HOLY CRAP.  We just watched Annette (with music by Sparks (!!!)) and OMG OMG OMG OMG you've gotta see it. Adam Driver. Holy crapballs. It's not a particularly happy feel-good movie, but Adam Driver acts the everloving craaaap out of it, and I love the artifice vs. real vs. theater vs. actors vs. yadda yadda yadda.  

And did I mention Sparks? Because SPARKS! (Sorry. Love me some Mael Bros.)

Hey Lindsay Harris Friel ​​​​​​, if you haven't seen it yet, I will pay you (especially) to see it. 

It's available on Amazon Prime Video. I will gladly give anyone my login if you need it.

ProTip: Watch it with captions; they really helped... not because people had diction problems (quite the contrary), but because I am almost 51 and I'm at that age where I like them.

The reviews are pretty much in agreement; you'll either love it or hate it. I am firmly in the "love" camp, but even if you hate it, I'd still love to hear your thoughts. 

(In other news, I have 18 drafts in my OPW drafts folder. One of these days maybe I'll finish and post one.)

Love youse crazy kids.

2/12 '22 6 Comments
Months later: that movie still sticks to me.
I love that you have 18 onepo drafts.
Related to absolutely nothing in this post, thank you AGAIN for your birb feeder recommendations! I got BOTH of them for my daughter Nina’s birthday and she and her boyfriend Lynden put them up right away. They love them and think they’re the best!!

Not too many birbs yet except for a pair of mourning doves. Hilariously, the doves like to just hang out in the seed trays and take naps. The kids have named them Petunia and Carl.
Hi. I love you.