I made gazpacho today. 

It was delicious; smoky, rich, a tiny bit spicy, perfect. 

Then the blender's pitcher got stuck when I tried to remove it. 

Never make gazpacho with a second-hand blender. 

No! No no no no no! :( I'm so sorry!

SSC: I would've licked it off the counter if nobody was looking.
Ok - I'm clueless: SSC?
i read that as short, shameful confession
Salient Standout Choice.
There was so much spilled that I had to scoop it off the counter into a bowl. there was about a cup in the bowl. I looked at it and had to talk myself out of saving it.
Oof. Man, that sucks.
it was so sad. I had the phone nearby on the other end of the kitchen counter because I was reading the recipe, so I was able to get a photo. This happened when I was trying to remove the lid, which was stuck. Then I had to walk away and sit quietly for a minute and breathe.
I can imagine. If it was me, there would have been a much larger mess.

that's not gazpacho
it's a gazpachastrophe.