I'd just like to give you an update on the pickles. Since we ran out of commercial pickles a couple weeks ago, I've been harvesting them out of our fermentation bins and putting them in the same jar, reusing the pickle juice that's in it. And, eventually, topping up the juice with our own.

The pickles are good. Not the best; I want a bit more garlic, a bit more dill, a bit more tang. And probably fewer additional spices. The flavour is complex, which is nice, but I think generally you want a pickle that's less of an orchestra hit (THWAMP) and more of a simpler but more harmonic electric guitar chord (BWARRRMM). So the pickle can join in with other flavours rather than just try to own the plate. 

Maybe there's a distinction to be made between solo pickles that you eat on their own, and harmonic pickles that you eat with other food. Am I over thinking this? No, these are pickles we're talking about. You can't overthink pickles. You can, however, overeat them. I assume. I won't test this hypothesis. Take it as read. 

Any way, the process seems solid. Next year, when number 2 cukes come around again, I'll try a difference recipe. I'll let you know if any of the bins fail; I'll be doing an edibility test on each new bin as we break into it just to be sure. 

10/11 '18 8 Comments
Kimchee is a kind of pickle. It owns the plate, the dish, and the next few hours.
They bury it to protect the innocent
Yep, Kimchee definitely lets ya know who's temporarily taken over as the boss of your mouf and innards. (Nom nom!)
I definitely prefer BWAAARRRRMMMM to THWAMP.
I was, literally, JUST thinking to myself, "We haven't had a pickle update in a while..."

When you say you want a bit more tang, do you mean greater sourness? Or something else? I'm wondering if they'll get tangier the longer they sit...

Also I love your musical analogy.
Yeah, I do want more sour. A more aggro pickle, one that bites back. The fermenting guide says the amount of salt in the brine controls sourness, up to a point. I went with the "half sour" salt:water ratio because I wasn't sure what that meant in terms of taste. Next time, I'll do full sour.

.... though I'm considering adding salt to one of the bins to see if I can kick it up now. I wonder if that's how that works.

Hmmmm... sounds like SCIENCE.
Ooo. I wonder if adding more salt (or using more salt the next time) would also help keep any batches from going bad? I mean, doesn't the brine itself help keep unwelcome bacteria/yeast beasties from colonizing?
THWAMMP and BWARRRMM. I freakin' love this. Your brain is most excellent.