Ursula Sadiq

"Hey, how did I get here?", asks the once and future geek. "Each step made sense along the way, didn't it?" Didn't it?

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I am in a slump, creativity wise. Slogging along. I had the flu 2 weeks ago. Still coughing from that. And the mid-winter blahs doesn't help. And, oh joy, I strained my back 2 days ago so I'm gimpy and grumpy.

Anywhoooo, I saw an ad with silhouettes. And decided I should make some silhouettes on my underused laser cutter in the basement. But first, I needed some silhouettes. So I dug up some photos, and taught myself how to make silhouettes in Gimp (=freeware photoshop).  Source photos for the first 2 below.

The third silhouette is of the 8 campers in my camp last month at LoveBurn. Created from a number of camp photos. . . . next up cutting cardstock with these files. As soon as my back can handle walking down to the basement.

2/25 '18 5 Comments
What's causing the yellow-green around the spear tip?
There are feathers tied near the tip.
Yeah - those silhouettes are kinda awesome! Nice work. I wonder if I should do something similar - but fantasy / sci-fi themed. Hmmm...
You should! And then you should get a laser cutter to make them into artifacts. ;-)

I made a flag. White bedsheet, red pillowcase, green material that was just hanging around the house.

And then I attempted to make a stencil for the flag, but I gave up after 5 hours. Well, didn't so much give up as decide my design needed to be simplified. So I walked away from the effort for a while. Hopefully will get back to it soonish.

1/18 '18