I've been working on a project that is bringing plastic talking lightup ridable sheep to Burning Man.

I got drafted into making the corral. I designed a barn too, but it got nixed. We made signage for the corral. I spent july asking and asking for people to draw me sheep, robot sheep, sheep robots.  . . and then turned the submissions into signs. I'm still working on ones that says "Baa means Baa" and "Sheep consent to photos, but ya gotta check if the attending humans do". Here are some of the signs art:

With some other sheepsters, I spent yesterday making 5 flags for the corral.  I am very proud of these sheepy flags <3 <3 <3

Also, since I have a glowforge laser cutter in my basement, I offered to make swag. Sheep coaster sets: 

And Sheep pendants (matchbox for scale):

This project has been a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to seeing it all come together out in the desert at the end of the month! It's about flocking time!

PS: The sheep themselves look like this. And they talk, each of the dozen sheep have different voices/personalities :-)

8/6 '18 8 Comments
That's awesome!
I boggle.
I'm so far behind on OPW but HOLY BALLS this is the greatest thing ever! I love the flags, I love the signs, I love the schwag, and I love the sheep, and I love saying "plastic talking lightup ridable sheep."

Matt just squeeeee'd and fist-pumped unironically in pure enthusiasm. Can't wait to see 'em for realz!
Dessine-moi un mouton.
How about an elephant in a boa-constrictor?
So...are you the originator of the idea, or just one who is participating? I saw a post on my book of faces feed that was singing the praises of one person in particular as the one (seemingly) wholly responsible, and it left me somewhat...miffed.
This is fantastic!
thank you!