Attention Rone (Android slider phone nerdiness)
4/30 '19
My 5-row landscape QWERTY-lovin' brothah, behold:
I'm currently using the BlackBerry KeyOne, which honestly, is... fine. It runs Android Nougat, and while I've heard of some KeyOne users getting Oreo pushed to them, I can't imagine I'm gonna be one of them, since Verizon has never blessed this phone. The BlackBerry Key2 never had a CDMA version, so this KeyOne is the latest device I can have on VZW right now. I don't hate the KeyOne-- I just wish I could hide the keyboard and use the full screen for viewing stuff every so often: the permanent portrait keyboard makes the screen kinda a weird size. But the KeyOne's 2-day battery life (I shit you not, and this is with constant use) will be hard to replicate on any phone, I bet.
My last phone was the Blackberry Priv which I absolutely loved, but it was BB's first Android device and the battery life was ass and it got really really hot sometimes. (I still keep it next to my bed as a wifi only device, though.)
But... FXTec is making this FxTec Pro-1 and it's a landscape slider like our beloved Droids. It's got 5 rows of delicious keyboard action, and i want to rub it on myself. They're only gonna sell it direct, so you get it from them and not from a carrier. I can dig it.
Comes out in July. I kinda hate not being able to play with one before giving them my moneydollars. I also don't really need a new phone yet... my KeyOne is doing fine, honestly. But still... landscape slider... NOM NOM NOM get in mah 2008 mouf!
On the other hand, membrane keys? It's possible to do that in a way that's good and right, but a newcomer doing it would make me nervous.
And on the third hand, I really hate seeing you on a phone that's 'perfectly fine'. You _use_ your phone. You should have one that... ahem... you want to rub on yourself.
There are a few weirdos who still use a Blackberry that runs the actual Blackberry OS... I am comfy with you poking fun at those folks. :-)
But for me (and Rone)? No BES necessary.
Oh NOEZ about shattering your KeyOne screen! Argh! I have a few Droid 4s laying in a drawer... want one?
I am slightly leery of their "We dicked with some of the standard apps so they work landscape" approach, but I loooooooved my Droids so damn much, and working portrait-style always seems like a compromise. So I dunno. I wanna be optimistic.
But I also hate when things don't line up, or when slidey action isn't smooth. We'll see what people say come July, I guess!
I didn't order one because I had to spend money on something else... but I'll be watching those reviews!