Hi. I am the queen on OPW drafts: I'm now up to 24 drafts of unfinished blather -- I think I have stuff as old as 2019.  But looky here, I'm posting!

...and by "posting," I mean I'm doing a 2022-version of an AOL forward from your mom. Here, let me make it more realistic by adding this: 

Subject: FW: FWD: Fwd: FW: Re: SCIENCE aRTICLE WOW!!!11

Imagine the first thing this guy asked for was to be repositioned... the relief he must have felt... ooooof.... holy crap. 

And then his second request was to listen to Tool. (Priorities!)

But seriously. Holy god, I am in awe of this technology. I guess I kinda knew it existed, but to read about it in action? All honor and praise to science. Hot damn.

(and there's another article on that site about how pigs like music. Eeee! I want to sing to a pig. I've seen the videos of the guy playing piano for elephants, the other guy playing banjo for a fox, and the other guy playing trombone for cows, and the cockatoo rocking out to Cyndi Lauper. I love how the cockatoo video names his dance moves.)

(By the way, the name of my next album will be called "Trombone for Cows.")

Oh, and while I'm sharing links... if you can't sleep, I highly recommend listening to Caroline McCready's youtube channel. she has guided medidations that have everything I want and nothing I don't. She even has some where she talks you down for a while and then there's super-soothing music for 45 minutes. She is a godsend, and her accent and voice is like a hug for my heart through my ears. She has kept me sane. ("Take a moment and relax your jaw. Let your tongue rest." Holy crap, when was the last time I relaxed my jaw? That was a revelation. Holy stress, Batman.)

OK. I love you all very much. Catching up everyone's posts, so prepare for dumb comments on ancient things. :-)


3/24 '22 5 Comments
Have you seen the youtube of the scientist(?) teaching rats to play Doom? https://medium.com/mindsoft/rats-in-doom-eb6c52c73aca
Holy crap, that is magnificent! Thank you for that!

I'm trying to find the article about the people who taught fish to drive a little car their fishbowl was perched upon.
Bonus points if there’s no trombone on the album. Double bonus points if there are cows on the album.
I'll have to call our producer and see what cows he has in his rolodex of session players. We're picky about our cows. 😁
As someone who was unable to move and had to communicate at about 2-3 characters per minute for 2-3 months, i can completely relate to that guy, especially the asking for food and music part.