Ignoring Inspiration 10/7 '14
I just got back to work from a 6 week (paid!) sabbatical. Yes, I work for a company that, while not generous in vacation, does give us a 6 week sabbatical every 4 years. Yay, left coast values!
And by yay-left-coast-values, I mean a real intent to support work-life balance and egalitarianism. Not the tiresomeness of constant consensus building and non-commital hedging that comes with it.
Anyway, sabbatical. I dragged my feet for many months scheduling it, as I had relationship issues to sort. And I didn't want to burn my sabattical time balancing his needs. Which is one of the many straws that help show me it was time to break up. But break up we did. Schedule sabbitical I did - 17 days on the left coast for burningman, then the balance home in Delaware recovering.
I'm working on a video which I may never finish entitled "What I did on my sabattical". Here's the outline:
- Attended Burning Man (with early entry for build time : 13 days)
- Helped build burning man art - Pyramid of Possibilities.
- Burnt down said Pyramid.
- Knit 3 Barbie doll dresses, though one did not fit (too large).
- Built a Bar.
- Built some Ball Art
- Saw a Drag show (in the middle of slower lower Delaware). Drank too much.
- Took the 3yr old to her first day of preschool. Took her to the beach. Took her to the Air Plane museum. Took her to the Agricultural museum. Took her to Washington DC. Took her to lunch x5. Took her to dinner x3. Took her shopping. Bought her a "big girl" bed.
- Bought a picture frame. Bought a second picture frame (for the same picture). Framed said picture in the first frame.
- Took another picture to a frame shop, awaiting its return.
- Finished Shaman by Kim Stanley Robinson
- Got 4 chapters into the Hunger Games. Got 4 chapters into Longitude.
- Watched 5 episodes of Doctor Who, one which I'd already seen.
- Changed a failed ceiling lamp.
- Disconnected a different failed lamp, but unsure how to fix it.
- Got 2 massages
- Built a flower bed.
- Planted flowers (in a different flower bed)
- took out the trash x4.
- Reassembled the scribble bot for another round of scribbles.
- Designed a pendant and ordered 150 from etsy for giveaways at the next fest. Bought cord. Strung 120 of the pendants on cord. Ran out of cord.
- Ordered stuff on Amazon. Ordered stuff on Ebay. Ordered stuff on cafepress. Ordered tickets on Eventbrite. Ordered Tickets on Flavorous.
Ok, maybe a picture - as a test. More later. More reflections on the affects of a sabbatical. later . . .cause sabbatical is over and I should be working.
Mona Lotts wore an Eurythmics style leather getup.
The audience was predominately older farming sorts, and wore denim & plaid.