The remaining six batches continue to smell okay on their half-week check-up. I have reasonable confidence they won't go bad.

We ran out of store-bought pickles. I picked a tub and filled up the jar, keeping the brine that was in it. We can at least have some kinda pickle experience while the rest mature. They're not really really done yet. 

Tasted one. Kinda... garlicky... [ coughs ] .. yeah... going to be a good pickle when it grows up. I wonder if there's enough dill, though. Maybe I should get some dill seed and toss it in, just to be sure. Couldn't hurt, right?

Edited to add

Good news: I did buy some more dill and added it to all of the batches. It just felt like the right thing to do.

Bad news: I think one of them is going bad. It doesn't smell quite right when I opened it all the way up, and there's a bit of an oil-slick appearance to the surface of the liquid. I'll look at it again on Saturday to verify but we are probably down to five. Fortunately, the hot pepper amended batch is still fine.

9/19 '18 4 Comments
I too am pro pickle.
Please mail me a pickle when done. Kthxbai.
I am also a fan of the pickle updates. Come on little greenies, you can make it!
I love pickle updates.