Nutritarian pasta sauce
3/10 '20
- Three roma tomatoes
- Two carrots, peeled
- Two green onion stalks
- Two stalks of celery
- 6 small mushrooms of varying kinds
- 6 ounces tomato paste
- Goodly shake of MatoZest
- Goodly shake of italian seasoning
- 1/2 tablespoon nutritional yeast
Chop everything. Chuck everything in a vitamix or good blender. Add enough water to get the blender to cooperate. Blend until it looks right — no huge bits but still texture, mostly from the carrots.
Simmer and serve over zucchini noodles.
The carrots lend it a meat sauce texture.
Sure, your recipe doesn't scan, but my brain don't care nope nosiree
(Ba-dum-bum-bum!) is forever in my head in Miss Piggy's voice.
I-in a tree.