hi i'm old 10/25 '18
There's so little music i want to see live and most of it happens 60-90 minutes away so when it's on a weeknight i'm too old to want to endure the commute there in rush hour and back when it's midnight and i'm exhausted.
There's so little music i want to see live and most of it happens 60-90 minutes away so when it's on a weeknight i'm too old to want to endure the commute there in rush hour and back when it's midnight and i'm exhausted.
By the way, I saw someone pretending to be you the other day. Check out the license plate frame on this Tesla.
Then Bill got *another* new car, a Tesla. It remains to be seen if it will get a Q, but even if it doesn't, Bill will remain in the club until the lease on his previous new car (which does have a Q) runs out.
Bill and Susie voted for Trump, but I still love them anyway. If I were to dump everyone who voted for Trump I would lose half my dance friends. Such is life in Orange County.
I am a homebody now... and in honesty, I am a bedbody. We pretty much never leave the bed unless we absolutely have to.