I vomited words
11/9 '16
I vomited words late last night (well, early this morning), and I don't feel like copying/pasting them here since it's a pain to do that with my phone because there's formatting involved.
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Or you can ignore it... it is a bit of a shitshow.
I'm not saying it's GOOD or even useful by the way. I just puked scream-of-conciousness style all over my phone's thumb-keyboard (yay Blackberry Priv!) and it made me feel better.
I maybe go to FB once every 3 days or so, and when I do, it's while I'm relieving myself for 5 minutes at the most. (Sorry for that visual.) But I've promised myself not to go to FB for a full week. I want to give the gloaters a chance to gloat, for people to get whatever they need out of their systems, and to give the dust a chance to settle a bit.
The upshot is: I will use my white privilege to stand by and protect people with more melanin that I have. I will use my cis/straightish privilege to defend LGBTQA people.
And I will hope that before Obamacare gets yanked that they have some other healthcare option in place for people like me without an employer healthcare option.
Called out sick today and spent most of the day having anxiety attacks and nightmares. Got up at 6, showered & dressed and cleaned like I was having people over. I want to make a safe space.
Get some rest. I'm scared too, but we can't let it paralyze us.