Catching up, checkin' in
10/6 '19
Sorry I haven't been on OPW for a week or two... was out of town for work and then working on a new music thing. Slowly catching up.
Anyway, I would just like the record to state that we have exactly one spoonful of Anne Mollo 's raspberry jam left, and Matt and I are both fighting over it, and also deciding what final food is "jam-worthy" enough.
It is (was) heavenly.
Preheat oven to 400°
3 eggs
1 C milk
1 C sifted flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 TBL melted butter
Mix it all together until smooth (can use a beater, or a whisk) and pour into a greased muffin tin. Bake until firm, crusty and golden brown, about 35 minutes (but start checking at 25-30 minutes). Makes 12.
Oooooooh. Why yes you can! (NOMZ)
(Just left for a work trip, but when I get home, it's ON.)