 The Good Wife <3

We are bad Atlantans and are not watching the Walking Dead.
It's good, but you don't have to watch the show to enjoy the BLR videos, which both you and Brandes will LOVE.

Watch the first four in order on this list:


You can't handle the flow, son.
I already love 'em.
La jiggy jar jar doo.
I know, right! It's like they bugged my house!!!!
Damn friggin right. Although I wish my kid wouldn't insist on waiting to read a book he won't actually get around to reading and therefore doom us to not seeing the movie in the theater together...
Sometimes it's better to see the movie first, or at least not worse. Sometimes the movie is like a teaser for the book.

10/21 '15 8 Comments
Link appears to break. At least it does on my Android.
... Nah, doesn't work. TODO: fix giphy support.
TODO: write instead of posting silly animated gifs.
I love this thread.

Just delete the errant "img" tag at the end and paste into a new window, it works. OH LORD HOW IT WORKS! Sure, it may not work natively in OPW, but it works in my phone's teeny browser.

I swear this worked here once...
I think this would work if you edited out that <img at the end of the link.

He's getting settled in awful quick. 

Not that it was easy. The minute we pulled out of the parking lot, he took a dump in the carrier.  He carefully turned around, folded his towel over the evidence, and meowed the whole way home. 

If one of us is in the room with him, he's snuggly and purrs a lot. If we're both in there with him, he's curious and playful. 

Squeaky busted in at one point. She headed straight for the food bowl. We told her not to touch it. Squeaky looked at us like, "oh, this bowl? This one right here?"

The cat waited, sniffed Squeaky's back legs, waited for Squeaky to look at him, and then EXPLODED into a whirlwind of claws and snarling. Squeaky ran toward the door. The cat hopped onto the chair, and back onto Squeaky, who cringed and whimpered in the corner. The cat circled around to block the door. We threw a blanket over the cat, and hustled the dog out the door. She refused to leave the room until Vince went into the hallway with her. 

"I haven't bitch-slapped a dog in a long time, but that doesn't mean I forget how." 

Anyway. It's going to be hard to get these two to peacefully co-exist, but this guy's so snuggly it's worth it. 

Also bitey. Very very bitey. 

P.S.: Jury's still out on the name. His personality suggests Thrym, King of Jotunheim, but Vince wants to name him Turd Ferguson. 

He says he looks like a Mr. Ferguson. Fergus would be a good name for him, but I think we're going to wait and see what name sticks. 

10/19 '15 13 Comments
I really love "Turd Ferguson," and not because it mentions poop, but mostly because I want to hear Vince say "Turd Ferguson."

SLAPPILY RELATED: I Made Alex Trebek Say ‘Turd Ferguson’ http://thebea.st/1LjOR64 via @thedailybeast
That video clip made me pee a little.

And Turd Ferguson does kinda roll off the tongue doesn't it?
He can't stop saying it.
Who will go drive with Fergus now?
Don't be silly. He's not old enough to drive!
Is he old enough to brood on hopes and fear no more?
(Google google Google)
Yes. He definitely rules disheveled wandering stars.
I love you lots and lots.
He looks like a G U D cat. :)
When he's GUD, he's very very GUD.
When he's bad, he's explosive.
I know some hoomanz like that.
BAD BOYFRIEND. (Sorry. Had to resurrect that phrase. It was the only one that worked!)
Funniest part? I was referring more to myself than anyone else. ;)

Lactase pills seem to mitigate my cheese "problem". Thanks Costco for having cheap lactase pills. And cheap cheese. I guess. Well, anyway, more protein sources is good. I just need to not eat all the cheese.

Breakfast this morning was dried cranberries, dried grapes, dried cherries, peanuts, and Sesame Snaps. No fresh fruit. Winter is here. 

Have had a couple bad mental health days in the past week. Anxiety, feeling trapped, feeling on edge. Walking helps. As does talking with friends. There are probably pills to help with this too.

Making great progress on the camera app this past week. Even working on it today. I've added coloured lens filters and paper tones. Need to clean up the toning a little still but I found the bug that was bothering me.

Lear performances this week. I'm finding the rehearsals somewhat confusing but that's good I guess. I'm learning things. Or at least getting direction. Either is good for the performance. 

Later today meeting with Shannon Dea, director of woman's studies at UW, about a short theatre piece I'm working on. Hope to get some good ideas and feedback.

10/18 '15 5 Comments
I should probably already know this, but what platform is the camera app for? Happy to help put it through its paces if it's Android.
Thanks, but it's iOS. Sorry 'bout that.
No worries - just wish I could help! :)
Who are you playing in Lear?

Walking does help.
Duke of Albany. I get to shout, froth, and weep a lot. It's fun.

Looks like we're getting a new housemate tomorrow. 

He's bitey, spunky, and fun. We filed the paperwork a couple weeks ago, and finally, tomorrow, we can pick him up. 

This means two weeks of Cat Introduction. Hope he likes us. 

We stopped by the Northeast Philly PAWS building today, so Mo could get her annual vaccines, and we could do the final paperwork. It's a beautiful shelter, lots of windows in the adoption rooms, very clean, lots of cat perches. I took Mo out of her crate and held her to walk around. She purred a lot, and sniffed at a friendly orange & white boy named Rubio, who was quite enamored of her. But we're committed to this stripey boy. 

We're planning to name him Thrym, The King of Jotunheim, although a close second was Benedict Thundercat. 

10/17 '15 9 Comments
He is adorable.
Benedict Thundercat is SO PERFECT but it's OK because you'll find a friend to take that one.
Really, we have to wait until we get more of a sense of his personality before pinning him with a name for all time. Or at least until he gets a million nicknames. But this guy's got moxie, so he needs a name that reflects it.

Thrym is The Giant In-Joke of Jarnsaxa Rising. You'll hear him in Episode 6.
Speaking of which, I finally listened to all four episodes released thus far. Made my housecleaning vastly more interesting.
I wonder what the ratio of cats to amazing cat names actually is?
He's perfect. Congrats! He reminds me so much of my foster kitties.
He looks like a terror.
We asked if his ear was tipped. They said, "No, he came in that way, we think he lost it in a fight."

He just needs a pirate earring to complete the look.

Too many emails from Hillary Clinton. I swear to God, she's stalking me. 

10/14 '15

It is annoying to be about the same weight I was two months ago. I haven't been getting enough activity as the colder weather is settling in. Something must be done. I have some exercise bands on order, and I should probably go ahead and join a gym. Or find some actual reason to get out of the house every day for a long, long walk. If only I had to chop wood for heating. That would be awesome.

My daughter got married in North Carolina this weekend. I wasn't there because obviously I would have had to go to the US. And I won't do that for any reason that I can presently imagine. Also, even if I didn't have an attitude problem about crossing that border, driving a thousand miles to be socially awkward with a bunch of Republican gun nuts for a few hours while my daughter is rightfully focused on her new husband doesn't strike me as a good use of my time. I would, however, be very happy to have them come up for a nice chill visit where we can really catch up on the past few years. You may think I'm a monster for not going. I just think of it as weighing costs and benefits. 

It's a beautiful fall weekend, and Thanksgiving in Canada. We don't have any plans for the day. We might have chicken soup. Maybe some potatoes. Certainly a nice long walk, and d is going to vote in the advance polls. (I'm going to wait for the day.) Some video gaming. Maybe another episode of the Korean soap opera. 


10/12 '15